
Wheels On Willy and Other Info....

So I'll start off by saying I'm finally done with my 5th year of college. I'm so happy its over. It was a tough one, but I got through it pretty well I think. Only one more semester left...only 7 credits. So close....

Since school is done I've been riding my bike a lot more. I'm trying to get fast again I guess. This weekend was a good tester. I still need to get a little more confidence and move up in the field, but I now know I'm able to sprint all out in every corner in a 4 corner crit for 60 minutes and still hang on. Wheels On Willy was a good race. 107 starters and only 40-50 guys finished. It was pretty much every big name in the Midwest there. It was fast...it was single file most of the race. I was able to grab around 25th place. I'd say that's pretty good with the [little] amount of training I've had this year....

This week I'm just getting ready for the Tour de Leelanau. I'm going on a longer harder ride tomorrow and then I'm doing the 160 mile Bones ride on Wednesday. Thursday will be a couple sprints and then I'll be traveling to Michigan on Friday. I can't wait to see what a UCI 1.2 race is like. I just hope to hold on....

And then I think I may be moving back home to Point after TdL to do a lot of secret training this summer. It'll be nice to not have to pay rent if I'm going to be traveling alot this summer for races. But then I'll also ride down to Madison here and there, stay a couple days and then ride back home. That'll probably be on my more intense training weeks.

More to come later....

Ciao ciao....

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