After my leg operation....The doctor said it should heal just fine...
It occured to me I could have died when the whole accident happened. I wasn't wearing a helmet...I kissed the asphalt at around 20-22mph...I've already had a stroke so another head injury would not have been good...I could have been hit by a car passing me. Nothing bad happened. Someone up there must really like me. But its hard, I've had so many close calls in my life...Sometimes it seems like one of those times should have done me in. I know most of you probably don't want to hear that, but its true. I'm just really good at hurting myself severely and then recovering with nothing wrong. What can I say...
Today I cleaned my room finally. 4 hours and some moving around of furniture and its done. I'm actually pretty happy with it. Finally nice and clean. I just can't wait until all the construction in the house is done. It'll definitely be nice. I DO honestly feel spoiled in this house and I really don't deserve it.
I got an email from Kat today. She was the one in Italy I could tell almost anything...the female Minch if you will. I miss her alot. It took her awhile to email me back. She was very sorry about that. I was disappointed that I never got a call from her when she got back to the states. Now she's in NY...very far away from me. I do miss her. I don't think I could be mad at her. I'll try and give her a call later on this week.
I'll be going up to Point tomorrow to see Boner, Will and Minch and to explode a shitload of fireworks. Minch and I made a 425 count sparkler bomb. It'll be insane if it goes off like its suppose to. Then on Monday it sounds like we'll be going on a trip to Great America. That should be fun...I think it says something about not going on roller coasters if you've had a stroke...hmmm. Oh well. I'm not going to have that stop me.
Two more months of summer left. So much to still do. I need to get motivated. I want my crush to come back from Germany. I want a girlfriend. We'll see what happens....
This is an excellent blog. Keep it going.You are providing
a great resource on the Internet here!
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Have a great week!
dude... whats with the x-ray? lol... and yes we all need significant others so we all shut up about it. -Minch
Dude man...thats my leg after the accident...lol. Which must be healing pretty well by the way.
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