But I do have some good excuses. 40 page project, 5 page paper, 4 exams, stats homework, acting class, BikePractice, work, and somehow sleeping. See I was busy...so don't yell at me. Even tonight though, I won't be able to talk about everything I've been up to. So tonights entry shall be able Halloween Weekend in Madison.
It all started Thursday night when I pulled an all-nighter to get the 40 page project done for my food science class. That sure was fun as it totally wiped me out the next day. I slept somewhat cuz I knew the weekend was going to be busy and sleep was not on that schedule. At 4:30 I got ready in my kit for the homecoming parade. I baby-oiled up the legs. That was sweet. I may have to be "that guy" during a race this coming year with the oiled legs! I know you're jealous. So the parade was fun and went by pretty fast and was done in no time...but its been better in years past. After that Minch came down and Shelly did as well. The guys from Sheboygan were suppose to come, but I guess some things came up.
After the parade Ben, the roommates, and I went to go get some costume supplies. We were going as foot clan soldiers from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Most people just thought we were Ninjas...NO!
I think the costume came out pretty well....
Night 1 we went to a teammates house for a party. It was decent. Not much was going on, but it was a good time. And then one of my roommates...I won't say who drank a little too much and prayed to the porcelain god. For a while. But overall the night was fun.
The next day was filled with fun. Geo, Shelly, Gehling and I went to the farmers market to pick up some produce and some stuff for the grill out we would be having later. A trip to the zoo was in store for Shelly and I later in the day before the grill out. I guess the animals go to sleep early or something. It was kinda empty at 4pm when we went. But still got some good pics. My camera died during the trip so Shelly has most of the pics. I'll see if I can get any.
Then came the grill out. That was fun. We had so much fun. We had steak, ostrich burgers, vension brats, hot sausage, regular brats, grilled peppers, potatoes, chips and I made some brownies for dessert. Yes, it was good! I was very full by the end. So then we had to get ready for going out night #2. But it looked like it was just going to be Gehling, Shelly and me. We kinda changed up our costumes. Gehling was a redneck and shaved his facial hair into a Fu-man-chu, I wore Shelly's renaissance dress from the night before. And Shelly had the best costume out of all of us. She wore the same creepy guy costume I wore last year. We drew her a mustache and some side burns. It was perfect. She played the part very well too.

Picture this, but Shelly. It was awesome! I'll have a pic of the 3 of us soon enough. You'll have to see it!
We hung out at Gehling's house for a bit and then ended up at state st for the people watching. Some interesting costumes, but nothing super unique. Halloween is always an interesting time.
I wish the weekend could have lasted forever. It was just so much fun and made me happy. I've needed that for awhile. I've been way too busy and haven't had any time for pretty much anything. So this was a much needed break from reality. I somehow lost my voice over the weekend. Don't know how...I guess I yelled too much and it just kept building over the weekend.
Well, I have to wake up super early tomorrow and work in foodservice. Its going to suck. And then I have an exam that I'll have to study for all day for at 7:15 tomorrow night. I better get to sleep. But then the week is easy and it'll be the weekend in no time.
I'll get a good report up about life pretty soon. Maybe after my exam.
Ciao ciao....