I'm becoming pretty brain fried. I've studied about 6 hours so far for 2 exams that are tomorrow. One at noon and another at 7:30pm. Its 12:30am right now and I'm going to be studying for another 3 hours. Then tomorrow morning I shall awake at 8am and continue to study all the way until noon. After that exam I'll come back to the library and study for another 5 hours before taking the last exam of this semester. Wow...I really study when I really need to. And since I've been studying almost nonstop this week I haven't been able to get out on many rides. I went for a 3 hour ride today after work...which was swell. It started raining a little bit, but I felt pretty good. I did a little bit more of a tempo ride just to make sure the legs are feeling the workouts. Damn I can't wait for the intervals...so soon!!!
Well, next week I'll put in one more solid week of base and then January comes...and the start of intervals begin. This semester is just about over...I can't wait to get out of Madison for a bit...some people are bothering me, and I just want to get out of this environment for a little bit. Relax, read, train, sleep, eat (healthy, cuz I really need to get into better shape starting now) and do it all over the next day. Thats all I'm going to do over break.
Other than that, sorry I haven't talked about the Holiday formal....All I can say is I got drunk 3 separate times, stole a glass full of a white russian from the Nitty Gritty, drew on a passed out Joe Comer's face, ate a crapload, and had an awesome time. I can't wait until next years holiday formal. But what I really can't wait for is the collegiate road season and hanging out with the team every single weekend and creating chaos.
Alright, I really need to get back to studying and thinking about cycling....I'll update everyone even more when I get home on Friday....maybe Saturday...or Sunday...you'll just have to wait and see I guess....geez the suspense! Can you handle it?
Ciao ciao.....
Final exams suck....
Right now I'm at the library and I'm probably going to be here the whole night. Its going to suck.
I don't have too much time...seeing that I need to learn about 4 weeks of bacteriology in 8 hours...HOORAY ME!!! Tomorrow night I shall tell of the adventures from the formal, how training is going and some random thoughts. But for now...here's a pic from the formal...you can come up with your own ideas on what's happening.....

Yeah, I'm drunk...I actually got drunk 3 separate times during the night. Craziness....
Ciao ciao.....
I don't have too much time...seeing that I need to learn about 4 weeks of bacteriology in 8 hours...HOORAY ME!!! Tomorrow night I shall tell of the adventures from the formal, how training is going and some random thoughts. But for now...here's a pic from the formal...you can come up with your own ideas on what's happening.....

Yeah, I'm drunk...I actually got drunk 3 separate times during the night. Craziness....
Ciao ciao.....
Interestingly enough....

This one is for all the ladies...
...I've been enjoying the trainer rides. Today I put in 3.5 hours. I got through half of Jackass the Movie, all of Matrix Reloaded and an episode of Nip/Tuck. I'm definitely getting some good base miles/hours in this winter. Tomorrow I doing another TT and then I'm going to go home and do another hour at tempo.
This weekend is suppose to be really nice...40's and sunny I believe. That's awesome for Wisconsin in December. Hooray global warming...
I still want January to come, though. I want to get done with this base stuff...and do what the big boys like to do...intervals. I'll also be starting at the gym next week too to make sure my sprint really improves.
Ok well...I have a quiz in the morning so I should probably head to bed...I may squeeze in an episode of Nip/Tuck first though. We'll see. Oh and the Holiday Formal starts in 17 hours!!!
Ciao ciao....
Wow wow wee whoa....

An artsy picture...why not. Thanks to Geo for taking the pic....
Can the weekend be here now? I'm pretty much done with this school thing...good thing I have 5 more semesters after this, eh? I'm not motivated to study or do anything. I want A's, but I don't want to work for it...I know, doesn't work that way...unless your a Gen-Ass. I'm making it through though. Only 4 more days of class for me...thank god for having Tuesdays and Thursdays off.
Last night when I should have been doing homework, I instead created a little training schedule for the next 12 weeks. I have a lot of base to go...but my legs are feeling great. Probably the best they ever have to be completely honest. So far I've put in a 15hr week, a 12 hr week and about a 10 hour week. From now until January I'm putting in about 20hrs/week. I'm on track for this week. I can't wait for January to come when I'll be starting up a few interval training rides. I want to go fast...because thats what I'm made to do. I'm definitely working on my sprint for this coming season....thats my weakest point on the bike. I can drill it, I would just never be able to win a field sprint.
I definitely know my fitness is increasing and my metabolism is getting faster as well. Today I had another research study. It was a TT. I was able to average 350 watts at an average RPM of 114. I took 4 seconds off my last TT in there. Thats pretty good. I have two more TT's in this research study...I want to cut off another 3 seconds and then I'll be real happy. After the study I went home, ate quick and then set up the trainer in the basement and spun for 2.5 hrs. Legs feel real good. Tomorrow I want to spin a little bit in the morning before work and then again after work in the evening. I hope this weekend is going to be as nice as it says...almost in the 40's. Thats perfect weather for a couple 4-5 hr rides. If not, well then I'm on the trainer watching movies for 4-5 hrs. Thank god I'm getting use to all these trainer rides...they keep going by quicker and quicker.
This Friday is the UW Cycling Holiday Formal. I love hanging out with the cycling team. Such good friends...and some of the freshmen this year are actually pretty cool.
Ok well, I need to dream some more...I really have to try and write a blog entry earlier than 2am.
Ciao ciao....
I don't know if you've noticed, but....
...Its fricken COLD outside, and walking around on duty for SAFEwalk hurts. I like the cold and winter, but I dislike the stinging sensation on the face and the toes.
This semester is almost over and I can't wait. 2 more weeks and then finals week. I want to just go home. Sleep, eat, train, eat, relax and sleep. Thats all I'm doing over break. I'm going to be putting in some intense rides to get stronger during January and I can't wait. I've been putting in about 15 hour weeks the last couple of weeks and my endurance is definitely improving. When January comes around I'll start the really hard stuff.
Well, the 8th cycling research study I'm in is going well. Just some TTs and constant workloads...and I'm feeling better after every one. So there is definitely an increase in my power too. Holding 340 watts for as long as you can at a cadence of 114 rpm is kinda hard...kinda hurts too. But still, definitely going well.
The UW Cycling Club Winter Holiday Formal is this Friday and I can't wait. I love hanging out with the team. And I never miss this formal for anything.
I really need to quit the Physics Library. I'm going to tell them on Thursday that I will not be coming back to work for them next semester. I want my Tuesdays and Thursdays off...thats why I scheduled it that way...and its not worth working there. I just want to have the time to train those days...and I should have that luxury.
Oh yeah...Aveda hasn't called me back about the gig. They did tell me I have 'very nice hair' though. Oh well, there will be others....
Well, I really don't have much more to say...I don't think I do at least. Tomorrow I'll be doing a good 4 hour ride and then I'm sitting in on some SAFEwalk interviews. After that its the last cycling meeting of the semester and then I'm playing some Wii.
If I think of something else...I'll write it tomorrow. I need sleep. I'm going to dream about racing and the like....
Ciao ciao....
This semester is almost over and I can't wait. 2 more weeks and then finals week. I want to just go home. Sleep, eat, train, eat, relax and sleep. Thats all I'm doing over break. I'm going to be putting in some intense rides to get stronger during January and I can't wait. I've been putting in about 15 hour weeks the last couple of weeks and my endurance is definitely improving. When January comes around I'll start the really hard stuff.
Well, the 8th cycling research study I'm in is going well. Just some TTs and constant workloads...and I'm feeling better after every one. So there is definitely an increase in my power too. Holding 340 watts for as long as you can at a cadence of 114 rpm is kinda hard...kinda hurts too. But still, definitely going well.
The UW Cycling Club Winter Holiday Formal is this Friday and I can't wait. I love hanging out with the team. And I never miss this formal for anything.
I really need to quit the Physics Library. I'm going to tell them on Thursday that I will not be coming back to work for them next semester. I want my Tuesdays and Thursdays off...thats why I scheduled it that way...and its not worth working there. I just want to have the time to train those days...and I should have that luxury.
Oh yeah...Aveda hasn't called me back about the gig. They did tell me I have 'very nice hair' though. Oh well, there will be others....
Well, I really don't have much more to say...I don't think I do at least. Tomorrow I'll be doing a good 4 hour ride and then I'm sitting in on some SAFEwalk interviews. After that its the last cycling meeting of the semester and then I'm playing some Wii.
If I think of something else...I'll write it tomorrow. I need sleep. I'm going to dream about racing and the like....
Ciao ciao....
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