Two nights ago I went bowling with Minch and bowled a 201 in the first game of the night and then plummeted down to 118 in the next game. I guess I just spent all my talent in the 1st game. And then last night Minch and I hit up Graffiti's downtown to have a couple Capt. & Cokes and play some trivia. Yeah...I really need to catch up on past and present pop culture and not so much science. Seems like knowing pop culture will get you farther in life than a degree in something important sometimes....

See bowling is fun....
Well, not too much to report from X-mas and New Years. Didn't really do too much. I spent a lot on presents for christmas and stayed in on New Years. Would have been nice to get down to Madison, but it was also nice to spend some time with Mutti and Minch. Nothing hardcore. But I really can't believe its 2007! It'll be a good year.
I tried growing a beard....for 35 days. Yes I was counting. I think at day 27, the hairs started to recede. I looked pretty sketchy, but I think it was a good attempt. I would have a picture of it if I had a camera that worked, but you'll just have to picture me with a beard...well, lets just say I had an picture that. I'm always trying to work on my image....and right now with the more intensive training schedule now, my image is definitely changing. I'm definitely getting pretty fit again, I'm feeling strong again, and I'm losing some body fat...finally. First race of the season is only a month and a half away. I'll be starting Men's A for collegiate and I want to be fast. I started a little bit harder training regime...and I'll increase that when I get back to Madtown cuz its always easier to sprint with someone than by yourself.
I'll be hitting up the Brazen Dropouts Swap this Saturday. I'm really hoping to find a cheaper Powertap or something of the watch my improvement. I'll be volunteering at 7:30 in the AM for the swap seeing that I'm still on BD for 2007 and its kinda mandatory we help out. They do pay for our races...well actually the money they make at the swap pays for our I want them to do very well this year. I have a lot of bigger races in mind for this year...and mostly just a lot of races. So everyone should get there asses over there....

I mean come on look you can haggle...and haggling is fun...
Other than that....not much has been going on around Stevens Point, its pretty boring but I'm able to get my training in. So thats mostly the reason why I haven't been posting...I have nothing to talk about...unless you want me to talk about all my intervals and stuff like that. However, I don't want to let all my secrets out. You'll just have to see if all my "secret" training is paying off...and no I am not taking EPO or testosterone...I'm not that stupid...and I wouldn't be able to afford it anyways. I think next winter break I'm going to go someplace warm to train....
Ciao Ciao....
thanks for letting me barge into your home the other week. I appreciate that.
Lazy bum, I need your updates to survive, what's going on bro?
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