
A lot easier than yesterday....Superweek: Whitnall Park RR....

I ended up getting to my race about 4 hrs early so I could watch the Cat 3 race and cheer on Dallas. He ended up getting 18th...I guess his race was boring and stupid so he kinda just gave up.

On to my race. Lots of big names again today. The big team that showed up today was Rock Racing. They had about 10 guys at this race. So yeah they did a pretty good job of controlling the whole thing. Today's race was 90K or 25 laps of a 2.3 mile loop with a power climb to the finish each lap. Things started out pretty slow and then picked up. My legs woke up after a lap of racing and I was ready to go. Not too much to report. It was just fast and pretty much the same thing over and over. Attack after attack, chase, go hard, slow down. The usual. I just stayed in the middle of the field.

With about 7 or 8 laps to go someone crashed on the final climb of the lap. Someone got a feed from the wrong side (left) and took out a rider that was sprinting up that side. I came within inches of going down with them...thank god for MTB skills and quick thinking. At the beginning of the climb a Rock Racing rider cut me off on the right side and had to cut left. I was looking for Dallas for a feed on the right, as I was going to get back over. I looked straight and a couple of guys are lying in the road. I slammed on the brakes and just got around it to the right. Clearing a wheel by less than an inch.

The last 3 laps got fast. I just held on. The 2nd to last time up the final climb my legs were not liking the intensity. The last time up the hill my legs kinda just gave up...I finished in the back of the field. But my plan was just to stay with the field for the race anyways, so my goal was completed.

We averaged just over 27 mph for 55miles. P/1/2 isn't really that bad. So now I know I can stay with a P/1/2 field...now I just have to get strong enough so I can actually do something...actually be a threat. That'll be my plan for next year.

Tomorrow I'm taking off. I'm going to Proving Grounds to give feeds to Dallas and then him and I are staying at his mom's house in Sheboygan. Then on Thursday I'll be doing the Shorewood Crit.

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