
A Recovery Week Recap....

This week I pretty much did nothing. I slept until 1pm everyday. Ate. Hung out with a good friend. Thats about it. Biking was not on the mind much. I did get my MTB all built up and ready to go again. I actually went on more MTB rides than road rides. Just having some fun.

One MTB ride did kick my ass though. I was kind of getting my skills back slowly, but the 4th set of single track saw me moving faster. We only did 10 out of the 17 single track sections there are at Standing Rocks in Point. It was blistering hot that day and we ran out of water quickly. We were almost out of the final single track and my shoulder blade smacks a tree at about 15mph. That was more painful than when I crashed at Carl Zach. It hurt to move my arm, touching it hurt even. Picking things up was on the list of things that I couldn’t do now. I knew something wasn’t right. So when I got home I took some Ibuprofen and then went to the hospital to go get it checked out. I thought it was fractured or something....it hurt so bad. I saw the doctor...and I guess all it was was a bruised bone. Where it happened anyways could not have been helped. Great, thanks doc. Your great expertise did shit for me again. My shoulder did get better and felt better the next day.

Other than that....the week was relaxing and boring probably to you all. I had a good time at home and that’s that.

Ciao ciao....

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