So we're into the 4th week of the semester already and that means exams soon. I have a nutritional biochem exam this coming Tuesday. After that I'll have a FS 437 exam, then Ed psych exam, a huge 25 page project for FS 437 and then a stats exam. This is all before the 12th of October. So these next couple of weeks will be busy...not actually tough, just tedious work. But then right after that last exam on the 12th I'm planning on heading down to Chicago.
Other than that I've gotten back on the bike and feel fresh and stronger. I've started training for CX and one last RR on Oct 6 down by Rockford. I've started up a Friday Coffee Ride for the UW team...just an hour easy and then go get some coffee on State St. Its a nice way to meet newbies and get an easy ride in between super hard rides.
About 2 or 3 weeks ago the Freshman 15 ride was held. About 40 people came out...met some new members, watched Steamer punch the asphalt with his face trying to do a wheelie, and had a good time. Took some pics....Oh and by the way, I purchased a new camera, so more pictures should be going up on here as I ocassionally update this thing.
Julio and I showing the Freshman how its done....
This is right after Steamer punched the asphalt with his face....
At Espresso Royale after the ride...Julio looks excited as all hell....
I'll be starting the real, hardcore winter training in October. Hoping for some really good results next year and another upgrade. I'll be racing for a new team probably. I'll let you know about that later when stuff actually goes through.
As for acting class...I've been working on the monologue that I will be doing at IMTA. Do you remember the show "The Kids In The Hall"? Well, if you don't, it was a spinoff of SNL in the late 80's/early 90's. I'm doing an "open letter to the guy that stole my bike wheel". Should be a good one. I've been going to acting class every Saturday morning and soon will be going every Wednesday AND Saturday. I also have a photo shoot this Saturday morning to build my portfolio for IMTA. That'll be a fun time, except for the 8am start and then acting class right after it. Oh well, I guess it has to be done.
Well, I just want to give you a quick overview of what's been going on with my life. I'm having a good time, but something is missing...and I know what it is. Time to get to bed...gotta wake up early and memorize the Urea Cycle. I say it all the time, but I'll try and keep this updated Seth Meyer's Blog.
Ciao ciao....
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