I had one of the best starts I’ve ever had in a crit. I was 3rd wheel right from the start. Very nice position. I did start moving back a little bit after awhile, but still hung up front.

Not much happened for awhile. Halfway through the race they called out a 35$ prime. I told myself that I WAS going to go for this prime. I started in about 40th position and moved up pretty fast. Rock Racing was driving the pace. I kept moving up and got to the front. I sprinted past the 5 Rock guys on the front and was followed by two German Pros. They both nipped me at the line. I was pissed, but then realized what I accomplished and was happy. So then I just went back into the field and sat for a little bit.

With 7 laps to go a group of about 5 go off the front and get about 150meter gap. I decide to try and go for it and bridge up to them. I sprinted out of the field with everything I had. About a minute later I was catching on to the tail end...but right when I got there they decided to shut things down and let the field engulf them. Again...I was pissed, yet happy. So, I just sat in the field for the finish.
With one lap to go a crash happens on the first lap...as usual. I miss it by cutting in the inside and hang on for dear life as Rock Racing drill the pace. I wasn’t even able to breathe they were pushing the pace so hard. I sprinted and ended up taking 45th. Best crit yet.

I guess I was going "solid"....
Ciao ciao....
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