

After last night I decided to drive home to see Einstein one last time. It was too late for him to see me, but it made me feel a little better to see him one last time. So after my first class I drove back to Stevens Point today. I got to hold him and say goodbye. I kissed him on the head and he moaned. I know that it was just air escaping, but it sounded exactly like a moan when he would sleep. I took it as him saying hi and bye. That got to me. I held him for awhile.

I comforted my mom for awhile too. Its hard for her. She got to see him everyday and had a routine with him. Now its just her and the cat in the house. We remembered some memories of funny things he did in his life and talked about how he was a good dog.

We brought him to the vet...we're having him cremated. We'll get the ashes back so he'll be home soon. We kept some of his hair and his collar. We also got some pictures of him printed off. It'll be hard for the next couple days still...I don't have anymore tears in the matter, but I'm numb. I lose focus, and just stare off into space. I'm just not there. It was hard studying tonight. I'll get better...I've been through this with two other dogs. Einstein was just special...he had a certain personality.

Kinda makes you think about death though....

Hopefully I'll have a more upbeat entry soon....

R.I.P Einstein
March 1997 - Oct 1, 2007

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