I'm at Steep&Brew right now working on homework while working at SAFE. Well ok I'm not actually doing homework right now...you got me. I did do a little bit of it though. I only have to get one more thing done tonight. This semester IS so much better than last semester. At this time last semester I was already freaking out. Its so much nicer being able to calm down and relax.
Other than that I did do a lot of the things I said I would today. Went to the Sunroom Cafe for breakfast with Juneau. We were just going to make it a 30 minute get together, but 2 hours later we got on our ways. Good food, good conversation...what else can you ask for. Well, after that I headed over to the SERF to workout some. I got a pretty good 2 hour upper body workout. I pretty much destroyed my body and it felt good. Probably because I didn't work out for 2 days and ate a bunch of bad food during those two days. Body just does not enjoy that....and doesn't know how to handle all of that anymore. I'll go again tomorrow morning, but work on the lower body. Only 2 more months (60 days) until I have to be in pretty good shape and turn in some digital photos to the Rock of my new body. I'll probably do a before and after when it comes to that time. For now you'll just have to wait.
After all of that working out I jumped on the trainers with Dallas and we did a good 1.75 hour workout. Quality is better at this point for me. So there were some good sprints and simulated 10 minute hill climbs. My legs were pretty much fried. And it felt so good. Did some 30 second on/30 second off intervals for a couple minutes. I was hitting about 450 or so for the 30 seconds. Not my best, but I didn't lose too much strength from not really riding for 5 months. I can't wait to ride outside though....that will be a glorious day....and then the temp will probably drop 60 degrees the next day.
Overall it was a good day. Tomorrow I only have 2 classes and will probably workout when I don't have class. Then I need to work at 7pm until 3am. GAH! Atleast I'll have Saturday night off.
Ok well I should probably get back to the homework thing. Oh and I should have some pics from me on the runway up on here in the next couple off days.
Ciao ciao....
I sit here at 1 o'clock in the morning thinking about doing homework and not even coming close to doing it. I really don't have that much to even do...but I just can't get myself up to the "challenge". I really want to do well this semester, but I really have to stop all of this procrastination. I think its just because I'm not busy. I need to get myself into a set schedule or something....and probably get another job.
As for tomorrow/today I'll be getting breakfast at the Sunroom Cafe with Dallas at 9:30am. After that I'll head to the gym and get a good two hour workout in seeing that I've been letting my body recover for the past two days..and then I'm thinking about a solid three hour ride with Dallas at around 3. Then it will be work at 7pm to finish the day off. I really need a different job. I want my nights back and don't want to have to deal with my manager anymore. But most of all...having my nights back is the biggest incentive.
I have to work until 3am on Friday night and that seems thats the night things are going on. And then on Saturday when I actually have off Dallas and Mark will be heading home. So looks like I'll be around Saturday night with not much to do. Blah. We'll see what I'll end up doing.
Ciao ciao....
As for tomorrow/today I'll be getting breakfast at the Sunroom Cafe with Dallas at 9:30am. After that I'll head to the gym and get a good two hour workout in seeing that I've been letting my body recover for the past two days..and then I'm thinking about a solid three hour ride with Dallas at around 3. Then it will be work at 7pm to finish the day off. I really need a different job. I want my nights back and don't want to have to deal with my manager anymore. But most of all...having my nights back is the biggest incentive.
I have to work until 3am on Friday night and that seems thats the night things are going on. And then on Saturday when I actually have off Dallas and Mark will be heading home. So looks like I'll be around Saturday night with not much to do. Blah. We'll see what I'll end up doing.
Ciao ciao....
A Little Different....
I was bored. I decided to "pimp" my blog a little more...if thats what you want to call it....
This is what I do instead of doing homework....
Ciao ciao....
This is what I do instead of doing homework....
Ciao ciao....
Good Day For Recovery?....
I would think so. We're suppose to be getting an "arctic blast" here in Wisconsin today. The range of temperatures today will be +36 to -5 with winds reaching over 40mph at times creating wind chills down to -25 degrees and maybe even less. Great day to go outside....don't you think? Thats why I'm going to spend my whole day inside...HURRAH!

Well...it doesn't look that bad. But it is....
Blah...well, it helps my body recover. I definitely have been pushing it pretty hard at the gym and cycling and getting up for class and walking around everywhere for work. My body definitely hates me right now. So today I woke up at noon, ate a bowl of oatmeal and then went right back to bed and woke up about 3:30pm. You're probably mystified how I could do this on a Tuesday...well I don't have school on Tuesdays (or Thursdays). Three days of school a week is so much more manageable. I'm definitely not as stressed, at least for now, as I was last semester. But pretty much I'm fatigued...so today I do nothing....
But I think I have other things on my mind. Not quite feeling like myself the past couple of days. I really don't know why I'm feeling so down right now. I'll hopefully feel better soon....
Ciao ciao....

Well...it doesn't look that bad. But it is....
Blah...well, it helps my body recover. I definitely have been pushing it pretty hard at the gym and cycling and getting up for class and walking around everywhere for work. My body definitely hates me right now. So today I woke up at noon, ate a bowl of oatmeal and then went right back to bed and woke up about 3:30pm. You're probably mystified how I could do this on a Tuesday...well I don't have school on Tuesdays (or Thursdays). Three days of school a week is so much more manageable. I'm definitely not as stressed, at least for now, as I was last semester. But pretty much I'm fatigued...so today I do nothing....
But I think I have other things on my mind. Not quite feeling like myself the past couple of days. I really don't know why I'm feeling so down right now. I'll hopefully feel better soon....
Ciao ciao....
Riddle me this....
I can wake up at 8am on a Saturday morning after getting only about 4 hours of sleep and operate just fine....but I can't wake up on a school day for an 11am class (and then be 15 minutes late) after getting the recommended 8 hours most people should get....
What the hell!?!
Well today I'm starting the day off with a couple of chores. Then its a 3 hour trainer ride. After that I'm going ice skating and grabbing some hot cocao with Emily (from IMTA). Lastly, I work tonight from 7pm until 3 in the morning.
Tomorrow is boring....I'm working on my online MHR 300 class to get far enough ahead to not have to worry about anything for awhile...
Ciao ciao....
What the hell!?!
Well today I'm starting the day off with a couple of chores. Then its a 3 hour trainer ride. After that I'm going ice skating and grabbing some hot cocao with Emily (from IMTA). Lastly, I work tonight from 7pm until 3 in the morning.
Tomorrow is boring....I'm working on my online MHR 300 class to get far enough ahead to not have to worry about anything for awhile...
Ciao ciao....
No Motivation....
....For school that is. Yeah I woke up at 11am today for my 11am class. That always feels good. I thought I missed a quiz, but they moved it to Monday thank god. I just really don't want to do this semester....after 5 years of college I just want to be done. Yes LA or NY is definitely on my mind, but its more than that....
But hey...I did actually get on the trainer yesterday. Today probably won't happen though, because of too much work to do. But yesterday I felt amazing on the trainer. Yeah I only went for 2 hours, but threw in some longer intervals and it went well. Hopefully my power is coming back quickly.
I really don't have too much else to report. I work tonight and Saturday night so all of my weekend nights are blown. But I don't drink too much anymore anyways. God I can't wait for this semester to be over....only 14 more weeks!?!
Ciao ciao....
But hey...I did actually get on the trainer yesterday. Today probably won't happen though, because of too much work to do. But yesterday I felt amazing on the trainer. Yeah I only went for 2 hours, but threw in some longer intervals and it went well. Hopefully my power is coming back quickly.
I really don't have too much else to report. I work tonight and Saturday night so all of my weekend nights are blown. But I don't drink too much anymore anyways. God I can't wait for this semester to be over....only 14 more weeks!?!
Ciao ciao....
LA or NY?....
That is the question. I guess NY is more the high fashion/runway stuff, while LA is the acting. I definitely have choices now. We'll know more in March or April when I get more pictures for my book. For the next two months I need to become a little bit more buff and defined. Not bigger though...just buffer. Oh and I have to get rid of the tanlines....
Icon in NY wants me...Asia thinks I have potential....and others have all said similar things. Icon was a new one for me. I guess they just didn't put me on their callbacks because they already liked me and had me down as a yes. And another agency did that too...so I guess I had about 19 or 20 modeling callbacks. Thats pretty good. Means I would have almost been the Most Sought After Male Model. Not trying to get a huge ego here or anything. No matter what it looks like I'm going to be in NY or LA this summer. Craziness....both places I would have never seen myself in. You gotta do what you gotta do....
As for school...I had my hopes up and then they came crashing down. At one point I was able to graduate this semester, the next I couldn't. I've talked to a few profs and they've all said the same thing...."even if you can't finish up this semester, still go out there and follow your dream....you can always come back and finish later." That is completely true...but it would be nice to be done and not have to come back.
Ahhh so much is changing in my life. My director pretty much said you're going to be in LA this summer! I must thank her, because she's been taking care of everything and making sure I make it big. Hopefully everything does go to plan....
Well Gehling is here...I'm going to ride a bike for the next two hours before its off to the gym for me. Yes I do actually still ride my bike. Keeps me in shape and I do hope to do a couple races this spring in the A class...and P/1/2....
Ciao ciao....
Icon in NY wants me...Asia thinks I have potential....and others have all said similar things. Icon was a new one for me. I guess they just didn't put me on their callbacks because they already liked me and had me down as a yes. And another agency did that too...so I guess I had about 19 or 20 modeling callbacks. Thats pretty good. Means I would have almost been the Most Sought After Male Model. Not trying to get a huge ego here or anything. No matter what it looks like I'm going to be in NY or LA this summer. Craziness....both places I would have never seen myself in. You gotta do what you gotta do....
As for school...I had my hopes up and then they came crashing down. At one point I was able to graduate this semester, the next I couldn't. I've talked to a few profs and they've all said the same thing...."even if you can't finish up this semester, still go out there and follow your dream....you can always come back and finish later." That is completely true...but it would be nice to be done and not have to come back.
Ahhh so much is changing in my life. My director pretty much said you're going to be in LA this summer! I must thank her, because she's been taking care of everything and making sure I make it big. Hopefully everything does go to plan....
Well Gehling is here...I'm going to ride a bike for the next two hours before its off to the gym for me. Yes I do actually still ride my bike. Keeps me in shape and I do hope to do a couple races this spring in the A class...and P/1/2....
Ciao ciao....
Living situation....
Its far in the future and who knows what will happen, but I may be living in Toluca Lake/Burbank when I move out to LA. There's a great deal going on right now and hopefully I'm able to set a deal with the apt building. We'll see....
Ciao ciao....
Ciao ciao....
I actually rode a bike....
Yes it is true...I actually rode my bike this morning. Just for an hour and a half, but I incorporated some intervals to give that intensity. Yes my power is down...but not that much. My endurance is down more. If I can start getting on the bike and atleast ride I'll be able to get up to a racing form. I really want to ride outside though....
Ciao ciao....
Ciao ciao....
Wow...is it cold outside....
So its 0 degrees outside right now and feels like -11 with the wind chill. I am really starting to hate this Wisconsin weather. After being out in Cali I don't think my body likes this Wisco weather anymore....
I at least got out today. I wasn't able to spend time with Chelsee and Emily because things just weren't working in our favor. That was disappointing. So instead I got out to the gym and then went to the book store to buy my textbooks for this semester. Thing is...I don't have any books to buy!?! Thats pretty sweet if you ask me. That saves me about 200$ right there.
It may sound crazy, but I don't want to spend the night in the house so I think I'm going to head out to a coffee shop and do a little work...get things situated for this semester and just relax there with a nice hot green tea. Riding there is going to suck, but it'll be worth it in the end....
Tomorrow I'm going to try and get on the trainer and do some intervals. I know I'm pursuing this modeling and acting thing, but I don't want my cycling endurance to go down...especially if I plan on doing a couple races this collegiate season. Gotta be ready for something at least.

It would be nice to at least be in this shape again. I think my body will improve exponentially when I get back on the bike...I just need to get back on the bike. And well I need to be in good enough shape for Spring Break too. So theres a little more motivation for ya....
Ciao ciao....
I at least got out today. I wasn't able to spend time with Chelsee and Emily because things just weren't working in our favor. That was disappointing. So instead I got out to the gym and then went to the book store to buy my textbooks for this semester. Thing is...I don't have any books to buy!?! Thats pretty sweet if you ask me. That saves me about 200$ right there.
It may sound crazy, but I don't want to spend the night in the house so I think I'm going to head out to a coffee shop and do a little work...get things situated for this semester and just relax there with a nice hot green tea. Riding there is going to suck, but it'll be worth it in the end....
Tomorrow I'm going to try and get on the trainer and do some intervals. I know I'm pursuing this modeling and acting thing, but I don't want my cycling endurance to go down...especially if I plan on doing a couple races this collegiate season. Gotta be ready for something at least.

It would be nice to at least be in this shape again. I think my body will improve exponentially when I get back on the bike...I just need to get back on the bike. And well I need to be in good enough shape for Spring Break too. So theres a little more motivation for ya....
Ciao ciao....
Time to get back to work....
Well, I head back to Madison tomorrow morning. I have a meeting with one of my profs on Sunday, a meeting at the Rock on Monday and start up school on Tuesday...but I don't have class on Tuesdays so I actually start on Wednesday. Thats nice...
Well I was thinking about changing my major to a BS in Natural Sciences. I would only have one class this semester and that would be amazingly easy. However, just today I get an email from the UW foundation. I won a scholarship!?! Its a brand new scholarship just set up last month and I'm the first recipient of it. Where did this all come from? So now I'm going to go have lunch with the people that set it up and the person that told me I won the scholarship. Sooo....that pretty much throws off my plans of changing majors. I can't just accept it and then change. So now hopefully I can get all of my classes to graduate. Sweet jesus...something or someone must still want me to major in Dietetics. I mean I'm very honored and grateful for receiving this award. But now??? I guess I really am suppose to major in Dietetics....
Well Sunday I get to spend the day with Chelsee and Emily. That'll be fun and I can't wait to see them. Still trying to figure out what we'll all do...but I'm definitely thinking some hot chocolate since its suppose to be about 4 degrees and then we may go see Cloverfield. I want to see it just because it seems interesting.
This will be a hard semester. 5 classes, 2 maybe 3 jobs, working out, possibly fit cycling into the picture, set up spring break for the cycling team. Hopefully its all worth it....
Ciao ciao....
Well I was thinking about changing my major to a BS in Natural Sciences. I would only have one class this semester and that would be amazingly easy. However, just today I get an email from the UW foundation. I won a scholarship!?! Its a brand new scholarship just set up last month and I'm the first recipient of it. Where did this all come from? So now I'm going to go have lunch with the people that set it up and the person that told me I won the scholarship. Sooo....that pretty much throws off my plans of changing majors. I can't just accept it and then change. So now hopefully I can get all of my classes to graduate. Sweet jesus...something or someone must still want me to major in Dietetics. I mean I'm very honored and grateful for receiving this award. But now??? I guess I really am suppose to major in Dietetics....
Well Sunday I get to spend the day with Chelsee and Emily. That'll be fun and I can't wait to see them. Still trying to figure out what we'll all do...but I'm definitely thinking some hot chocolate since its suppose to be about 4 degrees and then we may go see Cloverfield. I want to see it just because it seems interesting.
This will be a hard semester. 5 classes, 2 maybe 3 jobs, working out, possibly fit cycling into the picture, set up spring break for the cycling team. Hopefully its all worth it....
Ciao ciao....
Alright so now I know a little more....
I have some options, which is always a good thing. I guess both NY and LA want to work with me this summer. I think I would rather go to LA. My director has told everyone I'm available in May. May cannot be here soon enough. I'll need to get a little more tone in the upper body for the modeling agencies and I'll know more about modeling in Europe and Asia soon.
So things are falling in place and I'm totally excited. Looks like I'll room with Aman in LA, which will be a blast, and then hopefully Nick and Jason as well. I have a meeting with a Professor this weekend about trying to graduate this May so I won't have to to worry about taking a semester off and then coming back. I'll need to get another job so I have enough money to move out to LA. And I'll have to start working out hardcore again. Though the cycling thing may have to take a back seat at least until this summer. I also have a meeting with my director this Monday to really get the details laid out on the table.
I'm so excited right now...this is such a new path in my life and I hope it takes me far!
Ciao ciao....
I have some options, which is always a good thing. I guess both NY and LA want to work with me this summer. I think I would rather go to LA. My director has told everyone I'm available in May. May cannot be here soon enough. I'll need to get a little more tone in the upper body for the modeling agencies and I'll know more about modeling in Europe and Asia soon.
So things are falling in place and I'm totally excited. Looks like I'll room with Aman in LA, which will be a blast, and then hopefully Nick and Jason as well. I have a meeting with a Professor this weekend about trying to graduate this May so I won't have to to worry about taking a semester off and then coming back. I'll need to get another job so I have enough money to move out to LA. And I'll have to start working out hardcore again. Though the cycling thing may have to take a back seat at least until this summer. I also have a meeting with my director this Monday to really get the details laid out on the table.
I'm so excited right now...this is such a new path in my life and I hope it takes me far!
Ciao ciao....
What now?....
Ok so....things to think about now. What to do....what to do....
I don't know what my directors will get me yet. I'll know soon. But.....
What should I do. These are the ideas I have right now:
1) Stay at UW-Madison. Try and get a 2nd job, while trying to get the Dietetics dept. to let me graduate this May
2) Enroll at UWSP and finish up there while working
3) Just work and take the semester off
I'll need money to move to LA. Just need to get it somehow. Oh and what about cycling? Its kept me in shape for the past 6 years so I can't just give it up. We'll just have to see what happens there....but I definitely want to keep cycling in my life.
Ahh...I wish I would have been done with school by now....
Ciao ciao....
I don't know what my directors will get me yet. I'll know soon. But.....
What should I do. These are the ideas I have right now:
1) Stay at UW-Madison. Try and get a 2nd job, while trying to get the Dietetics dept. to let me graduate this May
2) Enroll at UWSP and finish up there while working
3) Just work and take the semester off
I'll need money to move to LA. Just need to get it somehow. Oh and what about cycling? Its kept me in shape for the past 6 years so I can't just give it up. We'll just have to see what happens there....but I definitely want to keep cycling in my life.
Ahh...I wish I would have been done with school by now....
Ciao ciao....
Awards Time....
Alright, so the awards on Friday and Saturday went pretty well. On Friday I received 8 awards out of about 14 competitions. I got:
Top 10 in Fashion Print
Top 10 in Fashion Runway
Top 10 in Swimwear
2nd in Jeans
Top 10 in Monologue
Top 10 in Cold Read
Top 10 in Sitcom
Top 10 in Theatrical Headshots
On Saturday during the big awards I received....
5th place in Team Fashion
8th place Model of the Year (Honorable Mention)
Considering there were 39 contestants in modeling and 45 in Talent and I had two very hard divisions I believe I did very very well. If I would have put myself in the Modeling Overview I would have gotten 2nd in Most Sought After Male Model with 16 modeling callbacks. The winner had 21 callbacks. Oh well, its not the awards that matter...its the callbacks. And I got a total of 25 of those.
I’m pretty happy with how everything went. I’m very surprised about my Top 10 in Swimwear. I was not expecting that at all. I wish I didn’t have to leave. I had such a good time with everyone there. I got to experience things I never thought I would. And now I may be traveling to Tokyo, Italy and other places to model and hopefully will be moving to LA to start acting.
I guess my “androgynous euro look” really helped me out....
All I can say is this was unbelievable. Being in a Michael Maddox Runway Production, winning 11 awards, getting 25 callbacks and pretty much getting 2nd for Most Sought After Male Model...I would say that coming out here was well worth it.
Now I just wait and see what my director can really get me. I’ll let you know....I’ll pretty much know this week!!! But they may try and not send us somewhere too soon.
But everyone at the Rock was amazing and did awesome. My directors rule alot too and I would have never gone if they didn't see something in me.
Ciao ciao....
Top 10 in Fashion Print
Top 10 in Fashion Runway
Top 10 in Swimwear
2nd in Jeans
Top 10 in Monologue
Top 10 in Cold Read
Top 10 in Sitcom
Top 10 in Theatrical Headshots
On Saturday during the big awards I received....
5th place in Team Fashion
8th place Model of the Year (Honorable Mention)
Considering there were 39 contestants in modeling and 45 in Talent and I had two very hard divisions I believe I did very very well. If I would have put myself in the Modeling Overview I would have gotten 2nd in Most Sought After Male Model with 16 modeling callbacks. The winner had 21 callbacks. Oh well, its not the awards that matter...its the callbacks. And I got a total of 25 of those.
I’m pretty happy with how everything went. I’m very surprised about my Top 10 in Swimwear. I was not expecting that at all. I wish I didn’t have to leave. I had such a good time with everyone there. I got to experience things I never thought I would. And now I may be traveling to Tokyo, Italy and other places to model and hopefully will be moving to LA to start acting.
I guess my “androgynous euro look” really helped me out....
All I can say is this was unbelievable. Being in a Michael Maddox Runway Production, winning 11 awards, getting 25 callbacks and pretty much getting 2nd for Most Sought After Male Model...I would say that coming out here was well worth it.
Now I just wait and see what my director can really get me. I’ll let you know....I’ll pretty much know this week!!! But they may try and not send us somewhere too soon.
But everyone at the Rock was amazing and did awesome. My directors rule alot too and I would have never gone if they didn't see something in me.
Ciao ciao....
My Future....
Ok so the Runway FashionShow put on by Michael Maddox was amazing and it was such a rush. So many guys are here and only 20 were picked for this fashion show. It was such an honor to be apart of that.
All of my competitions went wonderfully and I got 25 callbacks. 17 modeling and 8 talent callbacks. Its actually very hard to get talent callbacks. 1 talent callback is equivalent to about 5 modeling callbacks.
A couple of the callbacks I got were:
- Aspire Management
- Bob Luke Studios
- Rage Models and Talent
- L.A. Models
- Cinq Duex UnCo (Tokyo)
- Cosmopolitan/Team Inc
- Elite Models Management
- Look Model Agency
- Public Model Club (Singapore/Asia/Tokyo)
Well I need to go eat. Awards are tonight with the big awards tomorrow night. I'll be giving another update soon.....
Looks like I may be moving to LA soon and possibly modeling in Tokyo. Things just got interesting....
Ciao ciao....
All of my competitions went wonderfully and I got 25 callbacks. 17 modeling and 8 talent callbacks. Its actually very hard to get talent callbacks. 1 talent callback is equivalent to about 5 modeling callbacks.
A couple of the callbacks I got were:
- Aspire Management
- Bob Luke Studios
- Rage Models and Talent
- L.A. Models
- Cinq Duex UnCo (Tokyo)
- Cosmopolitan/Team Inc
- Elite Models Management
- Look Model Agency
- Public Model Club (Singapore/Asia/Tokyo)
Well I need to go eat. Awards are tonight with the big awards tomorrow night. I'll be giving another update soon.....
Looks like I may be moving to LA soon and possibly modeling in Tokyo. Things just got interesting....
Ciao ciao....
Quick Update....
So I just wanted to let all you know that LA is treating me amazingly well. I know I have a bunch of callbacks already. I've been picked by Michael Maddox to be in a fashion show of his. So thats tonight. All of my competitions have gone very well and I've been called european many times. Maddox has given me the nickname "Cool Breeze" and well thats about all I can say for right now....
I have to go now and get my makeup and hair professionally done for this fashion show....
Ciao ciao....
I have to go now and get my makeup and hair professionally done for this fashion show....
Ciao ciao....
That's what this week is all about! There are so many people here at IMTA...its ridiculous. This is my 2nd night here so far and I'm loving every moment of it. I've met a lot of new people, went to some seminars, and the best part...I'm being seen! I can't wait to see what happens!
Theres 39 guys in my modeling division and 45 in my talent divison. There are definitely some pretty good looking people here. But its not all about looks...personality is huge here. And I think I definitely have that!
Other than that...I've just been people watching, working out, networking and drinking tons of coffee to stay awake with all of these early days and late nights....
So for now here's some pics....

First off...this is where I'm staying...The Westin Bonaventure! Yes it is expensive!

The inside....

The stage being built...I'll walking the runway on that!

I just think this is a pretty sweet pic....

Just some of the gang from the Rock!

Getting interviewed....

Sitting down drinking some coffee and people watching...I think thats my 8th or 9th coffee. I've only been here for 2 days.

Orientation....see, this thing is huge!

Yeah...thats right...I'm a RockStar!

I'm actually in the program book!
Ok thats enough pictures for right now. I don't want to exhaust your eyes. There will be plenty more this week! Tomorrow I'll be competing in Team Fashion, Cold Read, Jeans, Monologue, and a couple other things. Busy busy busy....
Oh and I'm already star struck...at breakfast this morning I was sitting two tables away from Ron Jeremy. You know who that is...if you don't then go to this link. Yeah...craziness. I'll try and get a picture with him later...
I really still can't believe I'm here....Who would have ever thought!?!
Ciao ciao....
Theres 39 guys in my modeling division and 45 in my talent divison. There are definitely some pretty good looking people here. But its not all about looks...personality is huge here. And I think I definitely have that!
Other than that...I've just been people watching, working out, networking and drinking tons of coffee to stay awake with all of these early days and late nights....
So for now here's some pics....
First off...this is where I'm staying...The Westin Bonaventure! Yes it is expensive!
The inside....
The stage being built...I'll walking the runway on that!
I just think this is a pretty sweet pic....
Just some of the gang from the Rock!
Getting interviewed....
Sitting down drinking some coffee and people watching...I think thats my 8th or 9th coffee. I've only been here for 2 days.
Orientation....see, this thing is huge!
Yeah...thats right...I'm a RockStar!
I'm actually in the program book!
Ok thats enough pictures for right now. I don't want to exhaust your eyes. There will be plenty more this week! Tomorrow I'll be competing in Team Fashion, Cold Read, Jeans, Monologue, and a couple other things. Busy busy busy....
Oh and I'm already star struck...at breakfast this morning I was sitting two tables away from Ron Jeremy. You know who that is...if you don't then go to this link. Yeah...craziness. I'll try and get a picture with him later...
I really still can't believe I'm here....Who would have ever thought!?!
Ciao ciao....
It's about time....
Yup...I've been relaxing my ass off at home for the past couple of weeks. I've been getting ready for IMTA, which I'm leaving for tomorrow!!! I pretty much haven't updated because nothing has really happened for awhile. I hope I have a lot of good news to talk about whe I get back from IMTA. Model of the year? Actor of the year? We'll see....

So I'll be stayig at the 4 star Westin Bonaventure in downtown LA. 7 days of intense competition, networking, interviewing, and fun.
I'll see if I'll have time during my stay to update this thing...maybe some pics of hott girls everywhere! We'll see where this all takes me...I'll know in one week....
Ciao ciao....

So I'll be stayig at the 4 star Westin Bonaventure in downtown LA. 7 days of intense competition, networking, interviewing, and fun.
I'll see if I'll have time during my stay to update this thing...maybe some pics of hott girls everywhere! We'll see where this all takes me...I'll know in one week....
Ciao ciao....
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