I have moved my blog. This one will still exist...but I probably will not blog-ify on it. I may use it for something later on, but for now I have moved to WordPress...Sorry Blogger. I just want to try something new.
So for now you can go to my new blogs web address at:
http://waitey.wordpress.com or just click HERE
Yeah I know...not very original...it still works. Hope you like it
Ciao ciao....
Coming Soon....
Yup I've been away for a very long time.....
I'll update when I get my new blog up and running. Its just time for something new....
Ciao ciao....
I'll update when I get my new blog up and running. Its just time for something new....
Ciao ciao....
How the racing has been going so far....
Well 4 days down...4 to go. Its been alright. I've pretty much just been pack-fill, but at Evanston I was able to start moving up and becoming a little more aggressive. Shorewood was fast and bumpy. I stayed with the pack and moved up when I could. I finished 73rd on the day. Ripon sucked ass. They used a different course than what they showed in the flyer. They used a shorter State Champs Crit course...I hated that course when I first raced on it. Now they incorporate another power climb and the legs just aren't ready for that. I was pulled later on, but was placed...49th.
Evanston is always a fun one. Crash with 36 laps to go stops the race. The legs hurt on the restart...finally got them going again and started moving up aggressively. Got up to the top 30 or so...then another race stopping crash with 6 to go. I then started on the back of the field again. Gave us 4 more laps to make it 10 and the legs did not like the first 3 laps. I made it thru but in 67th and in the field.
Yesterdays race in Cedarburg didn't go so well. I had the power, but I didn't have any motivation. So I just sat on the back all day not even caring if I moved up the field. From lap 35 to 30 the field was strung out one by one and I had to close about 5 gaps within 2 laps. Yes I know thats what happens on the back of the field. I was popped after 40 laps of the 70 lap race and just rode solo for 4 more laps until being pulled.
Its not the best attitude, but I just can't wait for these race to be done. I'm pissed off for many reasons, don't really have any motivation and just want to get the hell out of Madison and Milwaukee. I just want to get away from this area and some certain people....
Ciao ciao....
Evanston is always a fun one. Crash with 36 laps to go stops the race. The legs hurt on the restart...finally got them going again and started moving up aggressively. Got up to the top 30 or so...then another race stopping crash with 6 to go. I then started on the back of the field again. Gave us 4 more laps to make it 10 and the legs did not like the first 3 laps. I made it thru but in 67th and in the field.
Yesterdays race in Cedarburg didn't go so well. I had the power, but I didn't have any motivation. So I just sat on the back all day not even caring if I moved up the field. From lap 35 to 30 the field was strung out one by one and I had to close about 5 gaps within 2 laps. Yes I know thats what happens on the back of the field. I was popped after 40 laps of the 70 lap race and just rode solo for 4 more laps until being pulled.
Its not the best attitude, but I just can't wait for these race to be done. I'm pissed off for many reasons, don't really have any motivation and just want to get the hell out of Madison and Milwaukee. I just want to get away from this area and some certain people....
Ciao ciao....
Superweek 2008....
I've finally registered for my races for the 2008 edition of Superweek....
7/17: Tim Hart DDS/Rainbow Jersey Shorewood Criterium
7/18: Ripon Red Hawk Criterium
7/20: Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Grand Prix of Cycling
7/21: Pharma Pacific Tour of Holy Hill
7/23: Whitnall Park Criterium
7/24: Racine.org Criterium
7/25: Chase Food Folks & Spokes
7/26: The Great Downer Avenue Bike Race
Those are at least the ones I've pre-registered for...you never know...maybe I'll do a couple other ones. But even that will be a pretty hard schedule against all those Pro/1/2 racers. I just hope to have a couple decent finishes. I guess I should start getting strong again....
Ciao ciao....
7/17: Tim Hart DDS/Rainbow Jersey Shorewood Criterium
7/18: Ripon Red Hawk Criterium
7/20: Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Grand Prix of Cycling
7/21: Pharma Pacific Tour of Holy Hill
7/23: Whitnall Park Criterium
7/24: Racine.org Criterium
7/25: Chase Food Folks & Spokes
7/26: The Great Downer Avenue Bike Race
Those are at least the ones I've pre-registered for...you never know...maybe I'll do a couple other ones. But even that will be a pretty hard schedule against all those Pro/1/2 racers. I just hope to have a couple decent finishes. I guess I should start getting strong again....
Ciao ciao....
Change of Plans....
Ok first off I should let you know how I did at Leelanau and at the State Champs ITT.
Leelanau: Fucking hard....popped off the back. Made it to mile 90 and dropped out due to time cut. First UCI race. Over 160 starters...only 48 finished...didn't feel too bad about that.
ITT: Super windy. It hurt...alot. Placed 8th in the P/1/2 and 20th overall on the day with a time of 55:22.
Now I'll be heading to the State Champs Crit in Ripon this Saturday and I'm thinking about heading to Stillwater, MN to partake in the Cat 2/3 crit at NVGP. I'd like to try out that Chilkoot Hill Climb. 24%....ouch...yet awesome?!?!
And it looks like I will not be doing the Tour of Ohio this year...instead I'll head over to Grafton/Milwaukee area for the races that weekend. After that I think I'll be joining Dallas for the GRABAAWR. I'll just do the first 4 days back to Stevens Point, but that still means about 400 miles and then I'll continue training that week. Good build up up to Superweek.
Ciao ciao....
Leelanau: Fucking hard....popped off the back. Made it to mile 90 and dropped out due to time cut. First UCI race. Over 160 starters...only 48 finished...didn't feel too bad about that.
ITT: Super windy. It hurt...alot. Placed 8th in the P/1/2 and 20th overall on the day with a time of 55:22.
Now I'll be heading to the State Champs Crit in Ripon this Saturday and I'm thinking about heading to Stillwater, MN to partake in the Cat 2/3 crit at NVGP. I'd like to try out that Chilkoot Hill Climb. 24%....ouch...yet awesome?!?!
And it looks like I will not be doing the Tour of Ohio this year...instead I'll head over to Grafton/Milwaukee area for the races that weekend. After that I think I'll be joining Dallas for the GRABAAWR. I'll just do the first 4 days back to Stevens Point, but that still means about 400 miles and then I'll continue training that week. Good build up up to Superweek.
Ciao ciao....
Only 125....
Well...today I only went 125 miles/6.5 hrs. I went out 40 miles toward Milwaukee, joined with the Bones Ride and then rode back 40 miles. We ate on State St. I didn't want to go back out the same way we went and then turn around and go the exact same way again....cuz thats boring. So instead I made a quick stop home and then went for a nice 45 mile loop outside the Madison Area.
So total was 125 miles....6.5 hrs. Good work out for the legs still. Haven't had one of those days for awhile.
I have some goals for Leelanau....hopefully I can make a couple of them happen....
I can't wait to move back home and just train 5 or so hours a day....got some good races this summer....
Ciao ciao....
So total was 125 miles....6.5 hrs. Good work out for the legs still. Haven't had one of those days for awhile.
I have some goals for Leelanau....hopefully I can make a couple of them happen....
I can't wait to move back home and just train 5 or so hours a day....got some good races this summer....
Ciao ciao....
Much Riding....
Well the next two weeks will be painful for the legs, but the first week in June will be a welcoming recovery....
Tomorrow: 160 mile Bones Ride
Thursday: 2-3 hr sprint/interval ride
Friday: Travel to Michigan/1-2 hr spin
Saturday: 3-4 hr ride to get the legs going
Sunday: 110 mile Tour de Leelanau (try to finish...maybe even cover a move...if I can)
My legs are going to hurt after this week is done. But tomorrow should be fun. I'm also trying to figure out some longer routes in the Stevens Point area for when I move back home for this secret training....
I am going to ride my bike indefinitely for the next oh...5 or 6 months....
Ciao ciao....
Tomorrow: 160 mile Bones Ride
Thursday: 2-3 hr sprint/interval ride
Friday: Travel to Michigan/1-2 hr spin
Saturday: 3-4 hr ride to get the legs going
Sunday: 110 mile Tour de Leelanau (try to finish...maybe even cover a move...if I can)
My legs are going to hurt after this week is done. But tomorrow should be fun. I'm also trying to figure out some longer routes in the Stevens Point area for when I move back home for this secret training....
I am going to ride my bike indefinitely for the next oh...5 or 6 months....
Ciao ciao....
Wheels On Willy and Other Info....
So I'll start off by saying I'm finally done with my 5th year of college. I'm so happy its over. It was a tough one, but I got through it pretty well I think. Only one more semester left...only 7 credits. So close....
Since school is done I've been riding my bike a lot more. I'm trying to get fast again I guess. This weekend was a good tester. I still need to get a little more confidence and move up in the field, but I now know I'm able to sprint all out in every corner in a 4 corner crit for 60 minutes and still hang on. Wheels On Willy was a good race. 107 starters and only 40-50 guys finished. It was pretty much every big name in the Midwest there. It was fast...it was single file most of the race. I was able to grab around 25th place. I'd say that's pretty good with the [little] amount of training I've had this year....
This week I'm just getting ready for the Tour de Leelanau. I'm going on a longer harder ride tomorrow and then I'm doing the 160 mile Bones ride on Wednesday. Thursday will be a couple sprints and then I'll be traveling to Michigan on Friday. I can't wait to see what a UCI 1.2 race is like. I just hope to hold on....
And then I think I may be moving back home to Point after TdL to do a lot of secret training this summer. It'll be nice to not have to pay rent if I'm going to be traveling alot this summer for races. But then I'll also ride down to Madison here and there, stay a couple days and then ride back home. That'll probably be on my more intense training weeks.
More to come later....
Ciao ciao....
Since school is done I've been riding my bike a lot more. I'm trying to get fast again I guess. This weekend was a good tester. I still need to get a little more confidence and move up in the field, but I now know I'm able to sprint all out in every corner in a 4 corner crit for 60 minutes and still hang on. Wheels On Willy was a good race. 107 starters and only 40-50 guys finished. It was pretty much every big name in the Midwest there. It was fast...it was single file most of the race. I was able to grab around 25th place. I'd say that's pretty good with the [little] amount of training I've had this year....
This week I'm just getting ready for the Tour de Leelanau. I'm going on a longer harder ride tomorrow and then I'm doing the 160 mile Bones ride on Wednesday. Thursday will be a couple sprints and then I'll be traveling to Michigan on Friday. I can't wait to see what a UCI 1.2 race is like. I just hope to hold on....
And then I think I may be moving back home to Point after TdL to do a lot of secret training this summer. It'll be nice to not have to pay rent if I'm going to be traveling alot this summer for races. But then I'll also ride down to Madison here and there, stay a couple days and then ride back home. That'll probably be on my more intense training weeks.
More to come later....
Ciao ciao....
Collegiate Road Nationals TTT....
So today was the Titty-T. It went alright. Our team finally got to practice as a whole 1 hr before we went off. So thats pretty sweet, eh? Well we were fully decked out in aero equipment and felt pretty good about it....
Our start time was 9:18am...we were 5th to last to go out of 21 teams. Some strong teams were going to be following us. We started off the line strong with the wind battering us from everywhere it seemed like. We were going at a pretty good clip...but my legs felt like shit (I don't think I've adapted to the higher altitude yet). They lost me a little ways later. If I was in too low of a gear I would spin too much...but if I clicked up one gear it would be too hard. Gah...well I was dropped and they went on. As a team we finished 6th with a time of 24:42. Not bad considering if you look at all the teams above us they are all teams that have mountains and altitude to train in (as well as well funded programs). We were the top placed flatland midwest team! So I would say thats pretty sweet.
Here's the link to the results for the D1 Men TTT:
Well time to get back to studying for those stupid exams we still have. But I've been procrastinating by surfing the internet and buying my international UCI license, which I now need to send in a signed waiver and a photo copy of my birth certificate/passport...even though Freshie just bought his too and doesn't have to send in a photo copy of his BC/passport. Interesting stuff...so I emailed and asked about that...I guess I can also talk to one of the many officials all around me this weekend seeing that its Nationals and everything....
Ciao ciao....
Our start time was 9:18am...we were 5th to last to go out of 21 teams. Some strong teams were going to be following us. We started off the line strong with the wind battering us from everywhere it seemed like. We were going at a pretty good clip...but my legs felt like shit (I don't think I've adapted to the higher altitude yet). They lost me a little ways later. If I was in too low of a gear I would spin too much...but if I clicked up one gear it would be too hard. Gah...well I was dropped and they went on. As a team we finished 6th with a time of 24:42. Not bad considering if you look at all the teams above us they are all teams that have mountains and altitude to train in (as well as well funded programs). We were the top placed flatland midwest team! So I would say thats pretty sweet.
Here's the link to the results for the D1 Men TTT:
Well time to get back to studying for those stupid exams we still have. But I've been procrastinating by surfing the internet and buying my international UCI license, which I now need to send in a signed waiver and a photo copy of my birth certificate/passport...even though Freshie just bought his too and doesn't have to send in a photo copy of his BC/passport. Interesting stuff...so I emailed and asked about that...I guess I can also talk to one of the many officials all around me this weekend seeing that its Nationals and everything....
Ciao ciao....
Collegiate Road Nationals 2008....
Well after a 14 hr car drive and a night in Lincoln, NE we are finally here in Fort Collins, CO! Lets just say that I-80 is the worst road in the world....that road is too fucking long....
I don't have too much to report. Tomorrow is the TTT and we go off at 9:18am. We all have aero equipment and the bikes are pretty much set to go. Our team is It's a 12 mile out and back with a 1.8% gradient uphill for 5 miles and then we turn around and go down that same gradient. Hopefully we place well.
We also pre-rode the RR course. Yeah thats going to be hard. As of right now I'm not in the RR, but we'll find out tomorrow if I'll be able to jump in as a 5th man for the team. I hope I'm able to...its a hard course, but its a fun one with some pretty steep climbs. Nothing that we haven't seen in Madison though...maybe just a little longer.
Its late and we are getting up early to be at the TTT course at about 7:30am. Time for bed. More updates later and probably some pics if this internet is fast enough....
Ciao ciao....
I don't have too much to report. Tomorrow is the TTT and we go off at 9:18am. We all have aero equipment and the bikes are pretty much set to go. Our team is It's a 12 mile out and back with a 1.8% gradient uphill for 5 miles and then we turn around and go down that same gradient. Hopefully we place well.
We also pre-rode the RR course. Yeah thats going to be hard. As of right now I'm not in the RR, but we'll find out tomorrow if I'll be able to jump in as a 5th man for the team. I hope I'm able to...its a hard course, but its a fun one with some pretty steep climbs. Nothing that we haven't seen in Madison though...maybe just a little longer.
Its late and we are getting up early to be at the TTT course at about 7:30am. Time for bed. More updates later and probably some pics if this internet is fast enough....
Ciao ciao....
So soon...I'll possibly know where I'll be soon or what I'll be doing.....
Soon: I just went into the Rock agency today and had some polaroids taken....means I'll be signing with someone soon....
Soon: The semester is almost done....
Soon: Natz, Tour of Arkansas, Tour de Leelanau....
Soon: Summer....
Ciao ciao....
Soon: I just went into the Rock agency today and had some polaroids taken....means I'll be signing with someone soon....
Soon: The semester is almost done....
Soon: Natz, Tour of Arkansas, Tour de Leelanau....
Soon: Summer....
Ciao ciao....
My Last Regionals....
Ok I guess its time for my input on Regionals last weekend....
RR: 80 miles...8 laps of a 10 mile rolling course.
Started out pretty slow. The usual attacks here and there. 12 minutes into the race 4 guys got off....Dallas, Bennet from Marian, Will from Northwestern and Ren-Jay from IU. The field kinda just let them ride off the front. For the rest of the lap it was pretty nice and comfortable. Starting at lap two things started to get a little faster. John Meyers missed the break and seemed a little pissed about it so he got on the front and used up some of his man power to chase. 5 guys from Michigan helped with the chasing. This went on for laps 2 thru 6. The break got a max of 3 minutes and it only ever got down to just below a minute....they were working well together.

Lap 7 was slow as everyone recovered from all the chasing. Then lap 8 we rested for about 1/4 of the lap and then attack after attack went. It started to get really fast. Everything was being chased down. When we got to the bumpy Paris-Roubaix section with a tailwind, whoever was on the front was drilling it. The guy right in front of me seemed to be getting tired and losing the wheel ahead of him. I was not going to be dropped on the last 1/2 of the last lap. So I just went a little harder around him and pushed it back up to the field. I looked back and there was a 25 yard gap between the me at the back of the field that I just caught and the group I was just in. Thank god I did that....I believe many of the guys that were in that group were dropped with just a couple bridging up to the pack. I'm able to motor again! Hooray! I stayed with the field just fine till the end. I tried to move up in the sprint (which I need to work on by the way) and got up to at least the 1st half of the field. On the final climb up to the finish I was still feeling pretty good and was sprinting strong. However, one guy that was about 10th wheel or so is all of a sudden stopped right in my path. The whole field went left or right and I moved over just enough to edge past him...but I had to slow alot. And going uphill in my 53/16 was hard to get going again, but I finished in 24th. Better than last year where I didn't even finish.
TTT: 10 miles....
Wasn't my day. My legs didn't warm up properly and Bean accelerate strong right after I pulled up a hill. Didn't wait to see if I was on and was popped pretty early on in the TTT. The team still got 3rd, but I was pissed how things went down. Team...not individual people.
Crit: 75 minutes.....
Sweet jesus it was fast. I guess we averaged 27mph. Thats a pretty good click. The cratered capital square was taking wheels out left and right. I have never seen so many flats in a race ever (well in a crit...Natz last year on the dirt road was pretty ridiculous). Guys were crashing, coming to a dead stop right in the middle of the field due to flats...it was crazy. And we popped about half the field within 20 minutes.

We didn't slow down much at all. But I was hanging in there fine and didn't get a flat. Lucky! But I was almost crashed out at one point. Around corner 3 a Purdue guy right in front of me was jumping up and down on his bike checking his tyres or something...who knows. We enter the corner and BOOM! His rear tyre blows off the rim...sounds like a gunshot and he goes down face first with the sound of carbon grinding on asphalt. He's right in front of me and the only thing I'm thinking about is an image of me going right over him, face first into the ground. Shit....I slammed on the brakes just enough that when I hit him I bounced off his head and right back into the race. No idea how I kept that up...but now I had some work to do to get back up to the field. I was probably half a straight away back. I sprinted and got back on in about 2 corners. Gah...that was a close one...I guess that guy's face was fucked up pretty nicely....and I barely missed it.
The ending wasn't too eventful. Whole field sprint, I was cramping, did my best to move up, and took 30th or so. Overall it was a good weekend, but now its time to get ready for Natz. I'll be doing the TTT and the Crit. I'm hoping to give it my all in the crit and have something happen.
Other than that I'm sick right now and I'm trying to finally get ahead in my homework.
Races coming up for me:
May 3: WCA Baraboo Road Race
May 9-11: Collegiate National Road Championship
May 15-19: Tour of Arkansas
May 25: Tour de Leelanau
Time to get over this sickness and get some good training in....I'm better at Stage Races...I think they're more fun.
Ciao ciao....
RR: 80 miles...8 laps of a 10 mile rolling course.
Started out pretty slow. The usual attacks here and there. 12 minutes into the race 4 guys got off....Dallas, Bennet from Marian, Will from Northwestern and Ren-Jay from IU. The field kinda just let them ride off the front. For the rest of the lap it was pretty nice and comfortable. Starting at lap two things started to get a little faster. John Meyers missed the break and seemed a little pissed about it so he got on the front and used up some of his man power to chase. 5 guys from Michigan helped with the chasing. This went on for laps 2 thru 6. The break got a max of 3 minutes and it only ever got down to just below a minute....they were working well together.

Lap 7 was slow as everyone recovered from all the chasing. Then lap 8 we rested for about 1/4 of the lap and then attack after attack went. It started to get really fast. Everything was being chased down. When we got to the bumpy Paris-Roubaix section with a tailwind, whoever was on the front was drilling it. The guy right in front of me seemed to be getting tired and losing the wheel ahead of him. I was not going to be dropped on the last 1/2 of the last lap. So I just went a little harder around him and pushed it back up to the field. I looked back and there was a 25 yard gap between the me at the back of the field that I just caught and the group I was just in. Thank god I did that....I believe many of the guys that were in that group were dropped with just a couple bridging up to the pack. I'm able to motor again! Hooray! I stayed with the field just fine till the end. I tried to move up in the sprint (which I need to work on by the way) and got up to at least the 1st half of the field. On the final climb up to the finish I was still feeling pretty good and was sprinting strong. However, one guy that was about 10th wheel or so is all of a sudden stopped right in my path. The whole field went left or right and I moved over just enough to edge past him...but I had to slow alot. And going uphill in my 53/16 was hard to get going again, but I finished in 24th. Better than last year where I didn't even finish.
TTT: 10 miles....
Wasn't my day. My legs didn't warm up properly and Bean accelerate strong right after I pulled up a hill. Didn't wait to see if I was on and was popped pretty early on in the TTT. The team still got 3rd, but I was pissed how things went down. Team...not individual people.
Crit: 75 minutes.....
Sweet jesus it was fast. I guess we averaged 27mph. Thats a pretty good click. The cratered capital square was taking wheels out left and right. I have never seen so many flats in a race ever (well in a crit...Natz last year on the dirt road was pretty ridiculous). Guys were crashing, coming to a dead stop right in the middle of the field due to flats...it was crazy. And we popped about half the field within 20 minutes.

We didn't slow down much at all. But I was hanging in there fine and didn't get a flat. Lucky! But I was almost crashed out at one point. Around corner 3 a Purdue guy right in front of me was jumping up and down on his bike checking his tyres or something...who knows. We enter the corner and BOOM! His rear tyre blows off the rim...sounds like a gunshot and he goes down face first with the sound of carbon grinding on asphalt. He's right in front of me and the only thing I'm thinking about is an image of me going right over him, face first into the ground. Shit....I slammed on the brakes just enough that when I hit him I bounced off his head and right back into the race. No idea how I kept that up...but now I had some work to do to get back up to the field. I was probably half a straight away back. I sprinted and got back on in about 2 corners. Gah...that was a close one...I guess that guy's face was fucked up pretty nicely....and I barely missed it.
The ending wasn't too eventful. Whole field sprint, I was cramping, did my best to move up, and took 30th or so. Overall it was a good weekend, but now its time to get ready for Natz. I'll be doing the TTT and the Crit. I'm hoping to give it my all in the crit and have something happen.
Other than that I'm sick right now and I'm trying to finally get ahead in my homework.
Races coming up for me:
May 3: WCA Baraboo Road Race
May 9-11: Collegiate National Road Championship
May 15-19: Tour of Arkansas
May 25: Tour de Leelanau
Time to get over this sickness and get some good training in....I'm better at Stage Races...I think they're more fun.
Ciao ciao....
Can somebody please give me motivation to do something....
I only have 8 days of class left this semester...only 8! So close....I need to get my shit done so then those 8 days are easy....
Oh I also received my 9th epidural today...eat it pregnant women!
Ciao ciao....
I only have 8 days of class left this semester...only 8! So close....I need to get my shit done so then those 8 days are easy....
Oh I also received my 9th epidural today...eat it pregnant women!
Ciao ciao....
Alright so first off this week sucks and I have way too much homework and no (absolutely zero) motivation to do it. I only have 2.5 more weeks of school left since I'll be leaving for Colorado during the last week of school. But still have tons of shit to get done before then....
Ok well I'm on a new team now. Pista Elite Pro Development Team out of Cleveland. I feel honored (once again) to be invited onto the team. We're getting some pretty good deals. Races and lodging will be paid for....and we're getting some free gear. We're going to be doing some UCI races this year and we've been invited to the Tour of Leelanau. So that's pretty sweet. I guess there's bigger things in the team's future so I need to really perform well this year. The team is made up of a whole bunch of collegiate riders. Riders from Purdue, Marian, Indiana, and now Wisconsin (me).
Now I just have to decide if I want to do the Tour of Leelanau or Snake Alley/Quad Cities during Memorial Day weekend. Leelanau is definitely more prestigious, but we'll have to see what I'm able to do. I need to know by this weekend probably....
Ok I guess I have to do homework...and maybe I'll know more about the team after this weekend....
Ciao ciao....
Ok well I'm on a new team now. Pista Elite Pro Development Team out of Cleveland. I feel honored (once again) to be invited onto the team. We're getting some pretty good deals. Races and lodging will be paid for....and we're getting some free gear. We're going to be doing some UCI races this year and we've been invited to the Tour of Leelanau. So that's pretty sweet. I guess there's bigger things in the team's future so I need to really perform well this year. The team is made up of a whole bunch of collegiate riders. Riders from Purdue, Marian, Indiana, and now Wisconsin (me).
Now I just have to decide if I want to do the Tour of Leelanau or Snake Alley/Quad Cities during Memorial Day weekend. Leelanau is definitely more prestigious, but we'll have to see what I'm able to do. I need to know by this weekend probably....
Ok I guess I have to do homework...and maybe I'll know more about the team after this weekend....
Ciao ciao....
I think I'm going to start practicing TT'ing more. I really enjoy it. It hurts alot yes...but I feel good with it. I will most likely be going to Elite Natz in Cali later this year...so I want to start practicing for it. Don't get me wrong...I'm going to get my ass whooped. I just want to do a little better.
I'm feeling pretty good for the GDVC crit tomorrow. Hopefully I can get in a break....
Ciao ciao....
I'm feeling pretty good for the GDVC crit tomorrow. Hopefully I can get in a break....
Ciao ciao....
Wisconsin weather....
....can suck it. Can it just stop raining/sleeting/snowing for just one day. Oh and take away the hurricane winds when we finally do have a nicer day. This weather just sucks ass. I want to ride out side....
Instead today I did an hour ride on the trainer on the TT bike....not much. Some intervals while dreaming of riding outside. Looks like its suppose to rain/snow for the next 3 days. Its looking like Sunday should be a little nicer. Its saying 44 degrees and partly cloudy. Hopefully it stays like that cuz I want to redeem myself at the GDVC crit on Sunday....
Time to take a shower and then start my take home exam....
Ciao ciao....
Instead today I did an hour ride on the trainer on the TT bike....not much. Some intervals while dreaming of riding outside. Looks like its suppose to rain/snow for the next 3 days. Its looking like Sunday should be a little nicer. Its saying 44 degrees and partly cloudy. Hopefully it stays like that cuz I want to redeem myself at the GDVC crit on Sunday....
Time to take a shower and then start my take home exam....
Ciao ciao....
The Recap....
So I finally have a little bit of down time to discuss the weekend. It was a fun one...4 races. I learned where my power is at and what I have to work on.
Race 1: Marian Collegiate Men's A Crit....
This one didn't go too well. It started out fast and I was in the field, but I followed the wrong wheel and a gap formed. There were about 10 of us in the split and we chased hard to get back on. Jon Cook was in this chase group too. We were about 15 meters off the pack....almost there...and everyone in my pack just gave up the fight. What the hell?!? I really wish I would have sprinted up to the group at that point. But we lost them and we were alone to ride along. Everyone was stupid in this pack. They just kept attacking and wasting their energy. All we needed to do was a pace line. We were pulled with 4 laps to go...
Race 2: Marian Crit P/1/2/3....
This one went a little better for me...until 30 minutes in. It started out super slow. Much different from a collegiate race. But about 3 laps in the speed picked up...but not because of attacks. They just started going harder. People were getting thrown off the back, but I was able to stay about 5 or 6th position with Dallas right behind me. About 20 minutes in a gap opens and about 14 riders are off the front...maybe by about 10 seconds or so...maybe a little less. I was sitting 4th wheel in the second pack...I was not going to be split from this group like the last crit. So I booked it up the right side yelling at a Mesa Cycles rider to get the hell out of my way cuz he was riding too slow to catch them. Dallas right on my wheel as I moved up and took control. He said I hit about 35 mph. He wasn't able to pull around at all. At one point I started to die a little bit and he knew he couldn't come around so he gave me a little push and that was enough for me to keep going and I finally closed the gap. A little recovery and I was good to go. About 30 minutes in I decide to attack. I start from about 5 wheels back. Jake Rytlewski comes with me and another guy. I get about a 10 second gap on the field...with Jake we should be gone. And then I enter the 120 degree corner...I guess I went in way too hott and I wiped out. God I was mad and in pain. I took that corner how many times? And then the one time I actually have a chance to be in a break initiated by me I go down. God damn it. I hugged the hay barrel right next to me and then I went to take my free lap. I got back into the race...did one lap and decided that the pain was a little too much. So I had to drop out. Damn it....
Race 3: Purdue TTT....
Freshie, Cook, Dallas and I practiced for 15 minutes and this was the first time since the Mizzou ITT last year that I was on a TT bike. It would be interesting and seeing that I wasn't able to walk on my leg very well, I didn't know how biking would hold up. It was a 6 mile loop. We went as hard as we could...I was going well and then we hit the short steep climb on the course. My road rash/crash the day before did not like that effort. So I started hurting a little too much, but I had to keep it up because we lost Cook just before the climb. We finished strong and completed the 6 mile course in 13:47. I would say thats not too shabby considering that we practiced together just 15 minutes before we went off. 2 guys had regular road bikes and I crashed the day before. Indiana won it in a time of 13:05, 2nd place was Marian at 13:13 and Purdue came in at 13:33. 4th place...not horrible...but we'll need some practice before Regionals and Natz.
Race 4: Purdue Road Race...
This was 8.5 laps of a 4 mile loop. So pretty much it was going to be a crit. I just wanted to stay with the field. A break formed of 10 guys. Then a chase of 3 riders and then our pack. I was able to hang with them until 1 lap left...my crash started to hurt. But with only one more lap to go I wasn't going to quit. I finished up strong and got 44th. Not the really the greatest result you can get, but at least my power is up a little more. Still need work though.
I took 2 days off and now I'm back on the bike. Today Dallas and I practiced our TT skills around Paoli. I kinda like TT'ing. I'm going to try and get out on the TT bike at least once a week. I'm thinking about dedicating Tuesdays for that.
The GDVC crit is this Sunday....hopefully I can try and do another break and not actually crash this time. It'll be good training too. Regionals is next weekend and Natz is only 4 weeks away.
Oh and it looks like I have a new team for 2008...details later....
Time for bed...
Ciao ciao....
Race 1: Marian Collegiate Men's A Crit....
This one didn't go too well. It started out fast and I was in the field, but I followed the wrong wheel and a gap formed. There were about 10 of us in the split and we chased hard to get back on. Jon Cook was in this chase group too. We were about 15 meters off the pack....almost there...and everyone in my pack just gave up the fight. What the hell?!? I really wish I would have sprinted up to the group at that point. But we lost them and we were alone to ride along. Everyone was stupid in this pack. They just kept attacking and wasting their energy. All we needed to do was a pace line. We were pulled with 4 laps to go...
Race 2: Marian Crit P/1/2/3....
This one went a little better for me...until 30 minutes in. It started out super slow. Much different from a collegiate race. But about 3 laps in the speed picked up...but not because of attacks. They just started going harder. People were getting thrown off the back, but I was able to stay about 5 or 6th position with Dallas right behind me. About 20 minutes in a gap opens and about 14 riders are off the front...maybe by about 10 seconds or so...maybe a little less. I was sitting 4th wheel in the second pack...I was not going to be split from this group like the last crit. So I booked it up the right side yelling at a Mesa Cycles rider to get the hell out of my way cuz he was riding too slow to catch them. Dallas right on my wheel as I moved up and took control. He said I hit about 35 mph. He wasn't able to pull around at all. At one point I started to die a little bit and he knew he couldn't come around so he gave me a little push and that was enough for me to keep going and I finally closed the gap. A little recovery and I was good to go. About 30 minutes in I decide to attack. I start from about 5 wheels back. Jake Rytlewski comes with me and another guy. I get about a 10 second gap on the field...with Jake we should be gone. And then I enter the 120 degree corner...I guess I went in way too hott and I wiped out. God I was mad and in pain. I took that corner how many times? And then the one time I actually have a chance to be in a break initiated by me I go down. God damn it. I hugged the hay barrel right next to me and then I went to take my free lap. I got back into the race...did one lap and decided that the pain was a little too much. So I had to drop out. Damn it....
Race 3: Purdue TTT....
Freshie, Cook, Dallas and I practiced for 15 minutes and this was the first time since the Mizzou ITT last year that I was on a TT bike. It would be interesting and seeing that I wasn't able to walk on my leg very well, I didn't know how biking would hold up. It was a 6 mile loop. We went as hard as we could...I was going well and then we hit the short steep climb on the course. My road rash/crash the day before did not like that effort. So I started hurting a little too much, but I had to keep it up because we lost Cook just before the climb. We finished strong and completed the 6 mile course in 13:47. I would say thats not too shabby considering that we practiced together just 15 minutes before we went off. 2 guys had regular road bikes and I crashed the day before. Indiana won it in a time of 13:05, 2nd place was Marian at 13:13 and Purdue came in at 13:33. 4th place...not horrible...but we'll need some practice before Regionals and Natz.
Race 4: Purdue Road Race...
This was 8.5 laps of a 4 mile loop. So pretty much it was going to be a crit. I just wanted to stay with the field. A break formed of 10 guys. Then a chase of 3 riders and then our pack. I was able to hang with them until 1 lap left...my crash started to hurt. But with only one more lap to go I wasn't going to quit. I finished up strong and got 44th. Not the really the greatest result you can get, but at least my power is up a little more. Still need work though.
I took 2 days off and now I'm back on the bike. Today Dallas and I practiced our TT skills around Paoli. I kinda like TT'ing. I'm going to try and get out on the TT bike at least once a week. I'm thinking about dedicating Tuesdays for that.
The GDVC crit is this Sunday....hopefully I can try and do another break and not actually crash this time. It'll be good training too. Regionals is next weekend and Natz is only 4 weeks away.
Oh and it looks like I have a new team for 2008...details later....
Time for bed...
Ciao ciao....
I don't have much time, but I want to get a recap of the weekend up. I'll either do it later tonight if I have time or it'll definitely be up tomorrow since I don't have class. Be watching....

It was a fun weekend though....and I'm getting stronger again! Hurrah! And I may have a new team...again...
Ciao ciao....

It was a fun weekend though....and I'm getting stronger again! Hurrah! And I may have a new team...again...
Ciao ciao....
Its been awhile. School, work, training, SB, etc have been keeping me busy. I'm just at Steep&Brew right now studying (clarification: was studying) for my NS 431 exam thats in 2.5 hours. I've just been reading some cycling blogs and staying away from actually being productive for this exam. Yup...no motivation like usual.
Well spring break went very well for me...riding and coordinating. I guess everyone liked the job I did and want me to possibly do it next year as well...we'll see about that. As for the riding...I don't think I've ever ridden that hard during a Spring Break. I did 525 miles, 30 hours, 23000 KJ. The first 4 days all the fast guys tore my legs apart. On day 4 I exploded and had to cut the 6 hr ride down to a 3.5 hr ride cuz my legs hurt so bad. I took the next day as a recovery day. The last 3 days of the trip I felt better than ever. And ever since the trip I've been going pretty well. I feel strong again and can't wait to race this weekend at Marian/Purdue. Hopefully I can make up for the poor performances I had at Mizzou/Lindenwood. I really need to start training hard and peak for Natz in Colorado. But I'm up for the challenge...and if I'm feeling pretty good and confident now things should go well....
One thing I do regret is having to give up my spot at Get A Grip. I really don't want to race unattached this year...and to actually have a good supportive team...I was really looking forward to that. I wish I could re-join them...but since I have no idea whats going on I guess I can't. I'm definitely very motivated to train and race again. Maybe its because theres not much snow on the ground and I got to finally ride some decent terrain in NC.
Other than that...I've been on the bike and doing homework. Thats kinda my life right now. Tonight after my exam some of us are going to the Great Dane to play darts and have some appetizers and drinks. Tomorrow I'm going on one of those killer rides where you have to crawl home cuz your legs stopped working from riding so hard...just getting ready for the weekend....
Ok back to studying I guess...school sucks....
Ciao ciao....
Well spring break went very well for me...riding and coordinating. I guess everyone liked the job I did and want me to possibly do it next year as well...we'll see about that. As for the riding...I don't think I've ever ridden that hard during a Spring Break. I did 525 miles, 30 hours, 23000 KJ. The first 4 days all the fast guys tore my legs apart. On day 4 I exploded and had to cut the 6 hr ride down to a 3.5 hr ride cuz my legs hurt so bad. I took the next day as a recovery day. The last 3 days of the trip I felt better than ever. And ever since the trip I've been going pretty well. I feel strong again and can't wait to race this weekend at Marian/Purdue. Hopefully I can make up for the poor performances I had at Mizzou/Lindenwood. I really need to start training hard and peak for Natz in Colorado. But I'm up for the challenge...and if I'm feeling pretty good and confident now things should go well....
One thing I do regret is having to give up my spot at Get A Grip. I really don't want to race unattached this year...and to actually have a good supportive team...I was really looking forward to that. I wish I could re-join them...but since I have no idea whats going on I guess I can't. I'm definitely very motivated to train and race again. Maybe its because theres not much snow on the ground and I got to finally ride some decent terrain in NC.
Other than that...I've been on the bike and doing homework. Thats kinda my life right now. Tonight after my exam some of us are going to the Great Dane to play darts and have some appetizers and drinks. Tomorrow I'm going on one of those killer rides where you have to crawl home cuz your legs stopped working from riding so hard...just getting ready for the weekend....
Ok back to studying I guess...school sucks....
Ciao ciao....
In about 15 hours I will be on my way to NC for spring break! I finally finished the last bit of homework/examination-ing I had to do. Finished at about 1:15am. I want to punch procrastination in the face. I just want to go ride my bike and hopefully get strong again.
Last weekend at Mizzou sucked for me. Yup I did lose a lot of endurance. I still have my power, just no endurance. I got dropped both races. So I'm going to ride a shitload in NC and then take the next week completely off. Hopefully I'll be a little better after all of that...and then it should be warmer and we can ride outside again.
Ok well I'm going to head to bed. Gotta wake up really early because I haven't even packed yet and my stuff is being picked up at 9:30am....the same time that I have to be at the Rock Agency for an audition. Gah I need to memorize some lines....
Good Night!
Ciao ciao....
Last weekend at Mizzou sucked for me. Yup I did lose a lot of endurance. I still have my power, just no endurance. I got dropped both races. So I'm going to ride a shitload in NC and then take the next week completely off. Hopefully I'll be a little better after all of that...and then it should be warmer and we can ride outside again.
Ok well I'm going to head to bed. Gotta wake up really early because I haven't even packed yet and my stuff is being picked up at 9:30am....the same time that I have to be at the Rock Agency for an audition. Gah I need to memorize some lines....
Good Night!
Ciao ciao....
Alright...this weekend will be the first time since August that I'm racing my bike. It will be interesting. I think it'll be tough, but not horrible. I'll hurt, but it'll get my fitness going again. I'm probably not as strong as the field, but I'm still going to go out there and get some work done. If I can't get in a breakaway I'll try my best at getting one of my teammates to get the V.
Here's the race description for Mizzou. A 60 mile hilly road race to get the legs going again. Then Sunday is a nice technical crit. I have a feeling I'll do better in the crit than in the RR. But we'll just wait and see.
Then this week I hope to get my training up a little bit and then go all out and rip my legs off during Spring Break. Week off and then racing again. I think that'll be good enough to stay with the big boys.
I hope I can bring you a good report when I get back from this weekend....
Ciao ciao....
Here's the race description for Mizzou. A 60 mile hilly road race to get the legs going again. Then Sunday is a nice technical crit. I have a feeling I'll do better in the crit than in the RR. But we'll just wait and see.
Then this week I hope to get my training up a little bit and then go all out and rip my legs off during Spring Break. Week off and then racing again. I think that'll be good enough to stay with the big boys.
I hope I can bring you a good report when I get back from this weekend....
Ciao ciao....
Well I'm doing 1000 times better. Sickness is pretty much gone...I just have the lingering cough/clearing of the throat that ends every cold. No more dizziness, no more fatigue. It just took about 5-6 days laying in bed doing absolutely nothing but sleeping and eating. Thank god its over...and just in time....
Thursday I finally got another modeling gig. Just fresh off my death virus I got a job with Miller Brewing. I was just an extra, but it was for a type of commercial. I just had to act like I was having a good time at a party. They put a Miller Chill in my hand and two beautiful girls next to me. "Have a good time"! That was pretty much it. I got paid to flirt and drink a beer. And the pay wasn't that bad either. And lets just say that models are very open about everything. It was a blast. I definitely want this to be my life and job. Well not just flirting and drinking beer...the modeling.
These next two weeks will be pretty busy. I need to do a couple intervals on the bike before my first race of the season next weekend in Mizzou. I can't wait to race....its been awhile. And then its Spring Break....
Ciao ciao....
Thursday I finally got another modeling gig. Just fresh off my death virus I got a job with Miller Brewing. I was just an extra, but it was for a type of commercial. I just had to act like I was having a good time at a party. They put a Miller Chill in my hand and two beautiful girls next to me. "Have a good time"! That was pretty much it. I got paid to flirt and drink a beer. And the pay wasn't that bad either. And lets just say that models are very open about everything. It was a blast. I definitely want this to be my life and job. Well not just flirting and drinking beer...the modeling.
These next two weeks will be pretty busy. I need to do a couple intervals on the bike before my first race of the season next weekend in Mizzou. I can't wait to race....its been awhile. And then its Spring Break....
Ciao ciao....
OK I haven't updated in awhile, but not much has really been happening. I had a strained shoulder for about 2 weeks and couldn't exercise, but its healed now and I'm back into getting fit for modeling. Went to Chicago and saw Rent. I'm trying to survive school and work. I also have an audition this Sunday for an independent film....
Thats what I think is getting to me. I don't think I've been sleeping enough or something. Ever since Freezing For Safety I've been getting short little dizzy spells that last just a couple seconds and goes away. But they pretty much happen everyday. They get a little worse during the evening/night hours. I was riding the trainer today and 30 minutes in I almost fell off the bike...or at least it felt like I was suddenly going to....
So tomorrow I'm skipping class and heading home early in the morning to get this checked out. I hate doctors, but it really has to be done seeing my one blip on the radar screen medical history. I think just knowing what happened 3 years ago gets in my head and makes it worse.
Its probably nothing, but better safe than sorry....at least I get to skip class tomorrow!
Ciao ciao....
Thats what I think is getting to me. I don't think I've been sleeping enough or something. Ever since Freezing For Safety I've been getting short little dizzy spells that last just a couple seconds and goes away. But they pretty much happen everyday. They get a little worse during the evening/night hours. I was riding the trainer today and 30 minutes in I almost fell off the bike...or at least it felt like I was suddenly going to....
So tomorrow I'm skipping class and heading home early in the morning to get this checked out. I hate doctors, but it really has to be done seeing my one blip on the radar screen medical history. I think just knowing what happened 3 years ago gets in my head and makes it worse.
Its probably nothing, but better safe than sorry....at least I get to skip class tomorrow!
Ciao ciao....
Yup I'm sick. Gots me a sore throat and I'm fatigued. So that always feels great....
I studied only 4 hours for an exam that was today...and I started studying today for it. I think and hope it went well. Now I have to start a take home exam for MHR. Yeah I was suppose to start it tonight...but the sickness and already taking an exam threw that idea out the window. Hopefully I can finish it before Thursday night though since I'm heading to Chicago on Friday. Oh and I have an audition for a independent short feature film on Sunday too!
As for racing this season...I will not be racing for Get A Grip. I thought things over and I really don't know where I'm going to be this summer, so I can't really commit myself to the team. So I'll be riding unattached this year. I've ridden without much help for years, so it won't be that much different. But I'm still racing and training. I've been training alot more lately...and I'm starting to feel the strength go up again. I think I'll be ready for Spring Break...and then after Spring Break I should be pretty good to go again.
Well...I'm going to keep up my procrastination skills and not start that exam tonight. Doing it later will definitely suck...but oh well....
Ciao ciao....
I studied only 4 hours for an exam that was today...and I started studying today for it. I think and hope it went well. Now I have to start a take home exam for MHR. Yeah I was suppose to start it tonight...but the sickness and already taking an exam threw that idea out the window. Hopefully I can finish it before Thursday night though since I'm heading to Chicago on Friday. Oh and I have an audition for a independent short feature film on Sunday too!
As for racing this season...I will not be racing for Get A Grip. I thought things over and I really don't know where I'm going to be this summer, so I can't really commit myself to the team. So I'll be riding unattached this year. I've ridden without much help for years, so it won't be that much different. But I'm still racing and training. I've been training alot more lately...and I'm starting to feel the strength go up again. I think I'll be ready for Spring Break...and then after Spring Break I should be pretty good to go again.
Well...I'm going to keep up my procrastination skills and not start that exam tonight. Doing it later will definitely suck...but oh well....
Ciao ciao....
Yesterday was Freezing For Safety. A whole bunch of us go out to the middle of Library Mall by State St., ride our trainers and yell at pedestrians to give us money. This money will go to the Safe Kids Coalition...they will buy helmets and car seats for children and families that can't afford them. I was out there for a total of 4.5 hours. That was good enough for me, since I haven't really had the motivation to actually get on a trainer. But my power is still up there. So thats good...I won't suck too much at the start of this collegiate season (my last one at that).
I had to take a break at hour 2 to get to class. I just went in my kit. Well as you know my classes are about 97% female. Hurrah for dietetics! One of the girls right behind me said that I looked really cute today, then she asked me to stand up because she wanted to see my ass. Well ok....that was fun.
When I got home I ate alot and passed out at about 9pm. I awoke at 1am from my roommates screaming at video games. So I got up and went and ate some more. I pretty much passed out again right away and woke up at 10 this morning.
Dallas and I went shopping for some groceries today. I made tiramisu for the IMTA reunion being held tonight. That'll be a fun time. Hopefully my tiramisu is a hit.
Ciao ciao....
I had to take a break at hour 2 to get to class. I just went in my kit. Well as you know my classes are about 97% female. Hurrah for dietetics! One of the girls right behind me said that I looked really cute today, then she asked me to stand up because she wanted to see my ass. Well ok....that was fun.
When I got home I ate alot and passed out at about 9pm. I awoke at 1am from my roommates screaming at video games. So I got up and went and ate some more. I pretty much passed out again right away and woke up at 10 this morning.
Dallas and I went shopping for some groceries today. I made tiramisu for the IMTA reunion being held tonight. That'll be a fun time. Hopefully my tiramisu is a hit.
Ciao ciao....
Today was....
Got to bed at about 3:30am.
Got up at 7:45am, drove Dallas to class...
Met Dallas at Sunroom Cafe at 9:30am....
SERF from 10:30 to 11:30...my brother believes that I have a strained shoulder muscle (and I could believe that). I just did some legs and abs...
1:00pm until 2:45pm was spent on the trainer with some intervals....
Now its CoffeeShop time for the rest of the night...Gotta get everything done!
Ciao ciao....
Got up at 7:45am, drove Dallas to class...
Met Dallas at Sunroom Cafe at 9:30am....
SERF from 10:30 to 11:30...my brother believes that I have a strained shoulder muscle (and I could believe that). I just did some legs and abs...
1:00pm until 2:45pm was spent on the trainer with some intervals....
Now its CoffeeShop time for the rest of the night...Gotta get everything done!
Ciao ciao....
And thats what I just woke up from. Dallas came over tonight and made pasta salad, ribs and flank steak, bread and brie, green beans and asparagus. For dessert we had sorbet and cookies. We ate at 6:30...and I had way too much to eat and went into a coma at 8. I woke up at 12:30am. And now I can't go back to sleep. Its probably going to be a long night. I really needed to get a bunch of homework done too. Oh well...it was a good time and the food was delicious.
As for today...I hate Wisconsin. Only in Wisconsin will it be 40 degrees with snow starting to melt one day, then 38 with rain the next, and then a blizzard the next day with 8-10 inches of snow. Every school around the area, even UWW was cancelled...but not UW-Madison. But SAFE services was cancelled tonight because the buses and the cabs stopped services at 7pm. I was going to be the only one in the office from 7pm until 3am dispatching cabs, but then I didn't have to come in. AWESOME!! I need the money and tonight would have been easy, but it was nice not having to be stuck in an office for 8 hrs answering phone calls for 8 hrs.
Tomorrow I have no class so I'm grabbing breakfast with Dallas and then if my shoulder is up to it I'm lifting at the SERF. Then I'll be getting on the bike for about a 2 hour ride with some intervals...I want to ride outside. Then its a night of homework to make sure I get everything I need to get done before Friday.
Friday I need to pick up some ingredients, because I'm making tiramisu for our IMTA reunion on Saturday. So busy right now....
Oh and I'm still trying to find a second job....
Almost 3 weeks down...only 12 left. GAH....
Ciao ciao....
As for today...I hate Wisconsin. Only in Wisconsin will it be 40 degrees with snow starting to melt one day, then 38 with rain the next, and then a blizzard the next day with 8-10 inches of snow. Every school around the area, even UWW was cancelled...but not UW-Madison. But SAFE services was cancelled tonight because the buses and the cabs stopped services at 7pm. I was going to be the only one in the office from 7pm until 3am dispatching cabs, but then I didn't have to come in. AWESOME!! I need the money and tonight would have been easy, but it was nice not having to be stuck in an office for 8 hrs answering phone calls for 8 hrs.
Tomorrow I have no class so I'm grabbing breakfast with Dallas and then if my shoulder is up to it I'm lifting at the SERF. Then I'll be getting on the bike for about a 2 hour ride with some intervals...I want to ride outside. Then its a night of homework to make sure I get everything I need to get done before Friday.
Friday I need to pick up some ingredients, because I'm making tiramisu for our IMTA reunion on Saturday. So busy right now....
Oh and I'm still trying to find a second job....
Almost 3 weeks down...only 12 left. GAH....
Ciao ciao....
A Couple Pics From The Runway....
Alright I got ahold of a couple pictures from IMTA with me on the runway. I miss the runway so much...it was a blast. Hopefully I get back on it soon. Enjoy!

Jeans Runway - 1st Runner-up

Another from Jeans...I think it was the hat that actually got me 2nd place. I love that hat.

Fashion Runway - Can you say Euro-mullet?
Ciao ciao....

Jeans Runway - 1st Runner-up

Another from Jeans...I think it was the hat that actually got me 2nd place. I love that hat.

Fashion Runway - Can you say Euro-mullet?
Ciao ciao....
Race Schedule 2008....
Alright...I'm at work like usual. I did get the work done that I had to do tonight...so right after that I decided to pretty much do nothing relating to school. I really want to still race so I kinda put together at least a Spring Racing Campaign...and this is what its looking like for right now....
23-Feb Collegiate Ohio State
24-Feb Collegiate Ohio State
1-Mar Collegiate DePauw
2-Mar Collegiate DePauw
8-Mar Collegiate Mizzou
9-Mar Collegiate Lindenwood
Mar 14 - Mar 23 UW Cycling Spring Break
29-Mar Hillsboro-Roubaix
5-Apr Collegiate Marian
6-Apr Collegiate Purdue
13-Apr Great Dane #1
19-Apr Collegiate Regionals - MKE
20-Apr Collegiate Regionals - Madison
3-May Baraboo RR
9-May Collegiate Natz
10-May Collegiate Natz
11-May Collegiate Natz
17-May Leeland RR
18-May Wheels on Willy
I really don't think I'll do the Ohio State weekend since its so early and its still going to be pretty damn cold. I'll try and get as many collegiate races in as I can. Hopefully I don't crash though. But I think my first race is going to be the DePauw weekend. And then it looks like I may be doing about 16 races this spring...if everything goes smoothly. After all of that we'll have to see where I'm heading so I'm not scheduling any races for the summer yet....
And looking at that schedule I better start doing that training thing.....
Ciao ciao....
23-Feb Collegiate Ohio State
24-Feb Collegiate Ohio State
1-Mar Collegiate DePauw
2-Mar Collegiate DePauw
8-Mar Collegiate Mizzou
9-Mar Collegiate Lindenwood
Mar 14 - Mar 23 UW Cycling Spring Break
29-Mar Hillsboro-Roubaix
5-Apr Collegiate Marian
6-Apr Collegiate Purdue
13-Apr Great Dane #1
19-Apr Collegiate Regionals - MKE
20-Apr Collegiate Regionals - Madison
3-May Baraboo RR
9-May Collegiate Natz
10-May Collegiate Natz
11-May Collegiate Natz
17-May Leeland RR
18-May Wheels on Willy
I really don't think I'll do the Ohio State weekend since its so early and its still going to be pretty damn cold. I'll try and get as many collegiate races in as I can. Hopefully I don't crash though. But I think my first race is going to be the DePauw weekend. And then it looks like I may be doing about 16 races this spring...if everything goes smoothly. After all of that we'll have to see where I'm heading so I'm not scheduling any races for the summer yet....
And looking at that schedule I better start doing that training thing.....
Ciao ciao....
CoffeeShop & Work....
I'm at Steep&Brew right now working on homework while working at SAFE. Well ok I'm not actually doing homework right now...you got me. I did do a little bit of it though. I only have to get one more thing done tonight. This semester IS so much better than last semester. At this time last semester I was already freaking out. Its so much nicer being able to calm down and relax.
Other than that I did do a lot of the things I said I would today. Went to the Sunroom Cafe for breakfast with Juneau. We were just going to make it a 30 minute get together, but 2 hours later we got on our ways. Good food, good conversation...what else can you ask for. Well, after that I headed over to the SERF to workout some. I got a pretty good 2 hour upper body workout. I pretty much destroyed my body and it felt good. Probably because I didn't work out for 2 days and ate a bunch of bad food during those two days. Body just does not enjoy that....and doesn't know how to handle all of that anymore. I'll go again tomorrow morning, but work on the lower body. Only 2 more months (60 days) until I have to be in pretty good shape and turn in some digital photos to the Rock of my new body. I'll probably do a before and after when it comes to that time. For now you'll just have to wait.
After all of that working out I jumped on the trainers with Dallas and we did a good 1.75 hour workout. Quality is better at this point for me. So there were some good sprints and simulated 10 minute hill climbs. My legs were pretty much fried. And it felt so good. Did some 30 second on/30 second off intervals for a couple minutes. I was hitting about 450 or so for the 30 seconds. Not my best, but I didn't lose too much strength from not really riding for 5 months. I can't wait to ride outside though....that will be a glorious day....and then the temp will probably drop 60 degrees the next day.
Overall it was a good day. Tomorrow I only have 2 classes and will probably workout when I don't have class. Then I need to work at 7pm until 3am. GAH! Atleast I'll have Saturday night off.
Ok well I should probably get back to the homework thing. Oh and I should have some pics from me on the runway up on here in the next couple off days.
Ciao ciao....
Other than that I did do a lot of the things I said I would today. Went to the Sunroom Cafe for breakfast with Juneau. We were just going to make it a 30 minute get together, but 2 hours later we got on our ways. Good food, good conversation...what else can you ask for. Well, after that I headed over to the SERF to workout some. I got a pretty good 2 hour upper body workout. I pretty much destroyed my body and it felt good. Probably because I didn't work out for 2 days and ate a bunch of bad food during those two days. Body just does not enjoy that....and doesn't know how to handle all of that anymore. I'll go again tomorrow morning, but work on the lower body. Only 2 more months (60 days) until I have to be in pretty good shape and turn in some digital photos to the Rock of my new body. I'll probably do a before and after when it comes to that time. For now you'll just have to wait.
After all of that working out I jumped on the trainers with Dallas and we did a good 1.75 hour workout. Quality is better at this point for me. So there were some good sprints and simulated 10 minute hill climbs. My legs were pretty much fried. And it felt so good. Did some 30 second on/30 second off intervals for a couple minutes. I was hitting about 450 or so for the 30 seconds. Not my best, but I didn't lose too much strength from not really riding for 5 months. I can't wait to ride outside though....that will be a glorious day....and then the temp will probably drop 60 degrees the next day.
Overall it was a good day. Tomorrow I only have 2 classes and will probably workout when I don't have class. Then I need to work at 7pm until 3am. GAH! Atleast I'll have Saturday night off.
Ok well I should probably get back to the homework thing. Oh and I should have some pics from me on the runway up on here in the next couple off days.
Ciao ciao....
I sit here at 1 o'clock in the morning thinking about doing homework and not even coming close to doing it. I really don't have that much to even do...but I just can't get myself up to the "challenge". I really want to do well this semester, but I really have to stop all of this procrastination. I think its just because I'm not busy. I need to get myself into a set schedule or something....and probably get another job.
As for tomorrow/today I'll be getting breakfast at the Sunroom Cafe with Dallas at 9:30am. After that I'll head to the gym and get a good two hour workout in seeing that I've been letting my body recover for the past two days..and then I'm thinking about a solid three hour ride with Dallas at around 3. Then it will be work at 7pm to finish the day off. I really need a different job. I want my nights back and don't want to have to deal with my manager anymore. But most of all...having my nights back is the biggest incentive.
I have to work until 3am on Friday night and that seems thats the night things are going on. And then on Saturday when I actually have off Dallas and Mark will be heading home. So looks like I'll be around Saturday night with not much to do. Blah. We'll see what I'll end up doing.
Ciao ciao....
As for tomorrow/today I'll be getting breakfast at the Sunroom Cafe with Dallas at 9:30am. After that I'll head to the gym and get a good two hour workout in seeing that I've been letting my body recover for the past two days..and then I'm thinking about a solid three hour ride with Dallas at around 3. Then it will be work at 7pm to finish the day off. I really need a different job. I want my nights back and don't want to have to deal with my manager anymore. But most of all...having my nights back is the biggest incentive.
I have to work until 3am on Friday night and that seems thats the night things are going on. And then on Saturday when I actually have off Dallas and Mark will be heading home. So looks like I'll be around Saturday night with not much to do. Blah. We'll see what I'll end up doing.
Ciao ciao....
A Little Different....
I was bored. I decided to "pimp" my blog a little more...if thats what you want to call it....
This is what I do instead of doing homework....
Ciao ciao....
This is what I do instead of doing homework....
Ciao ciao....
Good Day For Recovery?....
I would think so. We're suppose to be getting an "arctic blast" here in Wisconsin today. The range of temperatures today will be +36 to -5 with winds reaching over 40mph at times creating wind chills down to -25 degrees and maybe even less. Great day to go outside....don't you think? Thats why I'm going to spend my whole day inside...HURRAH!

Well...it doesn't look that bad. But it is....
Blah...well, it helps my body recover. I definitely have been pushing it pretty hard at the gym and cycling and getting up for class and walking around everywhere for work. My body definitely hates me right now. So today I woke up at noon, ate a bowl of oatmeal and then went right back to bed and woke up about 3:30pm. You're probably mystified how I could do this on a Tuesday...well I don't have school on Tuesdays (or Thursdays). Three days of school a week is so much more manageable. I'm definitely not as stressed, at least for now, as I was last semester. But pretty much I'm fatigued...so today I do nothing....
But I think I have other things on my mind. Not quite feeling like myself the past couple of days. I really don't know why I'm feeling so down right now. I'll hopefully feel better soon....
Ciao ciao....

Well...it doesn't look that bad. But it is....
Blah...well, it helps my body recover. I definitely have been pushing it pretty hard at the gym and cycling and getting up for class and walking around everywhere for work. My body definitely hates me right now. So today I woke up at noon, ate a bowl of oatmeal and then went right back to bed and woke up about 3:30pm. You're probably mystified how I could do this on a Tuesday...well I don't have school on Tuesdays (or Thursdays). Three days of school a week is so much more manageable. I'm definitely not as stressed, at least for now, as I was last semester. But pretty much I'm fatigued...so today I do nothing....
But I think I have other things on my mind. Not quite feeling like myself the past couple of days. I really don't know why I'm feeling so down right now. I'll hopefully feel better soon....
Ciao ciao....
Riddle me this....
I can wake up at 8am on a Saturday morning after getting only about 4 hours of sleep and operate just fine....but I can't wake up on a school day for an 11am class (and then be 15 minutes late) after getting the recommended 8 hours most people should get....
What the hell!?!
Well today I'm starting the day off with a couple of chores. Then its a 3 hour trainer ride. After that I'm going ice skating and grabbing some hot cocao with Emily (from IMTA). Lastly, I work tonight from 7pm until 3 in the morning.
Tomorrow is boring....I'm working on my online MHR 300 class to get far enough ahead to not have to worry about anything for awhile...
Ciao ciao....
What the hell!?!
Well today I'm starting the day off with a couple of chores. Then its a 3 hour trainer ride. After that I'm going ice skating and grabbing some hot cocao with Emily (from IMTA). Lastly, I work tonight from 7pm until 3 in the morning.
Tomorrow is boring....I'm working on my online MHR 300 class to get far enough ahead to not have to worry about anything for awhile...
Ciao ciao....
No Motivation....
....For school that is. Yeah I woke up at 11am today for my 11am class. That always feels good. I thought I missed a quiz, but they moved it to Monday thank god. I just really don't want to do this semester....after 5 years of college I just want to be done. Yes LA or NY is definitely on my mind, but its more than that....
But hey...I did actually get on the trainer yesterday. Today probably won't happen though, because of too much work to do. But yesterday I felt amazing on the trainer. Yeah I only went for 2 hours, but threw in some longer intervals and it went well. Hopefully my power is coming back quickly.
I really don't have too much else to report. I work tonight and Saturday night so all of my weekend nights are blown. But I don't drink too much anymore anyways. God I can't wait for this semester to be over....only 14 more weeks!?!
Ciao ciao....
But hey...I did actually get on the trainer yesterday. Today probably won't happen though, because of too much work to do. But yesterday I felt amazing on the trainer. Yeah I only went for 2 hours, but threw in some longer intervals and it went well. Hopefully my power is coming back quickly.
I really don't have too much else to report. I work tonight and Saturday night so all of my weekend nights are blown. But I don't drink too much anymore anyways. God I can't wait for this semester to be over....only 14 more weeks!?!
Ciao ciao....
LA or NY?....
That is the question. I guess NY is more the high fashion/runway stuff, while LA is the acting. I definitely have choices now. We'll know more in March or April when I get more pictures for my book. For the next two months I need to become a little bit more buff and defined. Not bigger though...just buffer. Oh and I have to get rid of the tanlines....
Icon in NY wants me...Asia thinks I have potential....and others have all said similar things. Icon was a new one for me. I guess they just didn't put me on their callbacks because they already liked me and had me down as a yes. And another agency did that too...so I guess I had about 19 or 20 modeling callbacks. Thats pretty good. Means I would have almost been the Most Sought After Male Model. Not trying to get a huge ego here or anything. No matter what it looks like I'm going to be in NY or LA this summer. Craziness....both places I would have never seen myself in. You gotta do what you gotta do....
As for school...I had my hopes up and then they came crashing down. At one point I was able to graduate this semester, the next I couldn't. I've talked to a few profs and they've all said the same thing...."even if you can't finish up this semester, still go out there and follow your dream....you can always come back and finish later." That is completely true...but it would be nice to be done and not have to come back.
Ahhh so much is changing in my life. My director pretty much said you're going to be in LA this summer! I must thank her, because she's been taking care of everything and making sure I make it big. Hopefully everything does go to plan....
Well Gehling is here...I'm going to ride a bike for the next two hours before its off to the gym for me. Yes I do actually still ride my bike. Keeps me in shape and I do hope to do a couple races this spring in the A class...and P/1/2....
Ciao ciao....
Icon in NY wants me...Asia thinks I have potential....and others have all said similar things. Icon was a new one for me. I guess they just didn't put me on their callbacks because they already liked me and had me down as a yes. And another agency did that too...so I guess I had about 19 or 20 modeling callbacks. Thats pretty good. Means I would have almost been the Most Sought After Male Model. Not trying to get a huge ego here or anything. No matter what it looks like I'm going to be in NY or LA this summer. Craziness....both places I would have never seen myself in. You gotta do what you gotta do....
As for school...I had my hopes up and then they came crashing down. At one point I was able to graduate this semester, the next I couldn't. I've talked to a few profs and they've all said the same thing...."even if you can't finish up this semester, still go out there and follow your dream....you can always come back and finish later." That is completely true...but it would be nice to be done and not have to come back.
Ahhh so much is changing in my life. My director pretty much said you're going to be in LA this summer! I must thank her, because she's been taking care of everything and making sure I make it big. Hopefully everything does go to plan....
Well Gehling is here...I'm going to ride a bike for the next two hours before its off to the gym for me. Yes I do actually still ride my bike. Keeps me in shape and I do hope to do a couple races this spring in the A class...and P/1/2....
Ciao ciao....
Living situation....
Its far in the future and who knows what will happen, but I may be living in Toluca Lake/Burbank when I move out to LA. There's a great deal going on right now and hopefully I'm able to set a deal with the apt building. We'll see....
Ciao ciao....
Ciao ciao....
I actually rode a bike....
Yes it is true...I actually rode my bike this morning. Just for an hour and a half, but I incorporated some intervals to give that intensity. Yes my power is down...but not that much. My endurance is down more. If I can start getting on the bike and atleast ride I'll be able to get up to a racing form. I really want to ride outside though....
Ciao ciao....
Ciao ciao....
Wow...is it cold outside....
So its 0 degrees outside right now and feels like -11 with the wind chill. I am really starting to hate this Wisconsin weather. After being out in Cali I don't think my body likes this Wisco weather anymore....
I at least got out today. I wasn't able to spend time with Chelsee and Emily because things just weren't working in our favor. That was disappointing. So instead I got out to the gym and then went to the book store to buy my textbooks for this semester. Thing is...I don't have any books to buy!?! Thats pretty sweet if you ask me. That saves me about 200$ right there.
It may sound crazy, but I don't want to spend the night in the house so I think I'm going to head out to a coffee shop and do a little work...get things situated for this semester and just relax there with a nice hot green tea. Riding there is going to suck, but it'll be worth it in the end....
Tomorrow I'm going to try and get on the trainer and do some intervals. I know I'm pursuing this modeling and acting thing, but I don't want my cycling endurance to go down...especially if I plan on doing a couple races this collegiate season. Gotta be ready for something at least.

It would be nice to at least be in this shape again. I think my body will improve exponentially when I get back on the bike...I just need to get back on the bike. And well I need to be in good enough shape for Spring Break too. So theres a little more motivation for ya....
Ciao ciao....
I at least got out today. I wasn't able to spend time with Chelsee and Emily because things just weren't working in our favor. That was disappointing. So instead I got out to the gym and then went to the book store to buy my textbooks for this semester. Thing is...I don't have any books to buy!?! Thats pretty sweet if you ask me. That saves me about 200$ right there.
It may sound crazy, but I don't want to spend the night in the house so I think I'm going to head out to a coffee shop and do a little work...get things situated for this semester and just relax there with a nice hot green tea. Riding there is going to suck, but it'll be worth it in the end....
Tomorrow I'm going to try and get on the trainer and do some intervals. I know I'm pursuing this modeling and acting thing, but I don't want my cycling endurance to go down...especially if I plan on doing a couple races this collegiate season. Gotta be ready for something at least.

It would be nice to at least be in this shape again. I think my body will improve exponentially when I get back on the bike...I just need to get back on the bike. And well I need to be in good enough shape for Spring Break too. So theres a little more motivation for ya....
Ciao ciao....
Time to get back to work....
Well, I head back to Madison tomorrow morning. I have a meeting with one of my profs on Sunday, a meeting at the Rock on Monday and start up school on Tuesday...but I don't have class on Tuesdays so I actually start on Wednesday. Thats nice...
Well I was thinking about changing my major to a BS in Natural Sciences. I would only have one class this semester and that would be amazingly easy. However, just today I get an email from the UW foundation. I won a scholarship!?! Its a brand new scholarship just set up last month and I'm the first recipient of it. Where did this all come from? So now I'm going to go have lunch with the people that set it up and the person that told me I won the scholarship. Sooo....that pretty much throws off my plans of changing majors. I can't just accept it and then change. So now hopefully I can get all of my classes to graduate. Sweet jesus...something or someone must still want me to major in Dietetics. I mean I'm very honored and grateful for receiving this award. But now??? I guess I really am suppose to major in Dietetics....
Well Sunday I get to spend the day with Chelsee and Emily. That'll be fun and I can't wait to see them. Still trying to figure out what we'll all do...but I'm definitely thinking some hot chocolate since its suppose to be about 4 degrees and then we may go see Cloverfield. I want to see it just because it seems interesting.
This will be a hard semester. 5 classes, 2 maybe 3 jobs, working out, possibly fit cycling into the picture, set up spring break for the cycling team. Hopefully its all worth it....
Ciao ciao....
Well I was thinking about changing my major to a BS in Natural Sciences. I would only have one class this semester and that would be amazingly easy. However, just today I get an email from the UW foundation. I won a scholarship!?! Its a brand new scholarship just set up last month and I'm the first recipient of it. Where did this all come from? So now I'm going to go have lunch with the people that set it up and the person that told me I won the scholarship. Sooo....that pretty much throws off my plans of changing majors. I can't just accept it and then change. So now hopefully I can get all of my classes to graduate. Sweet jesus...something or someone must still want me to major in Dietetics. I mean I'm very honored and grateful for receiving this award. But now??? I guess I really am suppose to major in Dietetics....
Well Sunday I get to spend the day with Chelsee and Emily. That'll be fun and I can't wait to see them. Still trying to figure out what we'll all do...but I'm definitely thinking some hot chocolate since its suppose to be about 4 degrees and then we may go see Cloverfield. I want to see it just because it seems interesting.
This will be a hard semester. 5 classes, 2 maybe 3 jobs, working out, possibly fit cycling into the picture, set up spring break for the cycling team. Hopefully its all worth it....
Ciao ciao....
Alright so now I know a little more....
I have some options, which is always a good thing. I guess both NY and LA want to work with me this summer. I think I would rather go to LA. My director has told everyone I'm available in May. May cannot be here soon enough. I'll need to get a little more tone in the upper body for the modeling agencies and I'll know more about modeling in Europe and Asia soon.
So things are falling in place and I'm totally excited. Looks like I'll room with Aman in LA, which will be a blast, and then hopefully Nick and Jason as well. I have a meeting with a Professor this weekend about trying to graduate this May so I won't have to to worry about taking a semester off and then coming back. I'll need to get another job so I have enough money to move out to LA. And I'll have to start working out hardcore again. Though the cycling thing may have to take a back seat at least until this summer. I also have a meeting with my director this Monday to really get the details laid out on the table.
I'm so excited right now...this is such a new path in my life and I hope it takes me far!
Ciao ciao....
I have some options, which is always a good thing. I guess both NY and LA want to work with me this summer. I think I would rather go to LA. My director has told everyone I'm available in May. May cannot be here soon enough. I'll need to get a little more tone in the upper body for the modeling agencies and I'll know more about modeling in Europe and Asia soon.
So things are falling in place and I'm totally excited. Looks like I'll room with Aman in LA, which will be a blast, and then hopefully Nick and Jason as well. I have a meeting with a Professor this weekend about trying to graduate this May so I won't have to to worry about taking a semester off and then coming back. I'll need to get another job so I have enough money to move out to LA. And I'll have to start working out hardcore again. Though the cycling thing may have to take a back seat at least until this summer. I also have a meeting with my director this Monday to really get the details laid out on the table.
I'm so excited right now...this is such a new path in my life and I hope it takes me far!
Ciao ciao....
What now?....
Ok so....things to think about now. What to do....what to do....
I don't know what my directors will get me yet. I'll know soon. But.....
What should I do. These are the ideas I have right now:
1) Stay at UW-Madison. Try and get a 2nd job, while trying to get the Dietetics dept. to let me graduate this May
2) Enroll at UWSP and finish up there while working
3) Just work and take the semester off
I'll need money to move to LA. Just need to get it somehow. Oh and what about cycling? Its kept me in shape for the past 6 years so I can't just give it up. We'll just have to see what happens there....but I definitely want to keep cycling in my life.
Ahh...I wish I would have been done with school by now....
Ciao ciao....
I don't know what my directors will get me yet. I'll know soon. But.....
What should I do. These are the ideas I have right now:
1) Stay at UW-Madison. Try and get a 2nd job, while trying to get the Dietetics dept. to let me graduate this May
2) Enroll at UWSP and finish up there while working
3) Just work and take the semester off
I'll need money to move to LA. Just need to get it somehow. Oh and what about cycling? Its kept me in shape for the past 6 years so I can't just give it up. We'll just have to see what happens there....but I definitely want to keep cycling in my life.
Ahh...I wish I would have been done with school by now....
Ciao ciao....
Awards Time....
Alright, so the awards on Friday and Saturday went pretty well. On Friday I received 8 awards out of about 14 competitions. I got:
Top 10 in Fashion Print
Top 10 in Fashion Runway
Top 10 in Swimwear
2nd in Jeans
Top 10 in Monologue
Top 10 in Cold Read
Top 10 in Sitcom
Top 10 in Theatrical Headshots
On Saturday during the big awards I received....
5th place in Team Fashion
8th place Model of the Year (Honorable Mention)
Considering there were 39 contestants in modeling and 45 in Talent and I had two very hard divisions I believe I did very very well. If I would have put myself in the Modeling Overview I would have gotten 2nd in Most Sought After Male Model with 16 modeling callbacks. The winner had 21 callbacks. Oh well, its not the awards that matter...its the callbacks. And I got a total of 25 of those.
I’m pretty happy with how everything went. I’m very surprised about my Top 10 in Swimwear. I was not expecting that at all. I wish I didn’t have to leave. I had such a good time with everyone there. I got to experience things I never thought I would. And now I may be traveling to Tokyo, Italy and other places to model and hopefully will be moving to LA to start acting.
I guess my “androgynous euro look” really helped me out....
All I can say is this was unbelievable. Being in a Michael Maddox Runway Production, winning 11 awards, getting 25 callbacks and pretty much getting 2nd for Most Sought After Male Model...I would say that coming out here was well worth it.
Now I just wait and see what my director can really get me. I’ll let you know....I’ll pretty much know this week!!! But they may try and not send us somewhere too soon.
But everyone at the Rock was amazing and did awesome. My directors rule alot too and I would have never gone if they didn't see something in me.
Ciao ciao....
Top 10 in Fashion Print
Top 10 in Fashion Runway
Top 10 in Swimwear
2nd in Jeans
Top 10 in Monologue
Top 10 in Cold Read
Top 10 in Sitcom
Top 10 in Theatrical Headshots
On Saturday during the big awards I received....
5th place in Team Fashion
8th place Model of the Year (Honorable Mention)
Considering there were 39 contestants in modeling and 45 in Talent and I had two very hard divisions I believe I did very very well. If I would have put myself in the Modeling Overview I would have gotten 2nd in Most Sought After Male Model with 16 modeling callbacks. The winner had 21 callbacks. Oh well, its not the awards that matter...its the callbacks. And I got a total of 25 of those.
I’m pretty happy with how everything went. I’m very surprised about my Top 10 in Swimwear. I was not expecting that at all. I wish I didn’t have to leave. I had such a good time with everyone there. I got to experience things I never thought I would. And now I may be traveling to Tokyo, Italy and other places to model and hopefully will be moving to LA to start acting.
I guess my “androgynous euro look” really helped me out....
All I can say is this was unbelievable. Being in a Michael Maddox Runway Production, winning 11 awards, getting 25 callbacks and pretty much getting 2nd for Most Sought After Male Model...I would say that coming out here was well worth it.
Now I just wait and see what my director can really get me. I’ll let you know....I’ll pretty much know this week!!! But they may try and not send us somewhere too soon.
But everyone at the Rock was amazing and did awesome. My directors rule alot too and I would have never gone if they didn't see something in me.
Ciao ciao....
My Future....
Ok so the Runway FashionShow put on by Michael Maddox was amazing and it was such a rush. So many guys are here and only 20 were picked for this fashion show. It was such an honor to be apart of that.
All of my competitions went wonderfully and I got 25 callbacks. 17 modeling and 8 talent callbacks. Its actually very hard to get talent callbacks. 1 talent callback is equivalent to about 5 modeling callbacks.
A couple of the callbacks I got were:
- Aspire Management
- Bob Luke Studios
- Rage Models and Talent
- L.A. Models
- Cinq Duex UnCo (Tokyo)
- Cosmopolitan/Team Inc
- Elite Models Management
- Look Model Agency
- Public Model Club (Singapore/Asia/Tokyo)
Well I need to go eat. Awards are tonight with the big awards tomorrow night. I'll be giving another update soon.....
Looks like I may be moving to LA soon and possibly modeling in Tokyo. Things just got interesting....
Ciao ciao....
All of my competitions went wonderfully and I got 25 callbacks. 17 modeling and 8 talent callbacks. Its actually very hard to get talent callbacks. 1 talent callback is equivalent to about 5 modeling callbacks.
A couple of the callbacks I got were:
- Aspire Management
- Bob Luke Studios
- Rage Models and Talent
- L.A. Models
- Cinq Duex UnCo (Tokyo)
- Cosmopolitan/Team Inc
- Elite Models Management
- Look Model Agency
- Public Model Club (Singapore/Asia/Tokyo)
Well I need to go eat. Awards are tonight with the big awards tomorrow night. I'll be giving another update soon.....
Looks like I may be moving to LA soon and possibly modeling in Tokyo. Things just got interesting....
Ciao ciao....
Quick Update....
So I just wanted to let all you know that LA is treating me amazingly well. I know I have a bunch of callbacks already. I've been picked by Michael Maddox to be in a fashion show of his. So thats tonight. All of my competitions have gone very well and I've been called european many times. Maddox has given me the nickname "Cool Breeze" and well thats about all I can say for right now....
I have to go now and get my makeup and hair professionally done for this fashion show....
Ciao ciao....
I have to go now and get my makeup and hair professionally done for this fashion show....
Ciao ciao....
That's what this week is all about! There are so many people here at IMTA...its ridiculous. This is my 2nd night here so far and I'm loving every moment of it. I've met a lot of new people, went to some seminars, and the best part...I'm being seen! I can't wait to see what happens!
Theres 39 guys in my modeling division and 45 in my talent divison. There are definitely some pretty good looking people here. But its not all about looks...personality is huge here. And I think I definitely have that!
Other than that...I've just been people watching, working out, networking and drinking tons of coffee to stay awake with all of these early days and late nights....
So for now here's some pics....

First off...this is where I'm staying...The Westin Bonaventure! Yes it is expensive!

The inside....

The stage being built...I'll walking the runway on that!

I just think this is a pretty sweet pic....

Just some of the gang from the Rock!

Getting interviewed....

Sitting down drinking some coffee and people watching...I think thats my 8th or 9th coffee. I've only been here for 2 days.

Orientation....see, this thing is huge!

Yeah...thats right...I'm a RockStar!

I'm actually in the program book!
Ok thats enough pictures for right now. I don't want to exhaust your eyes. There will be plenty more this week! Tomorrow I'll be competing in Team Fashion, Cold Read, Jeans, Monologue, and a couple other things. Busy busy busy....
Oh and I'm already star struck...at breakfast this morning I was sitting two tables away from Ron Jeremy. You know who that is...if you don't then go to this link. Yeah...craziness. I'll try and get a picture with him later...
I really still can't believe I'm here....Who would have ever thought!?!
Ciao ciao....
Theres 39 guys in my modeling division and 45 in my talent divison. There are definitely some pretty good looking people here. But its not all about looks...personality is huge here. And I think I definitely have that!
Other than that...I've just been people watching, working out, networking and drinking tons of coffee to stay awake with all of these early days and late nights....
So for now here's some pics....
First off...this is where I'm staying...The Westin Bonaventure! Yes it is expensive!
The inside....
The stage being built...I'll walking the runway on that!
I just think this is a pretty sweet pic....
Just some of the gang from the Rock!
Getting interviewed....
Sitting down drinking some coffee and people watching...I think thats my 8th or 9th coffee. I've only been here for 2 days.
Orientation....see, this thing is huge!
Yeah...thats right...I'm a RockStar!
I'm actually in the program book!
Ok thats enough pictures for right now. I don't want to exhaust your eyes. There will be plenty more this week! Tomorrow I'll be competing in Team Fashion, Cold Read, Jeans, Monologue, and a couple other things. Busy busy busy....
Oh and I'm already star struck...at breakfast this morning I was sitting two tables away from Ron Jeremy. You know who that is...if you don't then go to this link. Yeah...craziness. I'll try and get a picture with him later...
I really still can't believe I'm here....Who would have ever thought!?!
Ciao ciao....
It's about time....
Yup...I've been relaxing my ass off at home for the past couple of weeks. I've been getting ready for IMTA, which I'm leaving for tomorrow!!! I pretty much haven't updated because nothing has really happened for awhile. I hope I have a lot of good news to talk about whe I get back from IMTA. Model of the year? Actor of the year? We'll see....

So I'll be stayig at the 4 star Westin Bonaventure in downtown LA. 7 days of intense competition, networking, interviewing, and fun.
I'll see if I'll have time during my stay to update this thing...maybe some pics of hott girls everywhere! We'll see where this all takes me...I'll know in one week....
Ciao ciao....

So I'll be stayig at the 4 star Westin Bonaventure in downtown LA. 7 days of intense competition, networking, interviewing, and fun.
I'll see if I'll have time during my stay to update this thing...maybe some pics of hott girls everywhere! We'll see where this all takes me...I'll know in one week....
Ciao ciao....
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