An artsy picture...why not. Thanks to Geo for taking the pic....
Can the weekend be here now? I'm pretty much done with this school thing...good thing I have 5 more semesters after this, eh? I'm not motivated to study or do anything. I want A's, but I don't want to work for it...I know, doesn't work that way...unless your a Gen-Ass. I'm making it through though. Only 4 more days of class for me...thank god for having Tuesdays and Thursdays off.
Last night when I should have been doing homework, I instead created a little training schedule for the next 12 weeks. I have a lot of base to go...but my legs are feeling great. Probably the best they ever have to be completely honest. So far I've put in a 15hr week, a 12 hr week and about a 10 hour week. From now until January I'm putting in about 20hrs/week. I'm on track for this week. I can't wait for January to come when I'll be starting up a few interval training rides. I want to go fast...because thats what I'm made to do. I'm definitely working on my sprint for this coming season....thats my weakest point on the bike. I can drill it, I would just never be able to win a field sprint.
I definitely know my fitness is increasing and my metabolism is getting faster as well. Today I had another research study. It was a TT. I was able to average 350 watts at an average RPM of 114. I took 4 seconds off my last TT in there. Thats pretty good. I have two more TT's in this research study...I want to cut off another 3 seconds and then I'll be real happy. After the study I went home, ate quick and then set up the trainer in the basement and spun for 2.5 hrs. Legs feel real good. Tomorrow I want to spin a little bit in the morning before work and then again after work in the evening. I hope this weekend is going to be as nice as it says...almost in the 40's. Thats perfect weather for a couple 4-5 hr rides. If not, well then I'm on the trainer watching movies for 4-5 hrs. Thank god I'm getting use to all these trainer rides...they keep going by quicker and quicker.
This Friday is the UW Cycling Holiday Formal. I love hanging out with the cycling team. Such good friends...and some of the freshmen this year are actually pretty cool.
Ok well, I need to dream some more...I really have to try and write a blog entry earlier than 2am.
Ciao ciao....
Sounds like you are nice and motivated! That's the hard part. Good luck with exams and the crazy party tomorrow night.
kyle j
Sounds like an interesting study, how long are the TT's you are doing? Anything different than normal, or just the high cadence?
They're only 5k, but it hurts...and breathing is a little restricted only breathing into a little mouthpiece and your nose plugged. Its just kinda weird...I'm use to a cadence of about 60-70...and I'm holding 114 with no problems at all...
And yes I'm super motivated...I want to race...
hey...those are my mittens...
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