Me trying to act cool...
Alright so today I wanted to get up and go for a ride early this morning. I look out the window and what do I see....rain. BLAH. So I grabbed some breakfast and then went right back to sleep until about 11:30am. I got up, got ready in about 20 minutes and then was off to Florence with some friends for lunch. We hit up the best place to eat in Florence (according to the guide book), Za-Za's. It was actually very tasty. I enjoyed. It stopped raining during our meal, so I really wanted to go on a ride. We got back to the villa at around 3:15pm and I was out the door by 3:30pm for a short ride.
I decided to go to Barbarino di Mugello...with the 5km 7-8% graded climb and then a 2km 13% climb on the way back. It was only a 45km ride. I really just wanted to try out my new position on the bike...and it rules. I honestly feel 5 times stronger now. With a little saddle and seatpost adjustment and cleat position adjustment the bike feels great. My body likes it. I flew up the climbs soooo much easier. Its crazy how just a little bit of adjustment can go a far way. 13% climb in 39-19 sitting down is good for me. And it was easy for me...probably very easy for all those P-R-O's in the ToCal. But didn't get out of breath at all. I can't wait to test my power out against US cyclists when I get back. I'm going to try and upgrade to Cat 2 before Superweek, or atleast be able to upgrade a week into Superweek.
Well, I hope it doesn't rain again tomorrow. Theres a 40% chance of rain, and I want to ride with the team tomorrow...get in a good 6 hours or so. Try and keep up with the really good climbers with my new position.
Other than that I'm studying all night tonight. I gots 3 midterms on Wednesday. BLAH...but right after those its SPRING BREAK!!! And I can just ride with out worrying about anything. I can't wait...and my bike will be coming in two weeks!!!!!! When all put together it should weight between 17.0 - 17.5 lbs which is 5 lbs lighter than my bike right now. And hopefully I ride enough over Spring Break that I lose a little weight...get down to that 155lbs. So that would be an 18lb loss, which would be amazing. Climbs would be nothing. And just having a bike just for my body will help me get faster too. I can't wait!!! Happy Training....
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