So far this year I've done 25 races. I have 25 more this year and then its cyclo-cross season. So far its going well. I've been going pretty well in the cat 3 races. I've been more working for Dallas and Corey...but I see myself as more of a domestique. I'll give a little overview of the more important races done so far since my last post.
Collegiate Natz RR: 90 mile road race on a 90 degree day....
There was flooding on one part of the course so they had to reroute the beginning of the race...onto a 2 mile gravel road. AWESOME!!! I loved it. The first time through it was neutral and at the end of it we waited for 40 people to get flats changed. The race wasn't too least not as fast as the first year I did it (2 years ago)...or maybe I am that much stronger. I actually thought it was fairly easy. My goals for the race were stay with the pack to the finish, go on a breakaway and be in the front of the field. Well, two of them came true. During the first lap I saw an opening and gunned it right up to the front...goal 1 complete. I was able to stay in the first half of the field for the race. Halfway through the first lap, a group of 5 tried getting away so I tried my luck and went with them. We didn't stay out too long, cuz they couldn't work together too well...but at least I was out there. At the last little climb of the lap, before the gravel section I was getting water bottles in the feed zone. All of a sudden I look straight ahead and there's a pile up of 12 guys about 10 feet tall right in my path. I go all the way around the left of them away from the feed zone and get by safely...but theres a gap between me and the field. Well, in gravel sections the first group tends to drill the pace. I worked my ass off through the gravel section passing and seeing about 60 riders on the side of the road waiting for the wheel truck. Thank god I didn't get a flat. Got through it, but had a little bit more work to do. I was joined by 5 more guys (one of them being ultra-squirrely and cutting across my front wheel and going into the left ditch...I think he's cleat came out of the pedal). The main group slowed down a little and we were able to catch back on. The field started with about 160 riders I this point we were down to about 80 or so after the gravel. Most of the big dogs were out of the race cuz they didn't have enough wheels for everyone. We even lost Freshie Steve. But don't worry, he soloed it back to the group for 20 was also the fastest lap the field had (he's kinda know). We'll I pulled the field for a little bit on the backside, trying to pull back a breakaway. Cut the time gap down a little bit...good feeling. Still felt good. We got back to the final climb of the lap and there was another crash in front of me that I had to go left of away from the feed zone. I was just on the back of the field going good. We got to the gravel...halfway through I see Baumann with a flat. I stop and give him my front wheel. He goes 3 feet and the rear flats. We have a little bit of trouble getting the rear wheel off my bike but finally get it. I wait for the wheel truck...thank god they had wheels again. I didn't want to drop out. It was Eric Bean, Baumann and me. We were going to TTT back to the field. Well, after stopping for that long (about 6 minutes) my legs thought the race was done and started going into shut down mode. And neutral support put in the wheels crooked and were rubbing on the breaks so that slowed me down in the gravel, which I noticed after getting out of that section. So I had to stop and readjust them...losing more time. While I soloed it in for 69th place. Congrats to Freshie for his 4th place and Seth Meyer for 20th (thank god for training in actually does make you stronger).
The scene for most of the day in all divisions

I also did the open Crit...I got 18th. Legs didn't feel too great that day.
Memorial Day Weekend:
Next major races were Snake Alley, Melon Cities, and Quad Cities. Snake Alley was hard. It started raining just before our race and did so for the first 5 laps or so making the Snake very slick and sketchy. You couldn't get out of the saddle and would have to try and not slip around. I started 4th row in the middle, which was pretty good positioning Well, right as the race started the whole right side of the field missed their clip-in and the left side of the field had a flawless clip-in. I was right in the middle. I got about 30th place going into the first corner right before the Snake...damn it. Also, right at the corner someone crashes due to locking up their brakes and sliding. They hit my rear wheel, but luckily I didn't go down. The rest of the race was going hard and chasing. I kept making my way up slowly. I was feeling good and my climbing was pretty good too. I ended up in a sprint with two other guys...I beat one, but jumped a little too late and Sam Stone beat me by about half a wheel, maybe even less. Well, I got 21st. 1 place outside of the money. Dallas got 2nd, Corey got 5th.
Melon Cities. We wanted to get me in a break. The pace was high for the whole 18 laps. No one could get away. The last lap the field started slowing way instead of making it dangerous I jumped on the front and drove the pace until halfway up the final hill...Corey was able to hold my wheel in the leadout and get 3rd place. Dallas and I finished in the field.
Quad Cities. This was a fun race. 30 laps of rage in the cage due to chicken wire holding us in and the drunkards out. I guess it was the fastest average speed during the day including the P/1/2 field. Awesome. We wanted to get me in a break again today with one of the Get A Grip guys. Well, right from the start I started in the 4th row again and some guy in front of me falls over at the f#$*ing start line. I get pushed back alot. I stay on the back for the first 5 laps, doing sprints around every corner to get the legs good and warmed up. On the 6th lap I go from the last 1/4 of the group to the top 15. I stayed there for awhile. With 10 laps to go I attack with Steve from Get A Grip. GAG and BD are at the front shutting down the field. I look back and there are 3 more riders bridging up to us. Steve looks back and thinks its the field...I tell him to pull around me and get this going. He tells me "I don't want to blow my load too soon". WHAT!?! We had more than a block gap on the field and it was growing. I just needed a second of rest and then could have pulled again...but he stopped pedaling and the break was caught. Not gonna lie...I was pissed. No more breaks were going to go. I wanted to try with 4 laps to go, but I got cut off and one guy went off the front and won it solo...I should have been up there with him. With 2 laps to go, knowing that I don't have a sprint and the field was slowing way down to save some energy for the sprint...I jumped on the front and drilled it amazingly hard for Corey and Dallas. I lasted on the front for 1.75 laps. Averaging between 33-36mph the whole time. I made the field string out. At the 2nd to last corner Dallas and Corey sprint around me and were able to hold the field off for 2nd and 3rd place, respectively, with me finishing in the pack. We were definitely the team that controlled the whole race and what we planned out actually happened. We really work well as a team. I'm just happy they at least gave me a shout out on the podium.
On the front of the Quad Cities Crit, drilling the pace for the last 2 laps....

State Champs RR:
The last race of importance so far this year. This course was small rolling hills with one 300 meter power climb up to the finish. Seth Meyer and I definitely wanted to get something going in this. We both tried attacking many times during this race, but we were both definitely targeted. The field would let solo riders go and then slowly pull them back. Yet every time either Seth or myself would attack the field would be on our asses immediately. They were watching us like hawks. Seth and I were putting in solid attacks...just the field never wanted to see us go. The first time up the climb I was sitting about 4th wheel. I saw Seth come around me and I jumped on his wheel immediately. I was actually surprised I was able to stay on his wheel easily, seeing that I'm a fat ass and wouldn't quite call myself a climber. For the next 6 laps I always found myself no farther back than 5th wheel on that power climb. I probably attacked about 6-7 times during that race. Nothing ever worked. Finally with 2 laps to go 2 guys get off the front and one was able to stay off for the solo win...we caught the other guy up the final hill. Well, going up the final climb up to the finish I was sitting 5th wheel and moving up. 2 guys come around me on the right. I look to my left and the first guy to pass me is flailing all around with both feet unclipped. He threw the 2nd guy into my path and I had to slam on my brakes and get started again uphill...that sucks alot. I had about 6-7 guys pass me. I was able to hold off the rest of the field for 12th, but I should have been top 5. I was pissed. But oh well...50 guys started, 30 or so finished and I was always one of the first up the power climb. I gave a good effort for that whole race.
Now on to training. I've been putting in 4-5 hours days in on the bike in just the small ring with a couple hard efforts up hills. Doing this has definitely made me a lot stronger. I feel as if my climbing, sprinting, and overall power are improved. I definitely feel like one of the stronger Cat 3's in the field. I can't wait to upgrade to Cat 2...get my ass handed to me and improve even more. Tomorrow is the Grafton crit and I'm holding nothing back for that win. I'm not giving any type of leadout...I'm going to save everything I have for the final sprint or get in a break. After that I will be leaving for Tour of Ohio (which I hope to update this blog after every stage). 6 day stage race all around Ohio. 340 miles. Cat 1-3 race. Should be good, fun and hard. I'm ready....
I'll also probably have a couple interesting updates later on in the summer. Oh and I got a new sweet toy. I'll let you know more about that later....
Hopefully, I start updating this more so I don't have to write 20 pages at a time and remember half a summer's worth of memories...
Ciao ciao....
Yo Matt!
Referring to the Quad. Sorry I didn't pull through and pissed you off, but in my defense: A break wasn't in our game plan for the day (told you guys this before the start), I don't think we had a block gap (maybe 100 meters), and I was just on the front starting the move (to keep it fast) and felt it wasn't my responsibility to pull again so soon. I did however think those 2-3 guys were the field strung out.
Again, sorry, maybe next time.
Steven Vandeven - TGAGC
No prob steve. During the race I just thought we had a good chance at that point. I totally forgot that a break wasn't your gameplan. I guess I was just thinking about BD's game plan. Don't worry I'm not pissed anymore...and I was happy that we got Corey and Dallas up there 2,3.
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