
Interestingly enough....

This one is for all the ladies...

...I've been enjoying the trainer rides. Today I put in 3.5 hours. I got through half of Jackass the Movie, all of Matrix Reloaded and an episode of Nip/Tuck. I'm definitely getting some good base miles/hours in this winter. Tomorrow I doing another TT and then I'm going to go home and do another hour at tempo.

This weekend is suppose to be really nice...40's and sunny I believe. That's awesome for Wisconsin in December. Hooray global warming...

I still want January to come, though. I want to get done with this base stuff...and do what the big boys like to do...intervals. I'll also be starting at the gym next week too to make sure my sprint really improves.

Ok well...I have a quiz in the morning so I should probably head to bed...I may squeeze in an episode of Nip/Tuck first though. We'll see. Oh and the Holiday Formal starts in 17 hours!!!

Ciao ciao....


Sarah Lukas said...

now that is what I am talking about...seems like you truly are getting some good basemiles in, and are looking good while doing it.

Ryan Baumann said...

Ride wednesday, no more lab test shit right?

Waite For It said...

There is no more "lab test shit right". I'll be going for a ride..but I won't be able to make it out until 1:30. I gots class until 1.

Anonymous said...

Dude, record highs tomorrow, come rock the road bike again at noon thirty.

Waite For It said...

I wish I could...but I fricken work...10:30am -3pm. Its great, I get to miss the prime riding time....god I hate the physics library...

Anonymous said...

So how was the formal? You countdown the hours but don't bother to tell your fans how it went!!! We're dying out here.....

Waite For It said...

An update will come tomorrow....all I can say right now is finals suck....