First of all, I have my photo shoot on Sunday morning. I can't wait for that. It should be fun. My niece got chosen to go to LA to model and have over 400 businesses from all over the world look for the top models. Who knows my niece might get to model in Milan. Lucky....but thats what I hope can happen with me. I just have to do my best. I love getting pictures taken so it should (and will) go well. I'll be going to the mall on Saturday to find a couple more clothes. I mean come on this could be me:

OK well maybe I can do something like this....
Ok so other than that I have been trying to work alot to make some of that cash out there. I've been working at SAFEwalk alot. I've been promoted to a dispatcher. 50 cent raise right there so that'll help. And we may actually get a raise at the beginning of Sept. I really hope that goes through. I also got another job working at the Physics library. Freshie Steve works there and says its pretty easy and it seems its going to be easy too. I'll probably be putting in 12-15 hrs a week at the physics library. So hopefully if you put these two jobs together and a couple gigs from modeling hopefully and make sure to save...I should be able to make some good money this semester. Lately I've been handing out bus passes to UW employees. Such a mind-numbing job. But its money.
I've been going to the gym a lot lately and cycling again to get a nice bod for the modeling and to get ready for the Collegiate MTB season coming up soon. I don't know how I'll do seeing that my legs have been feeling like crap for mostly all of time. We'll just have to see.
So this year I want to be busy. Very busy, which means very productive for me. So here's a list of what I will be up to this semester at least:
Working at SAFEwalk
Working at the Physics Library
13 Credits of Schooling (13 pretty east credits though)
Training (SERF and cycling)
The Collegiate MTB Season
Hopefully be Prez or VP of the UW Cycling Team
I think it'll keep me pretty busy. I want to do other things too. Get into more activities.
Oh and last night I went up to Wis Dells with Geo to visit his brother and his brother's girlfriend. And see a bikini contest. WOW those girls were HOTT! 3 out of the 10 were not so hott. The other 7 had amazing bodies and were very very HOTT. I didn't quite enjoy the results though. Two of the girls were not hott and they got 2nd and 3rd. Rachel - Geo's brother's girlfriend was not in the top 5 even though she honestly should have been. But just seeing all those girls in their bikinis....WOW. I need a girl like that.
Well, tomorrow is another day. I will be helping with cleaning our house, cycling meeting, SERF, fixing my commuter, washing everything I have for the photo shoot, and completing other random acts. My mom comes on Saturday and we will be doing a little bit of shopping for the shoot, some grocery shopping, and relaxing.
Well until then...
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