

OK I haven't updated in awhile, but not much has really been happening. I had a strained shoulder for about 2 weeks and couldn't exercise, but its healed now and I'm back into getting fit for modeling. Went to Chicago and saw Rent. I'm trying to survive school and work. I also have an audition this Sunday for an independent film....

Thats what I think is getting to me. I don't think I've been sleeping enough or something. Ever since Freezing For Safety I've been getting short little dizzy spells that last just a couple seconds and goes away. But they pretty much happen everyday. They get a little worse during the evening/night hours. I was riding the trainer today and 30 minutes in I almost fell off the bike...or at least it felt like I was suddenly going to....

So tomorrow I'm skipping class and heading home early in the morning to get this checked out. I hate doctors, but it really has to be done seeing my one blip on the radar screen medical history. I think just knowing what happened 3 years ago gets in my head and makes it worse.

Its probably nothing, but better safe than sorry....at least I get to skip class tomorrow!

Ciao ciao....

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