
Thunderstorms are pretty sweet....

Yeah, its thunderstorming....

I took off the whole month of July to race Superweek...now I'm working about 80hrs in a 2 week period to increase my ever shrinking funds. Yeah it sucks. But still my job is super easy. I've been handing out bus passes to staff/faculty of UW-Madison. 10am - 2:15pm everyday this last week and I'll be doing that again Mon thru Thurs this coming week. I've also been working alot of night shifts. So this next pay check which I won't get for another 3 weeks should have 79.5 hrs on it. Pretty good. I'll be able to buy stuff again. But its fine...it needs to be done. Make money, spend money...who knows what January has in store for me. I'm pretty much busy with work until Aug 29th. But I did have a pretty good night of work tonight. Since it was raining the whole night, business was dead. So the 4 of us on duty tonight sat in the Memorial Union and have some good laughs, told some stories, etc. I really enjoy my job.

I've also not touched a bike in a week. I miss it, but I'm happy I've stayed off it for a little while. I'll probably get back on to it this coming week. I've been going to the gym and lifting a little to stay in shape. I'm also going to start running a little bit this week. Start slowly cuz my shins definitely kill after a run sometimes. Gotta ease into it.

Other than that I've had some stuff on my mind....really nothing I should let out. But its nice to have a friend of 18 years down in Madison to hang out with to get things off your mind. Last night we went to Casa de Lara and had a couple drinks with some of my roommate Mark's co-workers. After that the 3 of us decided to hit some golf balls at the driving range...yes a little tipsy. Then we hit the Par 3 course for some late night golfing under the lights. It was pretty sweet. Then came home and called it a night....

Well, not much more to report. I really need to do a couple more fun things before I'm swept away with school and the like. I think I'm going to go down to Evanston Labor Day weekend....

I really need to get a camera so I can get some more pics up on this thing....

Ciao ciao....

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