I'm becoming pretty brain fried. I've studied about 6 hours so far for 2 exams that are tomorrow. One at noon and another at 7:30pm. Its 12:30am right now and I'm going to be studying for another 3 hours. Then tomorrow morning I shall awake at 8am and continue to study all the way until noon. After that exam I'll come back to the library and study for another 5 hours before taking the last exam of this semester. Wow...I really study when I really need to. And since I've been studying almost nonstop this week I haven't been able to get out on many rides. I went for a 3 hour ride today after work...which was swell. It started raining a little bit, but I felt pretty good. I did a little bit more of a tempo ride just to make sure the legs are feeling the workouts. Damn I can't wait for the intervals...so soon!!!
Well, next week I'll put in one more solid week of base and then January comes...and the start of intervals begin. This semester is just about over...I can't wait to get out of Madison for a bit...some people are bothering me, and I just want to get out of this environment for a little bit. Relax, read, train, sleep, eat (healthy, cuz I really need to get into better shape starting now) and do it all over the next day. Thats all I'm going to do over break.
Other than that, sorry I haven't talked about the Holiday formal....All I can say is I got drunk 3 separate times, stole a glass full of a white russian from the Nitty Gritty, drew on a passed out Joe Comer's face, ate a crapload, and had an awesome time. I can't wait until next years holiday formal. But what I really can't wait for is the collegiate road season and hanging out with the team every single weekend and creating chaos.
Alright, I really need to get back to studying and thinking about cycling....I'll update everyone even more when I get home on Friday....maybe Saturday...or Sunday...you'll just have to wait and see I guess....geez the suspense! Can you handle it?
Ciao ciao.....
Final exams suck....
Right now I'm at the library and I'm probably going to be here the whole night. Its going to suck.
I don't have too much time...seeing that I need to learn about 4 weeks of bacteriology in 8 hours...HOORAY ME!!! Tomorrow night I shall tell of the adventures from the formal, how training is going and some random thoughts. But for now...here's a pic from the formal...you can come up with your own ideas on what's happening.....

Yeah, I'm drunk...I actually got drunk 3 separate times during the night. Craziness....
Ciao ciao.....
I don't have too much time...seeing that I need to learn about 4 weeks of bacteriology in 8 hours...HOORAY ME!!! Tomorrow night I shall tell of the adventures from the formal, how training is going and some random thoughts. But for now...here's a pic from the formal...you can come up with your own ideas on what's happening.....

Yeah, I'm drunk...I actually got drunk 3 separate times during the night. Craziness....
Ciao ciao.....
Interestingly enough....

This one is for all the ladies...
...I've been enjoying the trainer rides. Today I put in 3.5 hours. I got through half of Jackass the Movie, all of Matrix Reloaded and an episode of Nip/Tuck. I'm definitely getting some good base miles/hours in this winter. Tomorrow I doing another TT and then I'm going to go home and do another hour at tempo.
This weekend is suppose to be really nice...40's and sunny I believe. That's awesome for Wisconsin in December. Hooray global warming...
I still want January to come, though. I want to get done with this base stuff...and do what the big boys like to do...intervals. I'll also be starting at the gym next week too to make sure my sprint really improves.
Ok well...I have a quiz in the morning so I should probably head to bed...I may squeeze in an episode of Nip/Tuck first though. We'll see. Oh and the Holiday Formal starts in 17 hours!!!
Ciao ciao....
Wow wow wee whoa....

An artsy picture...why not. Thanks to Geo for taking the pic....
Can the weekend be here now? I'm pretty much done with this school thing...good thing I have 5 more semesters after this, eh? I'm not motivated to study or do anything. I want A's, but I don't want to work for it...I know, doesn't work that way...unless your a Gen-Ass. I'm making it through though. Only 4 more days of class for me...thank god for having Tuesdays and Thursdays off.
Last night when I should have been doing homework, I instead created a little training schedule for the next 12 weeks. I have a lot of base to go...but my legs are feeling great. Probably the best they ever have to be completely honest. So far I've put in a 15hr week, a 12 hr week and about a 10 hour week. From now until January I'm putting in about 20hrs/week. I'm on track for this week. I can't wait for January to come when I'll be starting up a few interval training rides. I want to go fast...because thats what I'm made to do. I'm definitely working on my sprint for this coming season....thats my weakest point on the bike. I can drill it, I would just never be able to win a field sprint.
I definitely know my fitness is increasing and my metabolism is getting faster as well. Today I had another research study. It was a TT. I was able to average 350 watts at an average RPM of 114. I took 4 seconds off my last TT in there. Thats pretty good. I have two more TT's in this research study...I want to cut off another 3 seconds and then I'll be real happy. After the study I went home, ate quick and then set up the trainer in the basement and spun for 2.5 hrs. Legs feel real good. Tomorrow I want to spin a little bit in the morning before work and then again after work in the evening. I hope this weekend is going to be as nice as it says...almost in the 40's. Thats perfect weather for a couple 4-5 hr rides. If not, well then I'm on the trainer watching movies for 4-5 hrs. Thank god I'm getting use to all these trainer rides...they keep going by quicker and quicker.
This Friday is the UW Cycling Holiday Formal. I love hanging out with the cycling team. Such good friends...and some of the freshmen this year are actually pretty cool.
Ok well, I need to dream some more...I really have to try and write a blog entry earlier than 2am.
Ciao ciao....
I don't know if you've noticed, but....
...Its fricken COLD outside, and walking around on duty for SAFEwalk hurts. I like the cold and winter, but I dislike the stinging sensation on the face and the toes.
This semester is almost over and I can't wait. 2 more weeks and then finals week. I want to just go home. Sleep, eat, train, eat, relax and sleep. Thats all I'm doing over break. I'm going to be putting in some intense rides to get stronger during January and I can't wait. I've been putting in about 15 hour weeks the last couple of weeks and my endurance is definitely improving. When January comes around I'll start the really hard stuff.
Well, the 8th cycling research study I'm in is going well. Just some TTs and constant workloads...and I'm feeling better after every one. So there is definitely an increase in my power too. Holding 340 watts for as long as you can at a cadence of 114 rpm is kinda hard...kinda hurts too. But still, definitely going well.
The UW Cycling Club Winter Holiday Formal is this Friday and I can't wait. I love hanging out with the team. And I never miss this formal for anything.
I really need to quit the Physics Library. I'm going to tell them on Thursday that I will not be coming back to work for them next semester. I want my Tuesdays and Thursdays off...thats why I scheduled it that way...and its not worth working there. I just want to have the time to train those days...and I should have that luxury.
Oh yeah...Aveda hasn't called me back about the gig. They did tell me I have 'very nice hair' though. Oh well, there will be others....
Well, I really don't have much more to say...I don't think I do at least. Tomorrow I'll be doing a good 4 hour ride and then I'm sitting in on some SAFEwalk interviews. After that its the last cycling meeting of the semester and then I'm playing some Wii.
If I think of something else...I'll write it tomorrow. I need sleep. I'm going to dream about racing and the like....
Ciao ciao....
This semester is almost over and I can't wait. 2 more weeks and then finals week. I want to just go home. Sleep, eat, train, eat, relax and sleep. Thats all I'm doing over break. I'm going to be putting in some intense rides to get stronger during January and I can't wait. I've been putting in about 15 hour weeks the last couple of weeks and my endurance is definitely improving. When January comes around I'll start the really hard stuff.
Well, the 8th cycling research study I'm in is going well. Just some TTs and constant workloads...and I'm feeling better after every one. So there is definitely an increase in my power too. Holding 340 watts for as long as you can at a cadence of 114 rpm is kinda hard...kinda hurts too. But still, definitely going well.
The UW Cycling Club Winter Holiday Formal is this Friday and I can't wait. I love hanging out with the team. And I never miss this formal for anything.
I really need to quit the Physics Library. I'm going to tell them on Thursday that I will not be coming back to work for them next semester. I want my Tuesdays and Thursdays off...thats why I scheduled it that way...and its not worth working there. I just want to have the time to train those days...and I should have that luxury.
Oh yeah...Aveda hasn't called me back about the gig. They did tell me I have 'very nice hair' though. Oh well, there will be others....
Well, I really don't have much more to say...I don't think I do at least. Tomorrow I'll be doing a good 4 hour ride and then I'm sitting in on some SAFEwalk interviews. After that its the last cycling meeting of the semester and then I'm playing some Wii.
If I think of something else...I'll write it tomorrow. I need sleep. I'm going to dream about racing and the like....
Ciao ciao....
So. Much. Food....

Turkey, mmmmm.....a lot better than this crap....

Its been a good break. I really wish it wasn't over because I could definitely use more time off from school. Only 3 more weeks...and then 4 finals and I'm home free for a month.
Last week I started my second week of base. I put in 15 hrs, which I think is good for me. I can definitely feel a change in my fitness already and I'm liking it. It'll be another long week of riding again this week and I can't wait.
Also last week I made it to only 1 of my 5 classes. Good thing I have lecture slides from 2 of my classes and they just spell out whats on the slides....very boring. I just couldn't wait until break...don't worry I still have A/AB's in all my classes. I'll have to go to all of my classes for the next 3 weeks though...and STUDY. I want Winter Break now!
Well, Thanksgiving was awesome...so much food and too much fun. I got home on Wednesday night at around 9pm. Got a call and went right out to the bars. I didn't drink too much...but it was a late night. Thursday (Thanksgiving) I helped my mom cook the dinner and kinda just lounged around all day. Dinner came and the family came over. I ate so much food...passed out and then woke up and ate some more. That's pretty much rediculous if you ask me. The next day I went on the Point Brewery Tour with about 10 other friends...toured the place and then got some samples...good thing was...one of our old friends was giving the tour, so we definitely got our share of the samples. After that we went to the Wooden Chair for some delicious breakfast type food. I went for a 2 hr bike ride outside of Point (Haven't done that in forever - its also hunting season and its scary...didn't want to get shot). After all of that I went over to a friends house for some pre-partying and then it was time for the Point Bar Crawl...my god!! My whole graduating class at SPASH and the years before and after mine were there as well. Pretty much all of SPASH was out...shows you what there is to do in Stevens Point. I mean we do have 32 bars in a town of 24,000. Stayed out late again and then just passed out. It was really good seeing everyone again. I've missed a lot of people...some definitely not.

Me and a couple of my really good friends....
On to Saturday....I woke up a little later and then just relaxed for a little bit. I got on the trainer at around 2pm, got off at 3 and went for an hour ride outside. I saw one of my teachers from high school out on my ride so I stopped and talked to him for a bit. I finished up my ride outside at around 4:15 and then got home and went back on the trainer for another hour. So I got in a good 3 hrs on Saturday. I went over to a friends house to show her and her parents my modeling pics and then we frosted some ginger bread cookies. It was really good seeing her again and her parents. I got back home and should have started my online lectures for the exam I have on Tuesday, but I instead fell asleep. I wanted to get up at about 7am to start them...but I instead slept. I'm really not that worried about the exam.
Today Mutti and I went to a couple stores back in Point before heading out. People on the road suck ass. I really don't like people I remembered today. One person tried to run us off the road for no aparent reason...we looked over while honking and I just saw a smirk on the guys face and even his ugly wife's face. I wish I was the one driving when that happened. Well, we did get back to Madison safely. I dropped my stuff off and Mutti and I wanted to go see what the new Trader Joe's was all like. I really like that store...and everything is soooo cheap!!! It's also only about 5 blocks away from my house. After that we went over to Panera Bread for some dinner. I was brought back home and started my online lectures.
I just finished my lectures about an hour ago...its midnight now. I'll have to study the old exams tomorrow and then I'm off to Minneapolis for the night and then have to go to a casting call at 9:30am on Tuesday. I'm going to an Aveda Hair Show Casting Call. I really hope I get the job. If I do the Show happens Dec 12th to the 15th. I'll get a pro haircut, have a photo shoot and a video shoot. Pay is amazing!!! I'm not going to say how much though.

Maybe I'll be able to put these good looks to use soon....hehe
The thing that sucks....I also have the exam on Tuesday evening. So I'll be in Minneapolis in the morning and then I have to drive back 4 hrs to Madison...hopefully in time for the 5:45pm exam (Which I'm able to drop anyways...so if I do miss it its no big deal, but I kinda don't want to miss it). Then I have to go work at SAFEwalk until 3am...which is going to suck big time seeing that I have class at 8:50am the next morning. But I'm excited about the casting call and thats all that matters.
I'll let you know how everything goes...
Ciao ciao...
I'm coming back....
Time to give Thanks?....Almost.....
Ah the weekend and then the extended weekend is almost here. I really only have a quiz to go on Friday. And then I'm done for Thanksgiving. I do have an exam on the 28th right after I get back from home, but it'll be easy...nothing to worry about.
Got my classes all worked out for next semester too. I'll have Tues and Thurs completely off. Good nice rides those days. Mon and Wed sucks ass....but I'll be able to put in a couple short hard rides in there somewhere. And then Friday I'm done at 11:50...enough time for the collegiate road weekends so thats perfect.
Went on a ride today...just 2 hrs....thats all I had time for. I'm loving this warm spell we're having...too bad it'll probably be gone soon and then trainer time. I also got to the gym today....worked some upper body. This weekend will be the start of the long slow rides. And I'm starting it off with a 5-7 hr 150-200km day on Saturday. I guess Baumann is doin' the Horribly Hilly Hundred (HHH) route. Then on Sunday it'll be the last cross race of the season for me. The Wisconsin CX State Champs race. I hope I can show myself that I still have a little something seeing that my legs are finally not kicking me in the nuts.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving break and then Winter break. It'll be so nice not to have to do anything other than ride. Get the legs back into shape....kick a little bit of Baumann ass. j/k Baumann...I'm going to crush you. I hope... I just want to get back to the form I had at last years Superweek....just stronger....

Look at that pretty bike....I think someone lit it on fire, beat it with a baseball bat and left it for dead....how the hell am I riding that POS???
Geez...I'm on a role with all these posts...how long do you think that'll last?
Ciao ciao....
Got my classes all worked out for next semester too. I'll have Tues and Thurs completely off. Good nice rides those days. Mon and Wed sucks ass....but I'll be able to put in a couple short hard rides in there somewhere. And then Friday I'm done at 11:50...enough time for the collegiate road weekends so thats perfect.
Went on a ride today...just 2 hrs....thats all I had time for. I'm loving this warm spell we're having...too bad it'll probably be gone soon and then trainer time. I also got to the gym today....worked some upper body. This weekend will be the start of the long slow rides. And I'm starting it off with a 5-7 hr 150-200km day on Saturday. I guess Baumann is doin' the Horribly Hilly Hundred (HHH) route. Then on Sunday it'll be the last cross race of the season for me. The Wisconsin CX State Champs race. I hope I can show myself that I still have a little something seeing that my legs are finally not kicking me in the nuts.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving break and then Winter break. It'll be so nice not to have to do anything other than ride. Get the legs back into shape....kick a little bit of Baumann ass. j/k Baumann...I'm going to crush you. I hope... I just want to get back to the form I had at last years Superweek....just stronger....

Look at that pretty bike....I think someone lit it on fire, beat it with a baseball bat and left it for dead....how the hell am I riding that POS???
Geez...I'm on a role with all these posts...how long do you think that'll last?
Ciao ciao....
Long weekend.....lots of drinking....too much drinking....

Mark and I on the ride back home....
It was a good birthday weekend though. I went home for Mutti's birthday which is Nov. 12th. Friday and Saturday were very nice and relaxing days. And then Geo, Mark and Ash came up Saturday night to go out to the bars with Mutti and I. Mutti was only going to stay out until 10/10:30....well at 2:30am she's still out partying with us. It was great. The next day we went to Shooters for brunch and then I was off back to Madison. Really nothing else happens the rest of the day...I slept.
Yesterday was my 22nd birthday...god damn thats a lot of birthdays. Soon enough I'll be 30 or something...well actually I hope not. Went to class, then it was work, went to the gym for a bit, and then it was time to go out. There wasn't many of us or too many people out at the bars. Thats what you get for having a b-day on a weekday. But it was a good time...however...now I feel fat and sassy. So after this weekend...I'm going to put a hold on drinking. I'm not going to go to the football game on Saturday just to stay away from the drinking.
Maybe I drink too much. If I want to do well next year in the cycling realm I'm really going to have to start focusing. So step 1 is to get healthy and stop that drinking. I've been going to the gym for the last 2 weeks and I'm definitely feeling and seeing results. I'll probably start base during Thanksgiving...or just possibly this weekend cuz I'll be done with exams and quizzes for a bit. We'll see....
Oh and that girl thing....yeah....not my type. I've figured out its a two week process. It takes two weeks to finally get the real look on the person. Well...she's not my type. There were a couple things that annoyed me. She was kinda trying to manipulate me...I've been manipulated before when I was new to this whole dating thing...but not this time. I know its a small thing, but she wanted me to stop saying "ciao ciao". Her excuse "its too predictable". Isn't good bye predictable? I'm not going to change myself for someone. So I'm definitely staying single. She would be a better friend anyways. Thats the report on that. And as Gehling said..."I need a sweeter girl". (Thanks for your wisdom Jaco)
Ahh....I think its time to learn 3 weeks of Bacteriology lecture in about 12 hours. Should be fun.
Ciao ciao

Mark and I on the ride back home....
It was a good birthday weekend though. I went home for Mutti's birthday which is Nov. 12th. Friday and Saturday were very nice and relaxing days. And then Geo, Mark and Ash came up Saturday night to go out to the bars with Mutti and I. Mutti was only going to stay out until 10/10:30....well at 2:30am she's still out partying with us. It was great. The next day we went to Shooters for brunch and then I was off back to Madison. Really nothing else happens the rest of the day...I slept.
Yesterday was my 22nd birthday...god damn thats a lot of birthdays. Soon enough I'll be 30 or something...well actually I hope not. Went to class, then it was work, went to the gym for a bit, and then it was time to go out. There wasn't many of us or too many people out at the bars. Thats what you get for having a b-day on a weekday. But it was a good time...however...now I feel fat and sassy. So after this weekend...I'm going to put a hold on drinking. I'm not going to go to the football game on Saturday just to stay away from the drinking.
Maybe I drink too much. If I want to do well next year in the cycling realm I'm really going to have to start focusing. So step 1 is to get healthy and stop that drinking. I've been going to the gym for the last 2 weeks and I'm definitely feeling and seeing results. I'll probably start base during Thanksgiving...or just possibly this weekend cuz I'll be done with exams and quizzes for a bit. We'll see....
Oh and that girl thing....yeah....not my type. I've figured out its a two week process. It takes two weeks to finally get the real look on the person. Well...she's not my type. There were a couple things that annoyed me. She was kinda trying to manipulate me...I've been manipulated before when I was new to this whole dating thing...but not this time. I know its a small thing, but she wanted me to stop saying "ciao ciao". Her excuse "its too predictable". Isn't good bye predictable? I'm not going to change myself for someone. So I'm definitely staying single. She would be a better friend anyways. Thats the report on that. And as Gehling said..."I need a sweeter girl". (Thanks for your wisdom Jaco)
Ahh....I think its time to learn 3 weeks of Bacteriology lecture in about 12 hours. Should be fun.
Ciao ciao
A new start...
So my legs are finally back I think. I can push the pedals and feel strong. I've been going to the gym for the last week working on upper and lower body. I've definitely gained a couple pounds of muscle and I just feel better overall. I haven't felt this good in awhile....too bad the season is over.
I'll be doing one more race this year. I'm going to compete in the Wisconsin State Championship Cross race on the 19th. I'm not expecting much, but I am training for it. After that race is when I'll begin to work on base and weight lifting even more. Only thing I need to do is eat better. I have some high goals for next year which I believe I'll be able to achieve. I'm really focusing on next year. I probably won't do much if any MTB...focus will be more on Road and Cyclocross.
Today was a beautiful day, so I went on a ride with 4 other teammates. It was about a 2 hr ride and we went hard. Sprinted up every hill, attacked each other when we felt like it, rode hard into the headwinds. I was able to get most of the hill sprints with the exception of one where I was taken by about 1/8th of a wheel. Then down Seminole Hwy I decided to lead out. Got up to around 33-35 mph for about 1/2 mile and dropped everyone from my wheel. Then in the arb I attacked hard...a couple of the guys tried to catch up, but I held the 1.5-2 miles and got to the end a good deal ahead of everyone. Dallas broke a spoke with all of his man-torque through the arb. Nick told me I was fast, and the cocky guy was mad that I was able to beat him so easily on everything. Good day.
It always feels good when you've gone hard and felt really good. I've really missed those days. I've missed racing this whole year practically. Next year is a new year, and I'm going into it strong....
Alright well back to my stupid 8 page paper on Cephalopods.....
Ciao Ciao
I'll be doing one more race this year. I'm going to compete in the Wisconsin State Championship Cross race on the 19th. I'm not expecting much, but I am training for it. After that race is when I'll begin to work on base and weight lifting even more. Only thing I need to do is eat better. I have some high goals for next year which I believe I'll be able to achieve. I'm really focusing on next year. I probably won't do much if any MTB...focus will be more on Road and Cyclocross.
Today was a beautiful day, so I went on a ride with 4 other teammates. It was about a 2 hr ride and we went hard. Sprinted up every hill, attacked each other when we felt like it, rode hard into the headwinds. I was able to get most of the hill sprints with the exception of one where I was taken by about 1/8th of a wheel. Then down Seminole Hwy I decided to lead out. Got up to around 33-35 mph for about 1/2 mile and dropped everyone from my wheel. Then in the arb I attacked hard...a couple of the guys tried to catch up, but I held the 1.5-2 miles and got to the end a good deal ahead of everyone. Dallas broke a spoke with all of his man-torque through the arb. Nick told me I was fast, and the cocky guy was mad that I was able to beat him so easily on everything. Good day.
It always feels good when you've gone hard and felt really good. I've really missed those days. I've missed racing this whole year practically. Next year is a new year, and I'm going into it strong....
Alright well back to my stupid 8 page paper on Cephalopods.....
Ciao Ciao
It's been awhile.....
Yes I know I should update this thing more often. I bet all of you maybe one readers are just dying to know whats going on in my life. Well, things are going pretty well actually and I'm loving it. I'm going to make this short because of it being 2:30am and I having to wake up at 7am to continue studying for an exam.
I <3 cyclocross. My new cross bike rules and I want to specialize in cross. It'll take me some time to do that....seeing that I'm just getting back on my bike again and really have no power, but cross is a blast. My first two races I got 18th and 21st. Not great but not bad. The winter training season will now be starting up for me. I want to come back to the collegiate road season strong in February.
School is going well. I have an A or AB in all of my classes. I have 2 exams this week...one that I need to study for just a little bit more tomorrow, but it'll be easy. I'm mostly ahead in everything which is nice and not stressful. Next semester will be a little bit more stressful unfortuntely. Oh well.....
And I'm sort of dating someone now. Thats what it seems like. It hasn't really been set in stone yet, but I wouldn't mind at all. She's cool, funny, very cute and attractive, smart and she rides bikes!!!! I really like her. I've only known her since last Friday (13th). She's just really fun to hang out with. I just feel that I'm doing something wrong. I haven't had a girlfriend/dated since the summer after senior year of high school...so almost 4 years now. Its like I don't know what to do. I'm just going with the flow right now. Hopefully I don't ruin things and things go well.
Well, I'll let you know more later on. Now...I need sleep.
Ciao Ciao
I <3 cyclocross. My new cross bike rules and I want to specialize in cross. It'll take me some time to do that....seeing that I'm just getting back on my bike again and really have no power, but cross is a blast. My first two races I got 18th and 21st. Not great but not bad. The winter training season will now be starting up for me. I want to come back to the collegiate road season strong in February.
School is going well. I have an A or AB in all of my classes. I have 2 exams this week...one that I need to study for just a little bit more tomorrow, but it'll be easy. I'm mostly ahead in everything which is nice and not stressful. Next semester will be a little bit more stressful unfortuntely. Oh well.....
And I'm sort of dating someone now. Thats what it seems like. It hasn't really been set in stone yet, but I wouldn't mind at all. She's cool, funny, very cute and attractive, smart and she rides bikes!!!! I really like her. I've only known her since last Friday (13th). She's just really fun to hang out with. I just feel that I'm doing something wrong. I haven't had a girlfriend/dated since the summer after senior year of high school...so almost 4 years now. Its like I don't know what to do. I'm just going with the flow right now. Hopefully I don't ruin things and things go well.
Well, I'll let you know more later on. Now...I need sleep.
Ciao Ciao
Cyclocross rules!!!....
So I got the Felt F1X and I love it. I went for a skills ride with Eaon and he taught me some good tricks for cyclocross racing. I'm going to love it. I'll be starting in Cat 3 for this year. I hope to move up by the end of this year actually. I've started riding bikes again and I actually still have a good amount of poer in the legs. I'll be trying out the Felt in a cross race next weekend in Delafield. I want to/will at least place top 5. This weekend I'm going to do a little skills training in the mornings and then go for a ride ith the Frugeri in the afternoon (do some intervals and stuff). I really want to come back strong next year and I think I can. Eaon is going to kinda be my coach will will be awesome. I can't waite! I want to be able to get sponsored for the next year so I need to show people what I can do. That's it for now. Time to study for a crapload of exams.....
I'm getting a new cyclocross bike!!!....

Its the Felt F1X. I love it. I just took it on a test ride today. Only $1300 and its an ultegra drivetrain. I'll probably be purchasing it in the next couple of weeks.
Oh and I got my new frugeri fork. Definitely a lot girthier than the one that broke.
P.S. A new spoke and nipple for a Fulcrum Racing 3 front wheel = $40. I hate you at the moment Fulcrum.
Reborn...a little....
Sorry about that last post. Sometimes things just build up and its that one thing that makes you snap and look at things all the wrong way. I got a nice email from a friend I haven't seen in forever. It was relaxing. Its true...mostly all that stuff I was complaining about in that last post really shouldn't get to me. I have to live my life to the fullest and not care about the 'little' things that suck. I just have to be the fun, spontaneous person that I usually am. That's all.
I just got back from an MTB with the Super Strong Freshman Steve. I feel awesome. We were riding really strong...even though I know he could have just taken off and left me in his dust. But in a way I feel like I could have taken him on. I felt strong and good on the Fuel (even though I want and need a new MTB, which will be a Salsa Moto Rapido). I've been going to the gym alot and getting toner and fitter so thats helping a bit. I just feel a little better. This winter will be a lot of training, but the correct training. I WILL come back stronger next year. I will be going to Mizzou this weekend for the collegiate races. I'm only doing B's but if everything does go right I may go up to A's for the Purdue weekend 2 weeks later.
And if anything I get to destroy a wall in our house tonight. So if I have any anger left in me I can take it out by putting many holes in the wall....
I just got back from an MTB with the Super Strong Freshman Steve. I feel awesome. We were riding really strong...even though I know he could have just taken off and left me in his dust. But in a way I feel like I could have taken him on. I felt strong and good on the Fuel (even though I want and need a new MTB, which will be a Salsa Moto Rapido). I've been going to the gym alot and getting toner and fitter so thats helping a bit. I just feel a little better. This winter will be a lot of training, but the correct training. I WILL come back stronger next year. I will be going to Mizzou this weekend for the collegiate races. I'm only doing B's but if everything does go right I may go up to A's for the Purdue weekend 2 weeks later.
And if anything I get to destroy a wall in our house tonight. So if I have any anger left in me I can take it out by putting many holes in the wall....
So tonight was fun until a point...and you probably don't want to read the rest of this.
I've been tipsy or drunk for the past 4 nights in a row. I think its starting to get to me. Tonight started great and then hit rock bottom. I don't think people really like me. They just act and say they see me as a friend even though they don't want to be my friend. I know I'm an ass. I don't know why I am. I just am. I won't believe any of the comments I get....if any. Who really reads this blog anyways. You probably shouldn't anyways. Don't waste your time.
Mostly my life is going nowhere right now. I don't bike anymore...I want to bike more though. I just wish people would understand that I'm having a bad year and don't want to be on the bike. I don't have a job that has to do anything with my major. I don't have money to do anything. I drink alot. I sleep until 2 in the afternoon. No one really seems to want to be my friend. I suck at meeting new people. I don't have a girlfriend (by the way I fucking hate it when people call me gay...I FUCKING HATE IT...even as a joke). I'm not secure with myself. I say the wrong things.
I don't know what I want. Aaron and I had a conversation just last night about relationships...Minch understands too. I have a lot of passion to give...but I don't have anyone to give it to. I can't even find anyone. That's all I want right now. I so badly want to find a girlfriend. I've put it in posts before, but I want someone now. It's different than the last posts. I would like to get on my bike right now, but I hate it when people call me weak since I haven't been on a bike for awhile...yeah, sorry I've had such a bad year that I don't want to be on my bike right now. I just want to take the rest of the year off, but I feel like I need to race and shit like that just to fit in. I finally had fun on the bike today. I went on a ride with Minch. It wasn't training or anything like that. It was just a fun ride, that's all.
I don't want people to ask me about modeling anymore. Sorry I ever brought it up. I don't want to have a huge ego. I hate myself anyways....but I guess thats what keeps me going somehow....having a big ego. I've tried to tone it down, but I guess people still see me ass an ass.
Sorry if I've put my finger in your ear. Sorry if I've said something rude to you. Sorry if I've offended you. Sorry if I've said the wrong thing. Sorry if I've thought too highly of myself. I'm trying to change my attitude. Maybe I should just stay away for awhile (probably would make you all happy). Thank god school is starting....it'll be easy then. And I'll have two jobs and want to do well with my grades.
I've meant everything I've said in this post. You think I "love" myself. Well....guess what....I don't.
I've been tipsy or drunk for the past 4 nights in a row. I think its starting to get to me. Tonight started great and then hit rock bottom. I don't think people really like me. They just act and say they see me as a friend even though they don't want to be my friend. I know I'm an ass. I don't know why I am. I just am. I won't believe any of the comments I get....if any. Who really reads this blog anyways. You probably shouldn't anyways. Don't waste your time.
Mostly my life is going nowhere right now. I don't bike anymore...I want to bike more though. I just wish people would understand that I'm having a bad year and don't want to be on the bike. I don't have a job that has to do anything with my major. I don't have money to do anything. I drink alot. I sleep until 2 in the afternoon. No one really seems to want to be my friend. I suck at meeting new people. I don't have a girlfriend (by the way I fucking hate it when people call me gay...I FUCKING HATE IT...even as a joke). I'm not secure with myself. I say the wrong things.
I don't know what I want. Aaron and I had a conversation just last night about relationships...Minch understands too. I have a lot of passion to give...but I don't have anyone to give it to. I can't even find anyone. That's all I want right now. I so badly want to find a girlfriend. I've put it in posts before, but I want someone now. It's different than the last posts. I would like to get on my bike right now, but I hate it when people call me weak since I haven't been on a bike for awhile...yeah, sorry I've had such a bad year that I don't want to be on my bike right now. I just want to take the rest of the year off, but I feel like I need to race and shit like that just to fit in. I finally had fun on the bike today. I went on a ride with Minch. It wasn't training or anything like that. It was just a fun ride, that's all.
I don't want people to ask me about modeling anymore. Sorry I ever brought it up. I don't want to have a huge ego. I hate myself anyways....but I guess thats what keeps me going somehow....having a big ego. I've tried to tone it down, but I guess people still see me ass an ass.
Sorry if I've put my finger in your ear. Sorry if I've said something rude to you. Sorry if I've offended you. Sorry if I've said the wrong thing. Sorry if I've thought too highly of myself. I'm trying to change my attitude. Maybe I should just stay away for awhile (probably would make you all happy). Thank god school is starting....it'll be easy then. And I'll have two jobs and want to do well with my grades.
I've meant everything I've said in this post. You think I "love" myself. Well....guess what....I don't.
HEY EVERYBODY...Come see how good I look....
Well today was the day of the photo shoot. My mom came down yesterday and we went shopping for some new clothes and such. We got all of my clothes ready last night (ironed them, sorted them out, etc.). I had over 30 shirts, 5 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts, 6 different sunglasses, 2 hats, 2 belts, 3 belt buckles, and 6 pairs of shoes. WOW.
So this morning I woke up at 6am to get me and all my stuff ready. We left and got to the photo shoot spot at around 7:50am or so. My photographer's name was Jeff and my make-up/hair stylist's name was Anja. They were both really cool. They were kinda hippie-ish. They were awesome. So after getting all my clothes together they only put me in 4 different outfits. But they were good choices. I got my make-up on, my hair did (3 different styles), and got ready to look pretty. All I can say is modeling is FUN! I would just be standing around and Jeff would love the pose I was doing. I must be a natural. lol. The other girl that was there modeling never modeled before just like me and honestly thought that I've done this already. Nope...I just love the camera. Jeff really did a great job with the shooting. I really liked my pictures. Some of them really don't look like me, but I still really liked them...alot. I'll be getting a CD with all the pictures and the proofs in 2 weeks. Until then you'll have to just wait to see the pictures. I hope this modeling thing goes somewhere.
So this morning I woke up at 6am to get me and all my stuff ready. We left and got to the photo shoot spot at around 7:50am or so. My photographer's name was Jeff and my make-up/hair stylist's name was Anja. They were both really cool. They were kinda hippie-ish. They were awesome. So after getting all my clothes together they only put me in 4 different outfits. But they were good choices. I got my make-up on, my hair did (3 different styles), and got ready to look pretty. All I can say is modeling is FUN! I would just be standing around and Jeff would love the pose I was doing. I must be a natural. lol. The other girl that was there modeling never modeled before just like me and honestly thought that I've done this already. Nope...I just love the camera. Jeff really did a great job with the shooting. I really liked my pictures. Some of them really don't look like me, but I still really liked them...alot. I'll be getting a CD with all the pictures and the proofs in 2 weeks. Until then you'll have to just wait to see the pictures. I hope this modeling thing goes somewhere.
La mia forcella....
So I finally have pics of my f$#@ed up fork. If I only had some elmer's glue and duct tape I could put it back together....

Both arms snapped right off.....

I think the right arm was fautly and then the left couldn't support the weight anymore....

That is some thin carbon....
I am a lot better now, but the fitness and the legs are just not there anymore. It'll be a tough winter for training....

Both arms snapped right off.....

I think the right arm was fautly and then the left couldn't support the weight anymore....

That is some thin carbon....
I am a lot better now, but the fitness and the legs are just not there anymore. It'll be a tough winter for training....
I want these Mutha-f*$#ing snakes off this mutha f*$#ing plane....
OK so I haven't posted anything in a super long time. So here it goes...I'll try to remember everything I've done the best I can.
First of all, I have my photo shoot on Sunday morning. I can't wait for that. It should be fun. My niece got chosen to go to LA to model and have over 400 businesses from all over the world look for the top models. Who knows my niece might get to model in Milan. Lucky....but thats what I hope can happen with me. I just have to do my best. I love getting pictures taken so it should (and will) go well. I'll be going to the mall on Saturday to find a couple more clothes. I mean come on this could be me:

OK well maybe I can do something like this....
Ok so other than that I have been trying to work alot to make some of that cash out there. I've been working at SAFEwalk alot. I've been promoted to a dispatcher. 50 cent raise right there so that'll help. And we may actually get a raise at the beginning of Sept. I really hope that goes through. I also got another job working at the Physics library. Freshie Steve works there and says its pretty easy and it seems its going to be easy too. I'll probably be putting in 12-15 hrs a week at the physics library. So hopefully if you put these two jobs together and a couple gigs from modeling hopefully and make sure to save...I should be able to make some good money this semester. Lately I've been handing out bus passes to UW employees. Such a mind-numbing job. But its money.
I've been going to the gym a lot lately and cycling again to get a nice bod for the modeling and to get ready for the Collegiate MTB season coming up soon. I don't know how I'll do seeing that my legs have been feeling like crap for mostly all of time. We'll just have to see.
So this year I want to be busy. Very busy, which means very productive for me. So here's a list of what I will be up to this semester at least:
Working at SAFEwalk
Working at the Physics Library
13 Credits of Schooling (13 pretty east credits though)
Training (SERF and cycling)
The Collegiate MTB Season
Hopefully be Prez or VP of the UW Cycling Team
I think it'll keep me pretty busy. I want to do other things too. Get into more activities.
Oh and last night I went up to Wis Dells with Geo to visit his brother and his brother's girlfriend. And well...to see a bikini contest. WOW those girls were HOTT! 3 out of the 10 were not so hott. The other 7 had amazing bodies and were very very HOTT. I didn't quite enjoy the results though. Two of the girls were not hott and they got 2nd and 3rd. Rachel - Geo's brother's girlfriend was not in the top 5 even though she honestly should have been. But just seeing all those girls in their bikinis....WOW. I need a girl like that.
Well, tomorrow is another day. I will be helping with cleaning our house, cycling meeting, SERF, fixing my commuter, washing everything I have for the photo shoot, and completing other random acts. My mom comes on Saturday and we will be doing a little bit of shopping for the shoot, some grocery shopping, and relaxing.
Well until then...
First of all, I have my photo shoot on Sunday morning. I can't wait for that. It should be fun. My niece got chosen to go to LA to model and have over 400 businesses from all over the world look for the top models. Who knows my niece might get to model in Milan. Lucky....but thats what I hope can happen with me. I just have to do my best. I love getting pictures taken so it should (and will) go well. I'll be going to the mall on Saturday to find a couple more clothes. I mean come on this could be me:

OK well maybe I can do something like this....
Ok so other than that I have been trying to work alot to make some of that cash out there. I've been working at SAFEwalk alot. I've been promoted to a dispatcher. 50 cent raise right there so that'll help. And we may actually get a raise at the beginning of Sept. I really hope that goes through. I also got another job working at the Physics library. Freshie Steve works there and says its pretty easy and it seems its going to be easy too. I'll probably be putting in 12-15 hrs a week at the physics library. So hopefully if you put these two jobs together and a couple gigs from modeling hopefully and make sure to save...I should be able to make some good money this semester. Lately I've been handing out bus passes to UW employees. Such a mind-numbing job. But its money.
I've been going to the gym a lot lately and cycling again to get a nice bod for the modeling and to get ready for the Collegiate MTB season coming up soon. I don't know how I'll do seeing that my legs have been feeling like crap for mostly all of time. We'll just have to see.
So this year I want to be busy. Very busy, which means very productive for me. So here's a list of what I will be up to this semester at least:
Working at SAFEwalk
Working at the Physics Library
13 Credits of Schooling (13 pretty east credits though)
Training (SERF and cycling)
The Collegiate MTB Season
Hopefully be Prez or VP of the UW Cycling Team
I think it'll keep me pretty busy. I want to do other things too. Get into more activities.
Oh and last night I went up to Wis Dells with Geo to visit his brother and his brother's girlfriend. And well...to see a bikini contest. WOW those girls were HOTT! 3 out of the 10 were not so hott. The other 7 had amazing bodies and were very very HOTT. I didn't quite enjoy the results though. Two of the girls were not hott and they got 2nd and 3rd. Rachel - Geo's brother's girlfriend was not in the top 5 even though she honestly should have been. But just seeing all those girls in their bikinis....WOW. I need a girl like that.
Well, tomorrow is another day. I will be helping with cleaning our house, cycling meeting, SERF, fixing my commuter, washing everything I have for the photo shoot, and completing other random acts. My mom comes on Saturday and we will be doing a little bit of shopping for the shoot, some grocery shopping, and relaxing.
Well until then...
I'm still alive....
Ok so quickly here is what I've done, gotten, been up to:
1) I'm back on the bike
2) I bought a Nintendo DS
3) I got some new clothes
4) I can't wait for my photo shoot
5) Mark got me addicted to Guitar Hero
6) I started going to the gym again (forming some abs actually)
7) I've been sleeping alot
8) I've been working a crapload (the next 4 weeks I'll be putting in 107 hrs)
9) I enjoy life
1) I'm back on the bike
2) I bought a Nintendo DS
3) I got some new clothes
4) I can't wait for my photo shoot
5) Mark got me addicted to Guitar Hero
6) I started going to the gym again (forming some abs actually)
7) I've been sleeping alot
8) I've been working a crapload (the next 4 weeks I'll be putting in 107 hrs)
9) I enjoy life
A little better....
My leg doesn't hurt as much anymore and the road rash on the chin is healing nicely. I have a replacement Reynolds fork for the Frugeri for now. I'll be installing it tomorrow...and then possibly going on the first ride after the crash to check out the leg. I think I'll do the last week of Superweek if the leg does feel good and heals correctly. The rest of the year will probably just be training for Collegiate MTB Nats. This year has not been going the way I was hoping it was going to be.

After my leg operation....The doctor said it should heal just fine...
It occured to me I could have died when the whole accident happened. I wasn't wearing a helmet...I kissed the asphalt at around 20-22mph...I've already had a stroke so another head injury would not have been good...I could have been hit by a car passing me. Nothing bad happened. Someone up there must really like me. But its hard, I've had so many close calls in my life...Sometimes it seems like one of those times should have done me in. I know most of you probably don't want to hear that, but its true. I'm just really good at hurting myself severely and then recovering with nothing wrong. What can I say...
Today I cleaned my room finally. 4 hours and some moving around of furniture and its done. I'm actually pretty happy with it. Finally nice and clean. I just can't wait until all the construction in the house is done. It'll definitely be nice. I DO honestly feel spoiled in this house and I really don't deserve it.
I got an email from Kat today. She was the one in Italy I could tell almost anything...the female Minch if you will. I miss her alot. It took her awhile to email me back. She was very sorry about that. I was disappointed that I never got a call from her when she got back to the states. Now she's in NY...very far away from me. I do miss her. I don't think I could be mad at her. I'll try and give her a call later on this week.
I'll be going up to Point tomorrow to see Boner, Will and Minch and to explode a shitload of fireworks. Minch and I made a 425 count sparkler bomb. It'll be insane if it goes off like its suppose to. Then on Monday it sounds like we'll be going on a trip to Great America. That should be fun...I think it says something about not going on roller coasters if you've had a stroke...hmmm. Oh well. I'm not going to have that stop me.
Two more months of summer left. So much to still do. I need to get motivated. I want my crush to come back from Germany. I want a girlfriend. We'll see what happens....

After my leg operation....The doctor said it should heal just fine...
It occured to me I could have died when the whole accident happened. I wasn't wearing a helmet...I kissed the asphalt at around 20-22mph...I've already had a stroke so another head injury would not have been good...I could have been hit by a car passing me. Nothing bad happened. Someone up there must really like me. But its hard, I've had so many close calls in my life...Sometimes it seems like one of those times should have done me in. I know most of you probably don't want to hear that, but its true. I'm just really good at hurting myself severely and then recovering with nothing wrong. What can I say...
Today I cleaned my room finally. 4 hours and some moving around of furniture and its done. I'm actually pretty happy with it. Finally nice and clean. I just can't wait until all the construction in the house is done. It'll definitely be nice. I DO honestly feel spoiled in this house and I really don't deserve it.
I got an email from Kat today. She was the one in Italy I could tell almost anything...the female Minch if you will. I miss her alot. It took her awhile to email me back. She was very sorry about that. I was disappointed that I never got a call from her when she got back to the states. Now she's in NY...very far away from me. I do miss her. I don't think I could be mad at her. I'll try and give her a call later on this week.
I'll be going up to Point tomorrow to see Boner, Will and Minch and to explode a shitload of fireworks. Minch and I made a 425 count sparkler bomb. It'll be insane if it goes off like its suppose to. Then on Monday it sounds like we'll be going on a trip to Great America. That should be fun...I think it says something about not going on roller coasters if you've had a stroke...hmmm. Oh well. I'm not going to have that stop me.
Two more months of summer left. So much to still do. I need to get motivated. I want my crush to come back from Germany. I want a girlfriend. We'll see what happens....
I could use a rub down....
So I didn't feel like doing the MTB race today so I didn't. Instead I got out of bed around 10am, watched the tour, and then went on a bike ride. I felt really good on the 3 hr ride. I went to Beilleville and then went up Observatory Hill in preparation for Superweek.
I got back home and did a little sunbathing. I actually fell asleep outside in the sun for 2 hrs...yet didn't burn...hmm.
Then I was going to meet Geo, Ash and Amelia at Rhythm and Booms. So I got on the Frugeri and decided to TT it to the Park. I'm doing really really well. And then BAM!!! I go over my handlebars and scrape my chin and hands. And my thigh is in intense pain. I look back at my bike....and...well...my fork is not connected to the bike anymore. Yes, my fork broke in two. Umm...I've never crashed my baby, or never had anything crazy happen to it. So the fork must have had a problem. I was able to walk to the fireworks in pain.
Now I sit here in pain still. I either severely sprained a muscle or cracked a bone slightly. We'll see what it is. I may not be doing Superweek. I'll put pics up of the fork later on.
I got back home and did a little sunbathing. I actually fell asleep outside in the sun for 2 hrs...yet didn't burn...hmm.
Then I was going to meet Geo, Ash and Amelia at Rhythm and Booms. So I got on the Frugeri and decided to TT it to the Park. I'm doing really really well. And then BAM!!! I go over my handlebars and scrape my chin and hands. And my thigh is in intense pain. I look back at my bike....and...well...my fork is not connected to the bike anymore. Yes, my fork broke in two. Umm...I've never crashed my baby, or never had anything crazy happen to it. So the fork must have had a problem. I was able to walk to the fireworks in pain.
Now I sit here in pain still. I either severely sprained a muscle or cracked a bone slightly. We'll see what it is. I may not be doing Superweek. I'll put pics up of the fork later on.
Oooo...Piece of Candy....
Ok so this has been a pretty good week....
First of all on Tuesday I had my interview at the Rock Agency and well, they want to sign me. I guess I have a good body and good bone structure for fashion and runway work....which was what I was going for. The interview went very well and I could see almost right away that she liked me. The only thing they want me to do is to grow out my hair for a month or two. In August I will be getting professional pictures taken for my "business card". That'll cost $500. But hey, I'll be making $95-$130 at gigs. So that should be fun. But yeah...I'm a male model now! Ego grows a little more....
On Wednesday Geo and I took a drive over to Ann Arbor to see some of my villa peoples. It was an awesome time. It was so good to see them again. We stayed there until Friday morning. We saw the campus, saw town, and drank a lot of Sangria. We got into a border fight with some guy named Patrick and Beard Man (he was a dumbass and couldn't hold his alcohol). Their only comeback was about cheese. It was really stupid, but I was getting severely annoyed. Patrick later on apologized to me, but I still thought he was an idiot. Met one of Karen's friends...Jaime...he was really cool and laid back. It was definitely nice meeting him. So hopefully all of them come to Wisconsin at the end of July/beginning of August. If not we'll definitely see them again because Geo and I will be staying at Karen's house again for the Michigan/Wisconsin Football game in Sept.

The whole gang at Silvio's Pizzeria...
We got back last night at 9pm...we left Ann Arbor at 11am (our time). That was a fucking long drive. We got a late start because our car's battery decided to die and we had to jump it with Karen's car. I hate Illinois traffic, construction and tolls. On the way back home Geo and I bought about $300 worth of fireworks. We didn't actually pay that much...it was buy 1 get 2 free. Dangerous, exploding projectiles will be happening soon...probably out in Lake Mills at Ashley's house. That'll be a fun time. Mark you should be here so we can shoot fireworks at you. Geez...

Before we found out the Car decided it didn't want to go anywhere...

Trying to Bump Start the Mazda...
Last night was interesting and fun. Ash, Geo, Gehling, and I went to the terrace to drink. We each had a pitcher of beer. I just started drinking it right out of the pitcher. Then when it was time to go we chugged the last 1/4 of the pitcher. Wow that got me drunk...but we went to the bars after that. We went to the Nitty and each had a Long Island Ice Tea. Then it was off to Hawks for some more drinks. I know I had 2 more capt. and cokes (which by the way were very strong). Geo and Ash had a crapload to drink also...we were all just tanked. We spent the night at Ash's place and this morning we woke up to watch the Prologue of the Tour de France. That race is going to suck this year cuz of all of this doping scandal. I was going for Ullrich...but never mind....go Big George!
Today we are just relaxing and watching the World Cup. Later on we'll be going to Rhythm and Booms for the Midwest's largest fireworks display. And Minch is coming down to hang out with us too! Tomorrow morning its off to Eau Claire for WORS #5. I really need to start biking more. I don't even know how many Superweek races I'm doing anymore. We'll see....
First of all on Tuesday I had my interview at the Rock Agency and well, they want to sign me. I guess I have a good body and good bone structure for fashion and runway work....which was what I was going for. The interview went very well and I could see almost right away that she liked me. The only thing they want me to do is to grow out my hair for a month or two. In August I will be getting professional pictures taken for my "business card". That'll cost $500. But hey, I'll be making $95-$130 at gigs. So that should be fun. But yeah...I'm a male model now! Ego grows a little more....
On Wednesday Geo and I took a drive over to Ann Arbor to see some of my villa peoples. It was an awesome time. It was so good to see them again. We stayed there until Friday morning. We saw the campus, saw town, and drank a lot of Sangria. We got into a border fight with some guy named Patrick and Beard Man (he was a dumbass and couldn't hold his alcohol). Their only comeback was about cheese. It was really stupid, but I was getting severely annoyed. Patrick later on apologized to me, but I still thought he was an idiot. Met one of Karen's friends...Jaime...he was really cool and laid back. It was definitely nice meeting him. So hopefully all of them come to Wisconsin at the end of July/beginning of August. If not we'll definitely see them again because Geo and I will be staying at Karen's house again for the Michigan/Wisconsin Football game in Sept.

The whole gang at Silvio's Pizzeria...
We got back last night at 9pm...we left Ann Arbor at 11am (our time). That was a fucking long drive. We got a late start because our car's battery decided to die and we had to jump it with Karen's car. I hate Illinois traffic, construction and tolls. On the way back home Geo and I bought about $300 worth of fireworks. We didn't actually pay that much...it was buy 1 get 2 free. Dangerous, exploding projectiles will be happening soon...probably out in Lake Mills at Ashley's house. That'll be a fun time. Mark you should be here so we can shoot fireworks at you. Geez...

Before we found out the Car decided it didn't want to go anywhere...

Trying to Bump Start the Mazda...
Last night was interesting and fun. Ash, Geo, Gehling, and I went to the terrace to drink. We each had a pitcher of beer. I just started drinking it right out of the pitcher. Then when it was time to go we chugged the last 1/4 of the pitcher. Wow that got me drunk...but we went to the bars after that. We went to the Nitty and each had a Long Island Ice Tea. Then it was off to Hawks for some more drinks. I know I had 2 more capt. and cokes (which by the way were very strong). Geo and Ash had a crapload to drink also...we were all just tanked. We spent the night at Ash's place and this morning we woke up to watch the Prologue of the Tour de France. That race is going to suck this year cuz of all of this doping scandal. I was going for Ullrich...but never mind....go Big George!
Today we are just relaxing and watching the World Cup. Later on we'll be going to Rhythm and Booms for the Midwest's largest fireworks display. And Minch is coming down to hang out with us too! Tomorrow morning its off to Eau Claire for WORS #5. I really need to start biking more. I don't even know how many Superweek races I'm doing anymore. We'll see....
Summer cleaning and modeling....
Woke up today and found out that we need to clear everything out of our living room by tomorrow. A little later we need to clear everything out of the fun room because they will be totally redone w/ new insulation and walls like the living room. After that we'll be eating out for a while as our kitchen is getting a makeover also. So today I finally started cleaning my room a litte...which I should have done a long time ago. Craziness....sometimes I feel spoiled in this house and that I don't deserve it.
Well, I have my interview for the Rock Agency in an hour. I've done all I can do to look as good as I can. I've always been good with interviews so that part will be easy. I just need to be what they're looking for. I hope I don't have too much competition either. I want this bad. Lets see how it goes. Wish me luck....
Well, I have my interview for the Rock Agency in an hour. I've done all I can do to look as good as I can. I've always been good with interviews so that part will be easy. I just need to be what they're looking for. I hope I don't have too much competition either. I want this bad. Lets see how it goes. Wish me luck....
Some pics from the Metro Challenge....
Pasta Carbonara....
I really miss Italy. I need to start making some Italian dishes. First on the list Pasta Carbonara. Its actually pretty easy...all you need:
For the Sauce:
6 egg yolks
Freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
Heavy Cream
Then you just need some fettuccini pasta. Cook the noodles like usual.
Mix the 6 egg yolks together with the parmesan cheese and 2 cups of heavy cream. Cook the bacon in a pan until crispy. Turn the heat off and add the mixture to the bacon (if you leave the heat on it will curdle the eggs, we don't want that). The heat from the pan and bacon will heat the sauce. After the creamy sauce has thickened, turn the heat on very low and add the cooked pasta to the sauce and heat. Finish the top off with chopped chives and enjoy.
I can't wait to make that. I think everyone at MGM will enjoy the meal. You should try cooking it too.
I don't really have much else to say...other than I can't wait until my interview at The Rock Agency tomorrow. Also tomorrow Dallas and I are planning on a 4 hour ride. Should be a good day tomorrow.
For the Sauce:
6 egg yolks
Freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
Heavy Cream
Then you just need some fettuccini pasta. Cook the noodles like usual.
Mix the 6 egg yolks together with the parmesan cheese and 2 cups of heavy cream. Cook the bacon in a pan until crispy. Turn the heat off and add the mixture to the bacon (if you leave the heat on it will curdle the eggs, we don't want that). The heat from the pan and bacon will heat the sauce. After the creamy sauce has thickened, turn the heat on very low and add the cooked pasta to the sauce and heat. Finish the top off with chopped chives and enjoy.
I can't wait to make that. I think everyone at MGM will enjoy the meal. You should try cooking it too.
I don't really have much else to say...other than I can't wait until my interview at The Rock Agency tomorrow. Also tomorrow Dallas and I are planning on a 4 hour ride. Should be a good day tomorrow.
6 Hours of MTB'ing is....well...a lot of MTB'ing....
Right now I'm watching the Sunday Night Sex Show with Sue Johanson. She rules....if you want to learn more about her and the show go to:
She told me to tell you to visit the site.
I think I'm going to start up with the blogging thing again...especially because I like the new look of my new template...
OK so yesterday I woke up and thought....SHIT, I have to ride my mountain bike for 6 straight hours today. The race was over at Crystal Ridge in Franklin, WI. The course was pretty easy...and I really liked it. But....6 hours on a mountain bike does hurt. I did pretty well. I placed 6th out of 25 in the field. I did 9 laps totalling 56 miles in 5hrs 43min. Geo got 11th with 8 laps (his brake stopped working for a little bit and then he got a pinch flat). Gehling got 24th...he flatted twice. He was only able to go 5 laps. The course was very turny and there were 2 major climbs and 2 minor ones. The best part was the 3 switchbacks at the end of the lap. So Fast! My legs felt great the hole time, but I didn't want to go to hard seeing that it was my first endurance MTB race. I was happy with my placing. And I didn't have any mechanicals, which was great and surprising. I ate right and fueled up at the right times. Oatmeal cream pies are the best fuel for an endurance race...no doubt. 310 calories per pie...I recommend it. Good race overall...and I think my legs are back...sort of. I definitely overtrained in Italy, which really sucks, but how could you not? I'll get better...superweek will really help.

Geo and I after our 6 hrs of being on a mountain bike...
This Tuesday I have a Maxtest. I hope to hit at least 445 watts and I better. Then in August I have another research study. That one will really see where I am at the end of the season.
Also on Tuesday I have my interview for the Rock Agency. God I hope I get signed. It would be pretty cool to be a model. I enjoy jobs where you really don't have to do much...seeing that I'm pretty lazy actually. So I have everything planned for what I'm going to wear. If I do get signed I'll have a fricken huge ego, but oh well.
Today I went over to the Holy Hill area to watch Ashley ride Cash the Horse. It was interesting and Cash seemed to be a nice and friendly horse. Seemed nice, calm and listened better than a lot of the other horses.

Me and Cash...
Well, on Wednesday Geo and I drive over to Ann Arbor to see some of the Villa peoples. I can't wait to see them. Its been too long. It'll definitely be a good time.
She told me to tell you to visit the site.
I think I'm going to start up with the blogging thing again...especially because I like the new look of my new template...
OK so yesterday I woke up and thought....SHIT, I have to ride my mountain bike for 6 straight hours today. The race was over at Crystal Ridge in Franklin, WI. The course was pretty easy...and I really liked it. But....6 hours on a mountain bike does hurt. I did pretty well. I placed 6th out of 25 in the field. I did 9 laps totalling 56 miles in 5hrs 43min. Geo got 11th with 8 laps (his brake stopped working for a little bit and then he got a pinch flat). Gehling got 24th...he flatted twice. He was only able to go 5 laps. The course was very turny and there were 2 major climbs and 2 minor ones. The best part was the 3 switchbacks at the end of the lap. So Fast! My legs felt great the hole time, but I didn't want to go to hard seeing that it was my first endurance MTB race. I was happy with my placing. And I didn't have any mechanicals, which was great and surprising. I ate right and fueled up at the right times. Oatmeal cream pies are the best fuel for an endurance race...no doubt. 310 calories per pie...I recommend it. Good race overall...and I think my legs are back...sort of. I definitely overtrained in Italy, which really sucks, but how could you not? I'll get better...superweek will really help.

Geo and I after our 6 hrs of being on a mountain bike...
This Tuesday I have a Maxtest. I hope to hit at least 445 watts and I better. Then in August I have another research study. That one will really see where I am at the end of the season.
Also on Tuesday I have my interview for the Rock Agency. God I hope I get signed. It would be pretty cool to be a model. I enjoy jobs where you really don't have to do much...seeing that I'm pretty lazy actually. So I have everything planned for what I'm going to wear. If I do get signed I'll have a fricken huge ego, but oh well.
Today I went over to the Holy Hill area to watch Ashley ride Cash the Horse. It was interesting and Cash seemed to be a nice and friendly horse. Seemed nice, calm and listened better than a lot of the other horses.

Me and Cash...
Well, on Wednesday Geo and I drive over to Ann Arbor to see some of the Villa peoples. I can't wait to see them. Its been too long. It'll definitely be a good time.
What has been on my mind?....
That is a question that I have been wondering for a while.
Well, to start off I got back from Italy on May 10th and I missed it right away. I hate the US. I hate the US lifestyle, the food, and motorists. They're fricken morons and retarded. Don't get me wrong, I missed all of my friends and family, but there's now just something missing and thats Italy. I feel like I belong there and I want to belong there.
When I got back to Madison on May 18th, my body decided to breakdown and have me go through hell. I got some stomach flu thingy. The first night I puked 6 times and had horrible shits. It lasted for 7-8 days. I could barely eat, and I lost 10 pounds in 3 days....thats always nice. I had to take more time off the bike for that....I didn't ride my bike for 5 weeks and that was killer. Lost some fitness. But since that point in time I've been feeling alright....except for the legs.
I only work at SAFEwalk this summer and I barely have any money. I'm doing another research study on the bike, with shocking and stuff, so theres a little bit more income. This Tuesday I actually have an interview at a modeling agency. Hopefully they like my looks and sign me. I think that would be a cool job. I'm also a lazy person and hate working, so the less work for money the better. If that doesn't go through I may get a job at Capital Foods cuz I really need some more money. We'll see what I do. If anything I stop eating and doing fun things. Great....
As for my legs...they have been feeling like complete shit for the past two months. Racing hasn't been going the way I was hoping it would and I haven't really been training. When your legs feel so shitty, you kinda lose any motivation to keep riding. But finally just the other day I went for a ride with Dallas and I finally felt decent on a bike. The 65 mile ride opened up my legs for some reason. The ride even today felt great and I felt like I had power again. Thank god its starting to feel good now...Superweek is in 2 weeks and I want to go for the overall (at least a top 10 if I could). We'll see....
And things have been on my mind definitely as many of you probably have noticed and have asked about it. Yes, I haven't been myself lately...or at least I can tell. I was an asshole last night and drank myself silly. I was stupid and should never have done that. I embarrassed myself and probably was kinda mean to others. More than I usually would. Not quite me. I've been wearing a mask and I don't like it. But I hate talking about it all. I really don't even know what's on my mind. I don't know how to put it into words. Its all scrambled in my head. And I can't seem to unscramble it. I've never been one to really tell what I'm feeling either. Its hard though when you don't even know what to say, or even how to start.
I don't smile as much as I use to, I don't laugh as much, I stare off into space, I don't have motivation for anything, and I just can't think right. I don't know why. This summer has been fun, but again something is missing and I really don't know what I want. Sometimes I feel lonely...actually I've been feeling very lonely. Is it time to finally find a significant other? I don't know. Just someon new to hang out with? I don't know. I've seen a lot of couples out there in Madison and sometimes it makes me a little depressed. Yet, at times I'm happy being single, but I think thats starting to wear away. I would enjoy a cuddle from time to time, a kiss that actually means something, a loving hug. Do I need a woman? I don't know. There's a couple girls on my mind....but: One is taken, one is in Germany, and one I barely know. Those are the only two usually on my mind. But is there someone else out there for me. Thats always the question. And as many of you know...I'm picky. I need a certain someone. Hopefully I find it. I don't quite want to be lonely anymore.
On a brighter note, I have a 6 hour mountain bike race in Franklin, WI tomorrow. First endurance mtb race I've done. We'll have to see how the legs hold and the bike. All I really have to do is beat Geo and Gehling...thats my goal.
Well I better get to bed seeing that I race in 11 hours. We leave at 10am. Lets do this. Ciao....
Well, to start off I got back from Italy on May 10th and I missed it right away. I hate the US. I hate the US lifestyle, the food, and motorists. They're fricken morons and retarded. Don't get me wrong, I missed all of my friends and family, but there's now just something missing and thats Italy. I feel like I belong there and I want to belong there.
When I got back to Madison on May 18th, my body decided to breakdown and have me go through hell. I got some stomach flu thingy. The first night I puked 6 times and had horrible shits. It lasted for 7-8 days. I could barely eat, and I lost 10 pounds in 3 days....thats always nice. I had to take more time off the bike for that....I didn't ride my bike for 5 weeks and that was killer. Lost some fitness. But since that point in time I've been feeling alright....except for the legs.
I only work at SAFEwalk this summer and I barely have any money. I'm doing another research study on the bike, with shocking and stuff, so theres a little bit more income. This Tuesday I actually have an interview at a modeling agency. Hopefully they like my looks and sign me. I think that would be a cool job. I'm also a lazy person and hate working, so the less work for money the better. If that doesn't go through I may get a job at Capital Foods cuz I really need some more money. We'll see what I do. If anything I stop eating and doing fun things. Great....
As for my legs...they have been feeling like complete shit for the past two months. Racing hasn't been going the way I was hoping it would and I haven't really been training. When your legs feel so shitty, you kinda lose any motivation to keep riding. But finally just the other day I went for a ride with Dallas and I finally felt decent on a bike. The 65 mile ride opened up my legs for some reason. The ride even today felt great and I felt like I had power again. Thank god its starting to feel good now...Superweek is in 2 weeks and I want to go for the overall (at least a top 10 if I could). We'll see....
And things have been on my mind definitely as many of you probably have noticed and have asked about it. Yes, I haven't been myself lately...or at least I can tell. I was an asshole last night and drank myself silly. I was stupid and should never have done that. I embarrassed myself and probably was kinda mean to others. More than I usually would. Not quite me. I've been wearing a mask and I don't like it. But I hate talking about it all. I really don't even know what's on my mind. I don't know how to put it into words. Its all scrambled in my head. And I can't seem to unscramble it. I've never been one to really tell what I'm feeling either. Its hard though when you don't even know what to say, or even how to start.
I don't smile as much as I use to, I don't laugh as much, I stare off into space, I don't have motivation for anything, and I just can't think right. I don't know why. This summer has been fun, but again something is missing and I really don't know what I want. Sometimes I feel lonely...actually I've been feeling very lonely. Is it time to finally find a significant other? I don't know. Just someon new to hang out with? I don't know. I've seen a lot of couples out there in Madison and sometimes it makes me a little depressed. Yet, at times I'm happy being single, but I think thats starting to wear away. I would enjoy a cuddle from time to time, a kiss that actually means something, a loving hug. Do I need a woman? I don't know. There's a couple girls on my mind....but: One is taken, one is in Germany, and one I barely know. Those are the only two usually on my mind. But is there someone else out there for me. Thats always the question. And as many of you know...I'm picky. I need a certain someone. Hopefully I find it. I don't quite want to be lonely anymore.
On a brighter note, I have a 6 hour mountain bike race in Franklin, WI tomorrow. First endurance mtb race I've done. We'll have to see how the legs hold and the bike. All I really have to do is beat Geo and Gehling...thats my goal.
Well I better get to bed seeing that I race in 11 hours. We leave at 10am. Lets do this. Ciao....
Long time, no see.....
I think I'm going to try and update this thing in a couple days when I'm finally motivated. Until then....just keep waiting. Don't worry, it'll come. ciao
Winding down....
So I really can't believe that I only have 4 more days of school and then finals week. I'm totally done on Apr 26th. 11 days! Damn. Italy has been so much fun and I really don't want to leave. Even the past week has been a blast with people. Some of them I'm still annoyed with.
Two nights ago I met Kat's mom. She's just like Kat. I really liked her a lot. She took us out for drinks and then to dinner and paid for all of it. I actually felt awkward not paying for my part and having someone that doesn't even know me pay the whole bill. But she was a very nice woman. And she's an author...she's written many a books and scripts for movies. Craziness and cool.
Last night 10 of us drank up on the terrace (mostly just the roof of our villa). It was sweet. Between Dan and I we had 3.5 liters of wine and 250ml of grappa to go around. We didn't drink all of it....but we did most of it. But we had the music blasting and jokes flying and overall it was just an awesome time. I've really been hanging out with the people I didn't hang out with all semester and its kinda nice.
So my training has gotten a little bit more hardcore. 106km yesterday...yes I know thats still not a lot, but I'm working on time and base miles still and thats being in the mountains too. I go a lot harder now though. Yesterday started out crappy...my legs didn't even want to turn the pedals. The first climb was horrible, but then I was on top of my game and the next 2 climbs I blasted up. Feeling amazing. I just needed that first climb to get the crap out of my legs, thats all. Seeing that I really only have one more week to train here I better make it the best. I've improved a crapload since I've been here. By the time I leave I'll have 4000+km in my legs...some good base miles. And I've been become more of a climber, even at my weight and I'm a fat ass. But that will all transfer to the flats of Wisconsin. I'm definitely moving up to a Cat 2 this year. I hope my team helps me out with that.
I'll be able to finally test my strength on the 25th. I have a race over by Perugia. 89.9km mediofondo. 14km of climbing with the hardest climb coming in after 65km of racing. 7km long climb with an ave grad of 4.5% and a max of 9%. I don't see that being very hard. And I know I have over 100km of endurance so lets do this. I know I can break at least the top 50 now. And then I'll even do better at my next race on May 1st. My mom will be watching me, so I better do well.

Its nothing like a Wisconsin race....
Damn, I honestly shake when I think of going home. No more real Italian food, no more gelato, no more 11km climbs, no more 22% gradients, no more MTbike, no more me being in control on the road. Thats the thing I'm going to miss most of all I think. Having the road be for cyclists and for motorists. Motorists here respect cyclists. And I rule the road. I just can't ride in Madison like I can here. And its always lovely passing real pros on the road (yesterday I passed 2 discovery riders and a milram rider). I'll definitely have to come back here some day real soon.
Time to go and get some finaly projects done. I'm almost done with them anyways and they're all due on Wed. And I need to go on another ride, maybe around 4 hrs or so...we'll see.
Ciao ragazzi
Two nights ago I met Kat's mom. She's just like Kat. I really liked her a lot. She took us out for drinks and then to dinner and paid for all of it. I actually felt awkward not paying for my part and having someone that doesn't even know me pay the whole bill. But she was a very nice woman. And she's an author...she's written many a books and scripts for movies. Craziness and cool.
Last night 10 of us drank up on the terrace (mostly just the roof of our villa). It was sweet. Between Dan and I we had 3.5 liters of wine and 250ml of grappa to go around. We didn't drink all of it....but we did most of it. But we had the music blasting and jokes flying and overall it was just an awesome time. I've really been hanging out with the people I didn't hang out with all semester and its kinda nice.
So my training has gotten a little bit more hardcore. 106km yesterday...yes I know thats still not a lot, but I'm working on time and base miles still and thats being in the mountains too. I go a lot harder now though. Yesterday started out crappy...my legs didn't even want to turn the pedals. The first climb was horrible, but then I was on top of my game and the next 2 climbs I blasted up. Feeling amazing. I just needed that first climb to get the crap out of my legs, thats all. Seeing that I really only have one more week to train here I better make it the best. I've improved a crapload since I've been here. By the time I leave I'll have 4000+km in my legs...some good base miles. And I've been become more of a climber, even at my weight and I'm a fat ass. But that will all transfer to the flats of Wisconsin. I'm definitely moving up to a Cat 2 this year. I hope my team helps me out with that.
I'll be able to finally test my strength on the 25th. I have a race over by Perugia. 89.9km mediofondo. 14km of climbing with the hardest climb coming in after 65km of racing. 7km long climb with an ave grad of 4.5% and a max of 9%. I don't see that being very hard. And I know I have over 100km of endurance so lets do this. I know I can break at least the top 50 now. And then I'll even do better at my next race on May 1st. My mom will be watching me, so I better do well.

Its nothing like a Wisconsin race....
Damn, I honestly shake when I think of going home. No more real Italian food, no more gelato, no more 11km climbs, no more 22% gradients, no more MTbike, no more me being in control on the road. Thats the thing I'm going to miss most of all I think. Having the road be for cyclists and for motorists. Motorists here respect cyclists. And I rule the road. I just can't ride in Madison like I can here. And its always lovely passing real pros on the road (yesterday I passed 2 discovery riders and a milram rider). I'll definitely have to come back here some day real soon.
Time to go and get some finaly projects done. I'm almost done with them anyways and they're all due on Wed. And I need to go on another ride, maybe around 4 hrs or so...we'll see.
Ciao ragazzi
Le Cinque terre...

One of the many views on todays journey
First off I would like to apologize for not updating my blog for the longest time...school is starting to get a little busy. So Cinque Terre time:
So today was a day trip with the class to Cinque Terre. Five cities on the west coast of Italy on the Mediterranean Sea. You can hike to each of the 5 towns. A total of 12km. Let's just say it was gorgeous. It made me want to get into hiking and live in Italy. The trail started at 5m above sea level, the highest point was 220m and it finished at 8m. There was 465m of climbing and 457m of descending. It was amazing all day with the sun out and it got up to around 68 degrees.
Walking next to the Mediterranean was amazing. I never thought I would ever do anything like that. I definitely took a crapload of pictures. If you ever come to Italy I recommend going to Cinque Terre and hiking the whole 12km. I didn't put on any suntan lotion as usual and got a nice sunburn on the right side of my neck which just looks hott.

Look Geo...pretty purple flowers
So we did the first leg of 4 with a group of about 10 or so. It took about 1.5 hrs and some people were complaining which was somewhat annoying at times. But it was definitely fun for me. We found a nice place to have lunch. The girls found a nice nature spot to go to the bathroom, two of them stepped in human shit and then smelled up the lunch table. Mmmmm delicious and nutritious. We got to the next city and rested for about 40 minutes or so on the rocks by the beach. We were going to go swimming because this was the city with the best beach! Ummm....no? Kinda sketchy, we'll stay away. I was getting antsy to continue on the hike so I wanted to get going.

Just beautiful!!!
All the girls didn't want to take the next leg of the trail so they decided to take the train to the next city and then walk the last two legs. LAME!!! They thought it wasn't going to be as good as the first leg and they didn't think there was time to do the 2nd leg and then the next 2 after that...well, they were wrong. My friend Dan and I decided to blaze through the 2nd leg. The tourist information said this leg would take about 1hr45min. It took us 48min! Oh yeah we rule...and that was with stops for some good pics.

My good friend Dan and I (look I finally got a haircut!!!)
We caught up with a couple other girls in the next town and they decided to join us for the last two sections. But first bathroom break. We found a nice cafe called CAFE MATTEO (yes I did get a pic of that with me in it, but it won't load so just check my facebook if you can...or I'll show it to you when I get home) and used the bathroom and got something to drink. One problem with the toliet. It was made into the ground. It was not a raised toliet. It was as high as the ground was. Good thing I didn't have to take a shit....but Dan did. I don't know how he did it...but he did his business.
Andiamo...The next section was not nearly as hard or strenuous as the first two. Not as much climbing. We got to the next town and there were some jagged rocks...so we decided to sit there for a while...about 45min-1hr. It was very relaxing. Sarah got in a nap, I took some pics, watched the girls from across the way strip down to their bikinis. We talked and got some sun...mostly on my right side. Time to go (and those girls thought we wouldn't have enough time?).

The Mediterranean on a gorgeous day...the view on the jagged rocks.
The last part of the trail was "Lover's Lane" (Via dell'amore). It was paved and was the easiest part of the trail. It was a nice last relaxing section though. But the legs felt good. I really want to start hiking more.
Overall, I think this was my favorite day trip out of all of them. No tours, no lectures, and no planned itinerary (other than when were leaving). I enjoy strenuous activities and the beautiful view was the icing on the cake.
Ok so as for riding my new bike....I HAVEN'T YET!!!! I'm dying to get it out there and try it. All I've done is ridden it to the shop and back. But what I have felt from it is intense speed and responsiveness. It honestly rides like a dream and is just gorgeous. I can't stop thinking about it. And this bike is staying clean. Thats why I haven't gone out the past few days...because its been crappy outside. But tomorrow I take it out. 70 and sunny :) But first I'm renting a moped with a couple friends and we're speeding over to Fiesole and Carmignano, or really wherever we want. I'll get back at around 2-2:30pm and get on that bike for about 4 hrs....thank you Day Light Savings (and Spring)!
But I'll have to get on the ball here. I have a crapload to do seeing that its the end of the program. Only two more weeks of class and then finals week. :( I have a 10 page myth paper due on the 19th, a travel journal due the 19th, an oral presentation on the 19th, an Italian composition about my childhood due the 13th. I get a take home final for Dante due the 24th, 2 performances for commedia dell'arte on the 18th and 20th, an Italian final on the 24th and a myth final on the 26th. I also have a race on the 25th. And as of right now I have to catch up on some myth reading. Sweet jesus. But hey when thats all done...my mom comes and I get to show her around for 2 weeks. And then I'll be home everyone, I can't wait to see all of you again...even though I'll be crying cuz I had to leave Italy :'(
This weekend I'll finish atleast 3/4 of my myth paper and hopefully my italian composition. I'll probably sit in Ari's Diner (an american diner with delicious food) with Kat and work on our papers. During this time I'm still going to get on my bike and get stronger for when I get home. Sounds like Baumann's training has been paying off...hopefully I'm able to stay up with him. lol. I better start working a little harder.
Ah and I registered for next semesters classes...I'm taking Nutri Sci 320 (an online class), Bact 303, Stats 371, Italian 102, and biking 295. Yes I am taking biking, I'm doing it with Geo, we are going to be the assholes who tear everyones legs off. Should be fun. I have only one class Mon, Wed, and Fri at 11:00am. And on Tues and Thurs I'm done at noon. Pretty nice if you ask me. I'll be able to go biking alot and get some hours in at the trek shop...and not feel too tired after a night at SAFEwalk.
Well, its time to get some reading done...I'll try and keep the updates coming. The next one will probably be on the new bike first ride...not gonna lie. Ciao ragazzi
God damn!!!!!
Wow...I was just looking at some cycling races tonight and I found out something awesome. Since I've been here I've been riding alot. Well, two of the routes I've been taking and most recently been doing alot were part of the 2005 Giro d'Italia. Part of stage 7...I've gone up (both sides actually) the San Baronto climb and I've done the whole Stage 8 ITT course from Lamporecchio-Firenze, up and over Pinone. I may not be as fast as the P-R-Os (at least yet), but I keep getting faster and faster every time I go out. I don't even tire as easily as I once did.

So here's the map of stage 7...

Yeah, that 10% part isn't too bad...theres actually three different climbs up to San Baronto and I've done all of them...this one is definitely the hardest out of the 3.

Elevation map...its the second to last climb...

I ride this route (or atleast part of it) almost every single day!!!

The side they did is definitely easier then going up the other side...

So here's the map of stage 7...

Yeah, that 10% part isn't too bad...theres actually three different climbs up to San Baronto and I've done all of them...this one is definitely the hardest out of the 3.

Elevation map...its the second to last climb...

I ride this route (or atleast part of it) almost every single day!!!

The side they did is definitely easier then going up the other side...
I need to update this thing...
Karaoke rules!!!!
Ok so before I make my lengthy blog about what has happened in my life for the last two weeks, I want to talk about what happened last night!
So last night I was not going to go out...then decided about 45 minutes before everyone was going that I was going too. They kinda wanted me to go too, so I went. First we went to JJ's bar...that was alright...I mostly was making fun of the guys trying to sell roses (3 of them came in during the 20 minutes we were there, so I was kinda getting annoyed with them). Gehling would have been proud...I kinda shut them down the same way, but not as angry lol. Ok so we went to the next bar, Lion's Fountain. We stayed there for about 15 minutes, nothing was really happening there, so we left. We ended the night at Looney's, which is definitely my favorite bar. We were probably there for a good 3 hours. IT WAS KARAOKE NIGHT!!! So I wanted to sing...it was crazy I wasn't nervous or scared at all...maybe its because I was a little under the influence, but sometimes that doesn't matter. We'll me and one of my friends here decided we were going to sing 'Take Me On' by AH HA! We rocked the place and we were the last singers to go for the night...so we had to make it good. We actually got the crowd into and they were singing along like crazy. We got a pretty good round of applause. It was great! I love karaoke so much now. And I'm happy that I'm not as shy anymore. I'm going to find some bars with karaoke at Madison, practice my skills at home with our new Karaoke Revolution (yes call me a nerd, but everyone that tries it loves it). And I think I'm going to start going to Looney's every Tuesday night for some good ol' Karaoke. Got any song suggestions...I dedicate it to you. Last night was probably one of the most fun nights lifes I've had since I've been here.
I need to get on my bike...Its been raining for the last 3 days straight. God damn it...and then I'm going to Venice Fri thru Sun. I hope I don't have to take off a whole week. I gots to keep continuing to get stronger. Oh and nuova bicicletta update....NO FRAME YET!!! I'm in lots of suspense right now. I just want my bici. I'm going to the shop in a little bit to buy my new helmet (Carbon Black Selev....Very Italian, Geo has one now in the UW Madison colours) and my new shoes (I'm thinking some euro white Diadora's) We'll see how much everything costs. Ciao
So last night I was not going to go out...then decided about 45 minutes before everyone was going that I was going too. They kinda wanted me to go too, so I went. First we went to JJ's bar...that was alright...I mostly was making fun of the guys trying to sell roses (3 of them came in during the 20 minutes we were there, so I was kinda getting annoyed with them). Gehling would have been proud...I kinda shut them down the same way, but not as angry lol. Ok so we went to the next bar, Lion's Fountain. We stayed there for about 15 minutes, nothing was really happening there, so we left. We ended the night at Looney's, which is definitely my favorite bar. We were probably there for a good 3 hours. IT WAS KARAOKE NIGHT!!! So I wanted to sing...it was crazy I wasn't nervous or scared at all...maybe its because I was a little under the influence, but sometimes that doesn't matter. We'll me and one of my friends here decided we were going to sing 'Take Me On' by AH HA! We rocked the place and we were the last singers to go for the night...so we had to make it good. We actually got the crowd into and they were singing along like crazy. We got a pretty good round of applause. It was great! I love karaoke so much now. And I'm happy that I'm not as shy anymore. I'm going to find some bars with karaoke at Madison, practice my skills at home with our new Karaoke Revolution (yes call me a nerd, but everyone that tries it loves it). And I think I'm going to start going to Looney's every Tuesday night for some good ol' Karaoke. Got any song suggestions...I dedicate it to you. Last night was probably one of the most fun nights lifes I've had since I've been here.
I need to get on my bike...Its been raining for the last 3 days straight. God damn it...and then I'm going to Venice Fri thru Sun. I hope I don't have to take off a whole week. I gots to keep continuing to get stronger. Oh and nuova bicicletta update....NO FRAME YET!!! I'm in lots of suspense right now. I just want my bici. I'm going to the shop in a little bit to buy my new helmet (Carbon Black Selev....Very Italian, Geo has one now in the UW Madison colours) and my new shoes (I'm thinking some euro white Diadora's) We'll see how much everything costs. Ciao
Una piove, vento, e freddo corsa...
Ok so if you don't know Italian, the title says 'a wet, windy, and cold race.

The start and finish...looks like a beautiful day, doesn't it...
I just got back from my race in Pistoia today and boy was it fun and miserable at the same time and WOW did it hurt. My team put me in the Mediofondo, the same as a granfondo, but not as long. My race was 85km (around 55miles), while the Granfondo was 145km (about 90 miles). It was probably a good thing that my team put me in the shorter one...just to feel out the race. The whole race was crazy though...there were motorcycles with the guy on back with the tv camera, team cars (I had my own team car!!!), people lined the streets, and we got to use the whole road to race on (they even shut down part of the highway for us!!!! It was amazing....I kinda felt like I was a P-R-O or something.

The winner of the Granfondo...he only beat 2nd place by 5 minutes...and then every one came soloing in in 5 minute intervals after that.
Well, it was raining on the way to the race, at the start of the race, during the race and at the finish! WOW thats always an awesome time. But it wasn't too bad...it was at least a warm rain. So a field of about 350 started (Granfondo and Mediofondo together). We started out fast again, but this time it was only about 28 mph. The field started breaking up like crazy. I had to get up there for a good position. There was a huge group up the road and then another group of about 40. I was able to solo it up to the group of 40 and stick with them. That was a feat though getting up to that group. I had a couple guys with me for awhile and then they couldn't do too much so I just went for it. I had a head wind of about 10-15mph and I was just cranking. I've definitely found that my LT and VO2max is higher. I was able to keep a higher pace for a while and catch up with them...it only took about 10km of suffering, but I was there. I held with them just fine.

The sprint for about 12th I believe in the Granfondo...
About 30km in there was a climb. I didn't even know what to expect of it, but I put it in my 39-19 and started hammering. It was a 6km long 6% climb....nothing bad. People were lining the climb cheering us on. By the end of the 6km climb there were 3 of us!! Out of a use to be group of 40!!! Hottness. And we were catching and passing people left and right. My climbing skills have improved a crapload. At the last part of the climb (the steepest part, about 8%) it was like a shot of the ToF. There were so many people lining the road, watching the race that there was only one little part right in the middle of the road to go. Like a little tunnel. Just think about those famous climbs in the tour where you think the rider is going to hit someone cuz they're so close. It was Hott!

What the hell is this course marshall doing?
On the downhill of the first climb things were very slippery. I'm not gonna lie I think I almost died...thank god for pulling MTB skills out of my ass at the last moment. The roads were so slick and wet. I was going around a tight turn a little to fast and my rear wheel started slipping, I saved it, it slipped again, I somehow saved that one, and then it slipped again. The last one I don't know how the hell I saved it. I should have gone right over the edge. It was close. But slipping 3 times in one corner? Thank you MTB skills. At the bottom I caught some guys that were way ahead of me during the climb. And it there were some rollers here and there...pretty much flat though.
At about 50km in there was another climb. This one was about 11km long at 4-5%. WOW it was a hard pace up it. I was able to keep it in my 53-21 for much of the climb. With about 6km left to go in the climb it was getting very hard to see. We were in a fricken cloud. Tells you how high we climb. So for half of the climb you really could not see anything in front of you. I was dropped because of the amazingly high pace. And went solo downhill (about 8km) and then about 7km. I noticed on every single climb that I was probably the best in the groups I was in (other than the last climb). I would just start hammering up the climbs look back and I would have a 50-75meter gap and it would increase. I think I just have to work on the endurance part just a little bit more...I felt fine at the end of the race...
I was working very very hard all by myself, cuz I could see the group in front of me in my grasp. Then....CRAMP. My right calf muscle decided to start hating me alot. I could feel it coming on and then boom...pain...and then it got a little worse. I rubbed it for a while and rode it off. I look back and a group is catching me...damn it...oh well it was only 8 guys anyways...I'll take it in the sprint. And they only caught me with about 7km to go. So we come into the final stretch and I'm certain that I'm going to outsprint all of them. And I did, by about 1 bike length. Good feeling. I still need to get a little faster with my sprints though.
I ended up taking 109th overall out of about 225 riders in the Mediofondo and 17th in my Category (A, 19-30 yrs old). I was happy with my finish...and my climbing. My average speed was 31km/hr and my time was 2hrs46min. Wisconsin is going to be so easy when I get back...HA you call that a hill!
Oh yeah and I got some Swag. In my bag was some cologne, some degreaser and a visor...yes I don't understand the cologne either, but I'll take it. And my team paid for transportation and my entry fee. SWEET!!!
Now I'm tired and want to take a very long nap. I hope my team is doing well in Ohio, happy training....

The start and finish...looks like a beautiful day, doesn't it...
I just got back from my race in Pistoia today and boy was it fun and miserable at the same time and WOW did it hurt. My team put me in the Mediofondo, the same as a granfondo, but not as long. My race was 85km (around 55miles), while the Granfondo was 145km (about 90 miles). It was probably a good thing that my team put me in the shorter one...just to feel out the race. The whole race was crazy though...there were motorcycles with the guy on back with the tv camera, team cars (I had my own team car!!!), people lined the streets, and we got to use the whole road to race on (they even shut down part of the highway for us!!!! It was amazing....I kinda felt like I was a P-R-O or something.

The winner of the Granfondo...he only beat 2nd place by 5 minutes...and then every one came soloing in in 5 minute intervals after that.
Well, it was raining on the way to the race, at the start of the race, during the race and at the finish! WOW thats always an awesome time. But it wasn't too bad...it was at least a warm rain. So a field of about 350 started (Granfondo and Mediofondo together). We started out fast again, but this time it was only about 28 mph. The field started breaking up like crazy. I had to get up there for a good position. There was a huge group up the road and then another group of about 40. I was able to solo it up to the group of 40 and stick with them. That was a feat though getting up to that group. I had a couple guys with me for awhile and then they couldn't do too much so I just went for it. I had a head wind of about 10-15mph and I was just cranking. I've definitely found that my LT and VO2max is higher. I was able to keep a higher pace for a while and catch up with them...it only took about 10km of suffering, but I was there. I held with them just fine.

The sprint for about 12th I believe in the Granfondo...
About 30km in there was a climb. I didn't even know what to expect of it, but I put it in my 39-19 and started hammering. It was a 6km long 6% climb....nothing bad. People were lining the climb cheering us on. By the end of the 6km climb there were 3 of us!! Out of a use to be group of 40!!! Hottness. And we were catching and passing people left and right. My climbing skills have improved a crapload. At the last part of the climb (the steepest part, about 8%) it was like a shot of the ToF. There were so many people lining the road, watching the race that there was only one little part right in the middle of the road to go. Like a little tunnel. Just think about those famous climbs in the tour where you think the rider is going to hit someone cuz they're so close. It was Hott!

What the hell is this course marshall doing?
On the downhill of the first climb things were very slippery. I'm not gonna lie I think I almost died...thank god for pulling MTB skills out of my ass at the last moment. The roads were so slick and wet. I was going around a tight turn a little to fast and my rear wheel started slipping, I saved it, it slipped again, I somehow saved that one, and then it slipped again. The last one I don't know how the hell I saved it. I should have gone right over the edge. It was close. But slipping 3 times in one corner? Thank you MTB skills. At the bottom I caught some guys that were way ahead of me during the climb. And it there were some rollers here and there...pretty much flat though.
At about 50km in there was another climb. This one was about 11km long at 4-5%. WOW it was a hard pace up it. I was able to keep it in my 53-21 for much of the climb. With about 6km left to go in the climb it was getting very hard to see. We were in a fricken cloud. Tells you how high we climb. So for half of the climb you really could not see anything in front of you. I was dropped because of the amazingly high pace. And went solo downhill (about 8km) and then about 7km. I noticed on every single climb that I was probably the best in the groups I was in (other than the last climb). I would just start hammering up the climbs look back and I would have a 50-75meter gap and it would increase. I think I just have to work on the endurance part just a little bit more...I felt fine at the end of the race...
I was working very very hard all by myself, cuz I could see the group in front of me in my grasp. Then....CRAMP. My right calf muscle decided to start hating me alot. I could feel it coming on and then boom...pain...and then it got a little worse. I rubbed it for a while and rode it off. I look back and a group is catching me...damn it...oh well it was only 8 guys anyways...I'll take it in the sprint. And they only caught me with about 7km to go. So we come into the final stretch and I'm certain that I'm going to outsprint all of them. And I did, by about 1 bike length. Good feeling. I still need to get a little faster with my sprints though.
I ended up taking 109th overall out of about 225 riders in the Mediofondo and 17th in my Category (A, 19-30 yrs old). I was happy with my finish...and my climbing. My average speed was 31km/hr and my time was 2hrs46min. Wisconsin is going to be so easy when I get back...HA you call that a hill!
Oh yeah and I got some Swag. In my bag was some cologne, some degreaser and a visor...yes I don't understand the cologne either, but I'll take it. And my team paid for transportation and my entry fee. SWEET!!!
Now I'm tired and want to take a very long nap. I hope my team is doing well in Ohio, happy training....
Ahhh, Hell Day Is Over....
Well today is finally done. Sweet jesus today sucked. First of all I had to wake up at about 7:30am to continue studying...I didn't go to bed until about 2:30am (I did that the night before too). This morning I woke up to a cold (about the 5th one I've had here, even though I take a crapload of vit. C) and a stomach ache...great way to start the day. So I studied for about 2 more hours and then it was test time at 10am. The first exam was Classical Myth. It didn't go as bad as I thought it would...I think I hopefully got a 90% on it. The 2nd exam was a Dante/Historical Greek Art exam. I think I did about the same on that too...and that was the one I was really freaking out about. So by 1pm I had two exams down in 3 hours. I was spent. But I couldn't stop there. Right after lunch I started studying for my Italian language exam. I studied right up to the exam at 4pm. They gave us 2 hours to do it, I got it done in 50 minutes. It wasn't hard, but I know I missed a couple things...probably another 90%. After all of that I definitely took a nap until dinner and it was glorious. I went to dinner and then I had class at 8:00pm. Sweet jesus I just wanted this day to end. At 9:30 we were done and I was going to start writing my travel journal thats due on Friday, but I watched Wedding crashers instead, which is a good movie and was a good break...and I have all day tomorrow to write 4 pages of a journal anyways. So here I am now just thinking about the upcoming racing season and I can't wait for it to come.
I'm getting a lot stronger and it definitely showed yesterday. Three of us went out and did the climb to Carmignano which is about a 10 minute climb. Well, at the beginning of the semester I would get half way up the climb in my 39-27 and blow up. One of the guys I was riding with yesterday would always breakaway from me halfway up the climb. Well, yesterday I put it in the 39-19 and started hammering all the way up. We both started at the bottom together, within 30 seconds I dropped him and kept making time. By the end of the climb I made 2 minutes on him! And at the top I was not winded at all. I would say thats a pretty big improvement in only 2 months. He got to the top and said "now you are best". That made me feel good. I keep improving steadily and constantly which is definitely a good thing. I will miss these mountains alot when I have to leave and go back to pancake flat wisconsin. I'll probably just do Observatory Hill 20 times or something like that to get my kick.
Well, tomorrow I'll be going on a 5 hour ride or so hopefully, I don't have anything due or anything to do so I don't see why it would be a problem. I have a Granfondo on Sunday which should be fun, and I'll be racing in the U23 field. I'll be able to go on long rides and not have to worry about anything for 10 days and then some...seeing that its spring break and we're starting all over in the classes, learning new things when we get back from spring break. I'll be totally alone (kinda sucky) in the villa from Saturday until Wed when Geo and Gehling come to visit me, which will be amazing. So I may try and get ahead on a 10 page paper I need to write by the end of the semester, some reading, watch some movies and spend insane amounts of time on the bike :) Sounds good to me.
And as for my weight, I think I may be ok where I am at a nice 75kg. It seems to be working for me right now, I'm not gaining or losing weight...and I kinda need that weight for when I get back to Wisconsin anyways to stay strong on the flats since theres like no climbs. And my climbing ability has improved so much at this weight anyways. If I lose some weight then so be it, but if not no prob, I can deal. I've seen a difference in my body recently. I'm more tone and have lost a little bit of stomach and chest fat. So I've definitely gained some muscle in my legs anyways, keeping the weight up.
Ahh and I almost forgot, thanks to Baumann I have a MTB team for this season, Stadium Bike out of Green Bay. On my 'elite' team are Dallas Fowler, Ryan Baumann, Cole House, Seth Lenss, and Me. Sounds like a pretty strong team...I just have to get my skills back for the single track. I've kinda lost those seeing that I've only really been focusing on the road and haven't raced a MTB event since June I believe. So my teams as of right now....In Italy - MTbike, Collegiate - UW Madison, Road - Brazen Dropouts/Cronometro, and MTB - Stadium Bike. Some pretty good teams there. SWEETNESS! Should be an awesome summer. I can't waite....
Ok well, its 2:30 in the AM so its time for me to get some sleep, happy training....
I'm getting a lot stronger and it definitely showed yesterday. Three of us went out and did the climb to Carmignano which is about a 10 minute climb. Well, at the beginning of the semester I would get half way up the climb in my 39-27 and blow up. One of the guys I was riding with yesterday would always breakaway from me halfway up the climb. Well, yesterday I put it in the 39-19 and started hammering all the way up. We both started at the bottom together, within 30 seconds I dropped him and kept making time. By the end of the climb I made 2 minutes on him! And at the top I was not winded at all. I would say thats a pretty big improvement in only 2 months. He got to the top and said "now you are best". That made me feel good. I keep improving steadily and constantly which is definitely a good thing. I will miss these mountains alot when I have to leave and go back to pancake flat wisconsin. I'll probably just do Observatory Hill 20 times or something like that to get my kick.
Well, tomorrow I'll be going on a 5 hour ride or so hopefully, I don't have anything due or anything to do so I don't see why it would be a problem. I have a Granfondo on Sunday which should be fun, and I'll be racing in the U23 field. I'll be able to go on long rides and not have to worry about anything for 10 days and then some...seeing that its spring break and we're starting all over in the classes, learning new things when we get back from spring break. I'll be totally alone (kinda sucky) in the villa from Saturday until Wed when Geo and Gehling come to visit me, which will be amazing. So I may try and get ahead on a 10 page paper I need to write by the end of the semester, some reading, watch some movies and spend insane amounts of time on the bike :) Sounds good to me.
And as for my weight, I think I may be ok where I am at a nice 75kg. It seems to be working for me right now, I'm not gaining or losing weight...and I kinda need that weight for when I get back to Wisconsin anyways to stay strong on the flats since theres like no climbs. And my climbing ability has improved so much at this weight anyways. If I lose some weight then so be it, but if not no prob, I can deal. I've seen a difference in my body recently. I'm more tone and have lost a little bit of stomach and chest fat. So I've definitely gained some muscle in my legs anyways, keeping the weight up.
Ahh and I almost forgot, thanks to Baumann I have a MTB team for this season, Stadium Bike out of Green Bay. On my 'elite' team are Dallas Fowler, Ryan Baumann, Cole House, Seth Lenss, and Me. Sounds like a pretty strong team...I just have to get my skills back for the single track. I've kinda lost those seeing that I've only really been focusing on the road and haven't raced a MTB event since June I believe. So my teams as of right now....In Italy - MTbike, Collegiate - UW Madison, Road - Brazen Dropouts/Cronometro, and MTB - Stadium Bike. Some pretty good teams there. SWEETNESS! Should be an awesome summer. I can't waite....
Ok well, its 2:30 in the AM so its time for me to get some sleep, happy training....
Another beautiful day in Italy....
Ok so again I should be studying for my 3 midterms on Wednesday but no motivation = not getting anything done. I read Baumann's blog and it sounds like UW kicked some major ass in DePauw this weekend...looks like we have a pretty strong team this year. Awesome...I just wish I could be there for it, but there's always next year when I'll be a crapload stronger and wiser.
So today I didn't do too much at all. Today was suppose to be a study day. 3 of my classes were cancelled so I could study...what do you think I did? That's right...nothing to do with homework. I got up at 9am for breakfast and then like I usually do, I went right back to bed. I slept until about 12:45pm and then went to lunch at 1pm. After lunch I played a 40min game of soccer. I'm definitely a better goalie then when I'm on offense. Today I only had one goal scored on me for the first half and then only 3 more in the second half. I also scored 3 goals (I think) during the game...however we lost 7-10. Oh well, its not my sport anyways. Right after that I wanted to go for a quick juant on the bike. So I got out for a quick 50km ride. It was actually pretty quick. Only took me 1hr 35min, with the two climbs towards Barbarino. I wanted to go a little bit harder today to see how my legs were feeling. They were definitely feeling really good...even with the 20mph headwind I had on the way out. I did the first climb in a gear higher than usual. I was able to complete the whole climb in my 39-23, two gear increase since I got to Italy...and with a cadence of about 60-70 all the way up. On the way back on wanted to really see what my legs had. So on the 13% climb back home I geared up to 39-19 and just busted ass up it. Sitting down the whole way. I was able to keep a cadence of probably around 75. Not too bad. And I was really tired at the end of it and my legs still felt very very strong. So on the way home I averaged about 32mph (thanks tailwind) and decided to put in 5 all out sprints, about 400 meters in length. I got up to almost 40mph each time with one time actually getting to 40mph! So it was a good quick ride to see where my strength is at. Tomorrow I plan on putting around 4-5 hrs on the bike.
So it may sound impossible, but I'm up for the challenge....I have determined that my main goal for this summer is to upgrade to Cat 2 before Superweek, or at least a couple days into Superweek and then upgrade to Cat 1 by the end of Superweek...if not, then by the end of the summer. I have the dedication to do it. I've been improving alot lately. And seeing that theres only short steep climbs in Wisconsin I think I have a pretty good chance of meeting this goal. I'm able to hold 35mph for at least 10km with the pack, I can sprint at least 38mph, I've been getting faster and stronger up all climbs, and I don't tire as much in any of these. I'll be ready when I get back....with a new custom made bike thats 5lbs lighter than mine right now and me being about 10lbs lighter, hopefully. I will become P-R-O.
I would like to get a powertap, but thats a little too expensive right now and I really don't like watching my wattage, speed and time while I'm riding...it actually slows me down...cuz I start thinking wow, I'm only putting out 300 watts and I feel like crap...puts the self-esteem down. I would also love to get one of those altitude simulation masks. That would help out a lot...simulating 20,000ft a couple hrs a day.
Tonight I will be studying to about 3am, hopefully...maybe throwing in an episode of l'OC. We'll see how much studying I get done though. Happy training...
So today I didn't do too much at all. Today was suppose to be a study day. 3 of my classes were cancelled so I could study...what do you think I did? That's right...nothing to do with homework. I got up at 9am for breakfast and then like I usually do, I went right back to bed. I slept until about 12:45pm and then went to lunch at 1pm. After lunch I played a 40min game of soccer. I'm definitely a better goalie then when I'm on offense. Today I only had one goal scored on me for the first half and then only 3 more in the second half. I also scored 3 goals (I think) during the game...however we lost 7-10. Oh well, its not my sport anyways. Right after that I wanted to go for a quick juant on the bike. So I got out for a quick 50km ride. It was actually pretty quick. Only took me 1hr 35min, with the two climbs towards Barbarino. I wanted to go a little bit harder today to see how my legs were feeling. They were definitely feeling really good...even with the 20mph headwind I had on the way out. I did the first climb in a gear higher than usual. I was able to complete the whole climb in my 39-23, two gear increase since I got to Italy...and with a cadence of about 60-70 all the way up. On the way back on wanted to really see what my legs had. So on the 13% climb back home I geared up to 39-19 and just busted ass up it. Sitting down the whole way. I was able to keep a cadence of probably around 75. Not too bad. And I was really tired at the end of it and my legs still felt very very strong. So on the way home I averaged about 32mph (thanks tailwind) and decided to put in 5 all out sprints, about 400 meters in length. I got up to almost 40mph each time with one time actually getting to 40mph! So it was a good quick ride to see where my strength is at. Tomorrow I plan on putting around 4-5 hrs on the bike.
So it may sound impossible, but I'm up for the challenge....I have determined that my main goal for this summer is to upgrade to Cat 2 before Superweek, or at least a couple days into Superweek and then upgrade to Cat 1 by the end of Superweek...if not, then by the end of the summer. I have the dedication to do it. I've been improving alot lately. And seeing that theres only short steep climbs in Wisconsin I think I have a pretty good chance of meeting this goal. I'm able to hold 35mph for at least 10km with the pack, I can sprint at least 38mph, I've been getting faster and stronger up all climbs, and I don't tire as much in any of these. I'll be ready when I get back....with a new custom made bike thats 5lbs lighter than mine right now and me being about 10lbs lighter, hopefully. I will become P-R-O.
I would like to get a powertap, but thats a little too expensive right now and I really don't like watching my wattage, speed and time while I'm riding...it actually slows me down...cuz I start thinking wow, I'm only putting out 300 watts and I feel like crap...puts the self-esteem down. I would also love to get one of those altitude simulation masks. That would help out a lot...simulating 20,000ft a couple hrs a day.
Tonight I will be studying to about 3am, hopefully...maybe throwing in an episode of l'OC. We'll see how much studying I get done though. Happy training...
Should be doing homework...
So yeah I should be doing some studying seeing that I have 3 midterms on Wednesday...but I'm in Italy, how are you suppose to do that? Honestly... So today I woke up before my alarm for the millionth time. I'm been doing that now for the past two weeks. I don't even go to sleep until 2am and then I wake up at 7:00am...my alarm is set for 7:30am. I was about to try and go back to bed but then I remember I had the group ride today at 8:30am. The weather said the day before it was suppose to be 45 degrees with rain/snow showers. I listened to the cars go by outside and I didn't hear wetness. I got up quick and saw that it was a perfect day. Wasn't even cold. Soooo....I got ready and met the team. Today was going to be a hard day.
It turned out to be a 3.5 hr go-as-fast-as-you-can-ride. We did two mountain passes. And I just love my new position on the bike. I honestly feel soooo much stronger on the bike. Today on the first climb (about 10km long...6-8% with sections kicking up to 17%) I was able to keep up with the best climber that came today with ease. Two other guys tagged along, but we were able to drop them. I love hearing other people just gasping for breath while I'm not really breathing that hard...it just makes me go harder. I love to make people hurt, I enjoy making myself hurt too.
On climb two we just decided to explode up the climb. We were honestly holding a good 22-23mph up a 4-5% climb. Ouch!!! But I was able to do the whole climb (about another 10km in 53-17). After all that pain and suffering we got a pace line going...about 28-30mph all the way back to Sesto. So overall it was a pretty good day.
Right when I got back I was hoping that breakfast was still out...YES IT IS!!! SWEETNESS!!! That just made my day. After that I took a shower and then by 1pm I was passed out on my bed. I was planning on waking up at about 3pm...NO...woke up a 5pm. Four good hours of recovery and my legs feel great. I can't wait to see how my legs feel on a bike fit just for me. About 10 more days!!!
And as of now I should be studying...but I can't. Italy just gives you no motivation to do work...no one really works here anyways...so how am I suppose to? I've mostly been thinking about how I want to turn pro. If I can I would like to upgrade to Cat 2 before Superweek and then somehow upgrade to Cat 1 by the end...Yes I know thats very hard to do, but I'm so motivated to do it. I'm also stronger on the bike than I ever have been before and I just keep getting stronger. Every year I have improved. So I think I can do it...I believe in myself. Even my friend that got me into cycling believes I can get up to the P-R-O ranks. He never believed in me before and he was serious tonight. It made me feel good. I just need to show my stuff and have some team see me. I can do it!!! I will do it!!!
Thanks for listening. Happy training...
It turned out to be a 3.5 hr go-as-fast-as-you-can-ride. We did two mountain passes. And I just love my new position on the bike. I honestly feel soooo much stronger on the bike. Today on the first climb (about 10km long...6-8% with sections kicking up to 17%) I was able to keep up with the best climber that came today with ease. Two other guys tagged along, but we were able to drop them. I love hearing other people just gasping for breath while I'm not really breathing that hard...it just makes me go harder. I love to make people hurt, I enjoy making myself hurt too.
On climb two we just decided to explode up the climb. We were honestly holding a good 22-23mph up a 4-5% climb. Ouch!!! But I was able to do the whole climb (about another 10km in 53-17). After all that pain and suffering we got a pace line going...about 28-30mph all the way back to Sesto. So overall it was a pretty good day.
Right when I got back I was hoping that breakfast was still out...YES IT IS!!! SWEETNESS!!! That just made my day. After that I took a shower and then by 1pm I was passed out on my bed. I was planning on waking up at about 3pm...NO...woke up a 5pm. Four good hours of recovery and my legs feel great. I can't wait to see how my legs feel on a bike fit just for me. About 10 more days!!!
And as of now I should be studying...but I can't. Italy just gives you no motivation to do work...no one really works here anyways...so how am I suppose to? I've mostly been thinking about how I want to turn pro. If I can I would like to upgrade to Cat 2 before Superweek and then somehow upgrade to Cat 1 by the end...Yes I know thats very hard to do, but I'm so motivated to do it. I'm also stronger on the bike than I ever have been before and I just keep getting stronger. Every year I have improved. So I think I can do it...I believe in myself. Even my friend that got me into cycling believes I can get up to the P-R-O ranks. He never believed in me before and he was serious tonight. It made me feel good. I just need to show my stuff and have some team see me. I can do it!!! I will do it!!!
Thanks for listening. Happy training...
Feelin' Good...

Me trying to act cool...
Alright so today I wanted to get up and go for a ride early this morning. I look out the window and what do I see....rain. BLAH. So I grabbed some breakfast and then went right back to sleep until about 11:30am. I got up, got ready in about 20 minutes and then was off to Florence with some friends for lunch. We hit up the best place to eat in Florence (according to the guide book), Za-Za's. It was actually very tasty. I enjoyed. It stopped raining during our meal, so I really wanted to go on a ride. We got back to the villa at around 3:15pm and I was out the door by 3:30pm for a short ride.
I decided to go to Barbarino di Mugello...with the 5km 7-8% graded climb and then a 2km 13% climb on the way back. It was only a 45km ride. I really just wanted to try out my new position on the bike...and it rules. I honestly feel 5 times stronger now. With a little saddle and seatpost adjustment and cleat position adjustment the bike feels great. My body likes it. I flew up the climbs soooo much easier. Its crazy how just a little bit of adjustment can go a far way. 13% climb in 39-19 sitting down is good for me. And it was easy for me...probably very easy for all those P-R-O's in the ToCal. But didn't get out of breath at all. I can't wait to test my power out against US cyclists when I get back. I'm going to try and upgrade to Cat 2 before Superweek, or atleast be able to upgrade a week into Superweek.
Well, I hope it doesn't rain again tomorrow. Theres a 40% chance of rain, and I want to ride with the team tomorrow...get in a good 6 hours or so. Try and keep up with the really good climbers with my new position.
Other than that I'm studying all night tonight. I gots 3 midterms on Wednesday. BLAH...but right after those its SPRING BREAK!!! And I can just ride with out worrying about anything. I can't wait...and my bike will be coming in two weeks!!!!!! When all put together it should weight between 17.0 - 17.5 lbs which is 5 lbs lighter than my bike right now. And hopefully I ride enough over Spring Break that I lose a little weight...get down to that 155lbs. So that would be an 18lb loss, which would be amazing. Climbs would be nothing. And just having a bike just for my body will help me get faster too. I can't wait!!! Happy Training....
More efficient and free shit...
Ok so I didn't write a blog yesterday. Yesterday I didn't have class until 5pm...god I love that. So I woke up at about 11am and really did nothing. I was going to go for a short ride before I met up with the team, but decided not too, cuz my knee was bothering me just a little bit. I did go on the ride at 1pm with the team though. It was fun. 2 hours at a decent pace. On the climb to Carmignano out of the 7 of us, only 2 survived...me and matteau. He's really strong, he kinda looks like Cipollini, he does ride Cipo's 2003 National Italian Champion bike (it was a gift from Cipo to him...craziness). So we kept a very hard pace up the climb...can you say 23mph up a 4-5% gradient. We dropped 4 guys and the only one that was able to stay with us for a little bit was the 'big guy' that mostly made me crash a few weeks back. So Matteau was pulling then it was the big guy and then me. I all of a sudden saw that the big guy was starting to die, so I sprinted around him and caught up with Matteau...we dropped the big guy very fast. I looked back about 10 seconds after passing him and he was already about 75 meters back. We both gave everything we had at the end for a sprint to the top. He got me by the slightest bit. I really need to work on my final sprints. But it was fun. At the end of the ride Matteau came up to me and told me that him and Marco were discussing my position on the bike. Marco wanted to give me a free professional fitting on my bike...Ok. So I would go in the next day to get that done.
Later on I went to the library to study a bit before class. I sat on one of the couches...read 6 pages and passed out for an hour.
Can you say 'productive'. Went to class, had dinner, tried to study more...not working, no motivation at all. Then 10 of us went out to Universale, a disco, and had some dancing fun until about 1:30am. Ah good times
So I woke up today at around 9am and went down stairs for breakfast. We also make bagged lunches at this time. Well, I was cutting my Bagel and I cut my index finger very deeply. Started bleeding alot...ouch! Its definitely better now, and I still made myself a damn good lunch and had some breakfast. After breakfast I was still very tired and went back to sleep...until 1pm! Good thing its only Friday and I don't have to worry about too much.
I went into the shop at 4pm and Marco did some professional fitting for me. He adjusted a lot of stuff just by the slightest bit, and I can confirm that I feel a lot better on the bike...I'll definitely have him set up my new bike. He gave me some new cleats too. So he worked on my bike for about an hour to perfection and all for free. After that I need to get a rain jacket. Its been raining for the past week, and its been miserable. So the rain jacket usually runs for 30 Euro, I got it for 20 Euro. Sweet. And then Marco asked me if I had one of the team bags. I said no and he left for a while and got one for me. When he brought it back in I could see it was just a bit heavier and something was in it. He put in on the counter and took out a SS full-zip team jersey and a full team jumpsuit!!! So I would say today was a good day. A crapload of free sweet stuff is always good. I feel spoiled on this team. I don't ever want to leave it. It will be a sad day in May when I have to. But being on this team I feel so P-R-O and its like Christmas every time I walk into that shop. I LOVE IT!!! So I'll be going on a ride tomorrow and checking out this new position on the bike.
As of right now I'm doing some long overdue laundry and eating soon. Tonight I plan on trying to get as much reading as I can done and then watch 2 episodes of l'OC. It'll probably be a late night of studying tonight.
Oh and I want to wish my UW team good luck in DePauw this weekend. I know they'll kick some major ass. A lot of them have been training there asses off. And Depauw, to be honest, isn't really that hard of a race...so if they have some good fitness going into they should be able to crush the other teams...they just have to remember to work as a team and not think individually. I want some good, smart results.
Well, thats all I have to say about that. Happy training....
Ok so I didn't write a blog yesterday. Yesterday I didn't have class until 5pm...god I love that. So I woke up at about 11am and really did nothing. I was going to go for a short ride before I met up with the team, but decided not too, cuz my knee was bothering me just a little bit. I did go on the ride at 1pm with the team though. It was fun. 2 hours at a decent pace. On the climb to Carmignano out of the 7 of us, only 2 survived...me and matteau. He's really strong, he kinda looks like Cipollini, he does ride Cipo's 2003 National Italian Champion bike (it was a gift from Cipo to him...craziness). So we kept a very hard pace up the climb...can you say 23mph up a 4-5% gradient. We dropped 4 guys and the only one that was able to stay with us for a little bit was the 'big guy' that mostly made me crash a few weeks back. So Matteau was pulling then it was the big guy and then me. I all of a sudden saw that the big guy was starting to die, so I sprinted around him and caught up with Matteau...we dropped the big guy very fast. I looked back about 10 seconds after passing him and he was already about 75 meters back. We both gave everything we had at the end for a sprint to the top. He got me by the slightest bit. I really need to work on my final sprints. But it was fun. At the end of the ride Matteau came up to me and told me that him and Marco were discussing my position on the bike. Marco wanted to give me a free professional fitting on my bike...Ok. So I would go in the next day to get that done.
Later on I went to the library to study a bit before class. I sat on one of the couches...read 6 pages and passed out for an hour.
Can you say 'productive'. Went to class, had dinner, tried to study more...not working, no motivation at all. Then 10 of us went out to Universale, a disco, and had some dancing fun until about 1:30am. Ah good times
So I woke up today at around 9am and went down stairs for breakfast. We also make bagged lunches at this time. Well, I was cutting my Bagel and I cut my index finger very deeply. Started bleeding alot...ouch! Its definitely better now, and I still made myself a damn good lunch and had some breakfast. After breakfast I was still very tired and went back to sleep...until 1pm! Good thing its only Friday and I don't have to worry about too much.
I went into the shop at 4pm and Marco did some professional fitting for me. He adjusted a lot of stuff just by the slightest bit, and I can confirm that I feel a lot better on the bike...I'll definitely have him set up my new bike. He gave me some new cleats too. So he worked on my bike for about an hour to perfection and all for free. After that I need to get a rain jacket. Its been raining for the past week, and its been miserable. So the rain jacket usually runs for 30 Euro, I got it for 20 Euro. Sweet. And then Marco asked me if I had one of the team bags. I said no and he left for a while and got one for me. When he brought it back in I could see it was just a bit heavier and something was in it. He put in on the counter and took out a SS full-zip team jersey and a full team jumpsuit!!! So I would say today was a good day. A crapload of free sweet stuff is always good. I feel spoiled on this team. I don't ever want to leave it. It will be a sad day in May when I have to. But being on this team I feel so P-R-O and its like Christmas every time I walk into that shop. I LOVE IT!!! So I'll be going on a ride tomorrow and checking out this new position on the bike.
As of right now I'm doing some long overdue laundry and eating soon. Tonight I plan on trying to get as much reading as I can done and then watch 2 episodes of l'OC. It'll probably be a late night of studying tonight.
Oh and I want to wish my UW team good luck in DePauw this weekend. I know they'll kick some major ass. A lot of them have been training there asses off. And Depauw, to be honest, isn't really that hard of a race...so if they have some good fitness going into they should be able to crush the other teams...they just have to remember to work as a team and not think individually. I want some good, smart results.
Well, thats all I have to say about that. Happy training....
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