

Alright so now I know a little more....

I have some options, which is always a good thing. I guess both NY and LA want to work with me this summer. I think I would rather go to LA. My director has told everyone I'm available in May. May cannot be here soon enough. I'll need to get a little more tone in the upper body for the modeling agencies and I'll know more about modeling in Europe and Asia soon.

So things are falling in place and I'm totally excited. Looks like I'll room with Aman in LA, which will be a blast, and then hopefully Nick and Jason as well. I have a meeting with a Professor this weekend about trying to graduate this May so I won't have to to worry about taking a semester off and then coming back. I'll need to get another job so I have enough money to move out to LA. And I'll have to start working out hardcore again. Though the cycling thing may have to take a back seat at least until this summer. I also have a meeting with my director this Monday to really get the details laid out on the table.

I'm so excited right now...this is such a new path in my life and I hope it takes me far!

Ciao ciao....

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